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Posts posted by swegmaster

  1. Okay, I fixed some missing textures and started on architecture today. Basic additions to make things look less bland, but still keeping with the theme of the level. Before and after shots of the security rooms below.









    i'm liking what i'm seeing :D

  2. hold on, i just realized, "force jump" isn't even force jump, or at least thats what the game thinks, because i looked in the freakin datapad moves menu, looked in acrobatics, then clicked on force jump, and it showed something different, apparently the force jump where you move forward, let go of "w", then hold space is the real force jump, where moving then holding space is force flip :o

  3. Well we can't just release soundpacks like that. Thats why we have a soundpack thread

    Also I'm not particularly comfortable releasing it only under your name, I did a lot of work on it aswell. I understand credits but its the title of author being individualized I think the best way for this to release is with Ashura's clone in an update with both our names credited and in the thread.

    do not worry, i credited you and ashura, its okay to upload due to the modified npc and sounds.cfg in it, i pm'd ashura and he said i could feel free to release it seperately, as he didn't know when he would get back to the clone model, and i pm'd eezstreet as well, making sure it was okay to upload, and he said it should be fine

  4. wait wtf, i just remembered, the roq cutscenes, the ones for the other levels haven't been done, ex with the robotics, you know how before starting the gromas mines level, a roq cutscene would shot the moldy crow flying to the gromas mines, well the robotics level had a cutscene similar in the original game that also started before the level, but the cutscene recreation was never done, or at least maybe not released

  5. Aliases: Jeff

    Area of skills: Modeling/Kitbashing

    Brief list of accomplishments: Model Packs and more: https://jkhub.org/topic/5134-jeffs-never-ending-wips/?do=findComment&comment=75741

    Examples of contributions: Creating a Dark Forces Jan model and finishing HapSlash's General Moch model, porting Phase II and III dark trooper models from seperate games for use with the df mod revival, and more

    Comments: A great guy who showed the community how awesome modeling and kitbashing could be, Jeff was a kind man in our community. He has made a lot of models in his time here on jkhub, and they range from Darth Plagueis to Grand Moff Tarkin, from Juno Eclipse of TFU to Splinter of the Mind's Eye Luke, and from Sabine Wren of Rebels to Shae Vizsla of TOR. Simply one of the greatest kitbashers of all of JA.


    May his accomplishments and contributions never be forgotten.

  6. Is it legal to enter a store and walk out with a 60" screen without paying?

    no, but i have seen this, should answer the legality question:




    Any and all Star Wars creations, regardless of their source or creator, 

    are copyrighted and trademarked by Lucasfilm LTD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED and 

    can be used by anyone according to the copyright and trademark enforcement 

    policies of Lucasfilm LTD. 


    Any and all game mods and mod elements relating to Star Wars regardless of 

    their source are the property of Lucasfilm LTD and can be used freely without 

    permission in accordance with Lucasfilm copyright guidelines as outlined in 

    the game's and/or mod tools EULA. 


    Modders hold no copyright or trademark claims over Lucasfilm LTD properties. 

    Permission is not required to use or create derivative works in accordance 

    with Lucasfilm LTD copyright guidelines. 


    No entity can prohibit or allow the use or distribution of Lucasfilm LTD 

    properties but Lucasfilm LTD.


    Any claim of ownership or rights must be resolved by the complaintant with 

    Lucasfilm LTD and no other entity. 


    Claiming rights over Lucasfilm LTD property not extended by Lucasfilm LTD 

    is a violation of copyright law.


    All game-ready objects on this site are provided according to usage guidelines 

    outlined in the respective Jedi Knight/Academy/Outcast, Star Wars Battlefront I/II,

    and Empire at War Game End User and Mod Tool License Agreements


    Any derivative works become property of Lucasfilm LTD ALL RIGHTS RESERVED upon 

    distribution or release.


    Where assets have not been prepared for the above games the Lucasfilm LTD 

    copyright guidelines have been followed for original derivative works.


    For easy to understand information about copyrights, see:







    For privacy protection purposes the name and address of the element's 

    creators can be obtained by Lucasfilm LTD by contacting 







    dark_apprentice likes this
  7. I'm not 100% sure how much is it legal to port a model from another Lucasarts game, but if it is, would it be possible to port the Snowtrooper model from TFU to JA?

    I think it's the most detailed version available (aside of DICE's Battlefront one, which I think would be above the transform space limit).

    Thanks in advice, dudes!

    well @@Seven did it with the tfu qui-gon jinn and tfu old ben kenobi models, so yes

  8. Figured it out....The original mode had the head in 2 parts...the part head was called "head_face" and the "neck" part was called "head" so when I re-assign the new parts, I was assigning them to the neck part instead of the actual head...but since the new heads contains different "skin colors, I couldn't leave the "neck" so I used a "dirty" workaround by using one of those "floating" triangles around the head area as the hook for the hood and the helmet. 


    Also had to modify the .skin files to turn on/off the hood and helmet from the torso files. Everything is working great now! Have all the Luke ROTJ uniforms with the heads form "CJPJourneyman".



    I also did the same with Dark_Apprentice's Luke pack. That one was easier but have a problem with the "hood down" part. I think I will be able to fix it with what I've learned. My only issue with that one is the lower-neck part with the Yavin version....have an empty gap between the neck and the shirt. I'll see what I can do with that one.

    could you also maybe fix the floating left arm datapad on the raxus starkiller model from the galen marek outfit pack?

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