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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. It's a shame since all this work for dotXSI 3.x support wouldn't even be needed for max users or even other Autodesk products if Assimilate/Carcass could compile a newer dotXSI 6 file (Crosswalk).
  2. Also since widescreen is so normal these days /r_mode -1 while using /devmap or /map will cause the game to crash for some reason.
  3. It would be awesome if some of those tools could be talked into being released. AnimatED sounds very interesting, as does ShaderTree
  4. #4 was my original vote so I'm sticking with it since the other 2 images main features will be blocked by the site anyway since they're centrally located.
  5. SBD=Super Battle Droid Anything is possible with the source code being out, just need the know how to make it happen.
  6. Bumpin this up, people who've seen the movie will know my desperation for this. =p Can a moderator maybe move this to the coding and scripts section?
  7. I dunno about minizip, I've been using pakscape.
  8. Yeah but .rar compresses the file so much more.
  9. Just add more loops both vertically and horizontally and yes, you can use GATOR to transfer the map but the topology doesn't have to match, it will do the best it can and it normally turns out pretty good.
  10. You're gonna need to add a few edge loops to the skirt thingie so that it'll deform well.
  11. Of course, it's a simple image file, he's already planning on changing it I believe.
  12. A reskin of that gollum model will still never look anything like a Zephonium vampire. You'd also have to make custom animations so that it will crawl on the ground on all fours.
  13. I've tried to do muscular models before and they just look bad, lots of clipping and for them to deform smoothly you'd have to have a lot of vertex's to do it. The muscles also wont move very realistically. If the model is used in SP he should be scaled up slightly in the NPC file since like Desann he is large. I just got the shaders back from Psyk0, gonna maybe be a day before I look at it though since I had to stay at work late tonight and I'm hooked on Super Metroid atm.
  14. I personally as well am a fan of a close replica, 2 of my favorite examples of all time were the remakes for MGS1 and RE1 for the gamecube back in the day. Very nostalgic feel while having the updated graphics and gameplay, that's what I'd like to see happen with this mod, I think it will hit a larger audience if so.
  15. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=161914&page=2 Found it, model/textures by Cuillere and lightninja did the animations/compiling.
  16. Got a idea pitch, how about calling the new highest difficulty setting "One with the Force"? I'm wondering about the prisoners having bowcasters since it was an imperial installation and E-11's seem like a logical thing to have laying around for the prisoners to use since imperial troops never used bowcasters.
  17. So wait, enemies will only drop explosives?
  18. Psyk0 is taking care of the maps for the shader which is more than enough and I trust his judgment on what will look good, I don't like it when I see models that went way overboard with a high spec shine and env maps. I'm keeping the proportions it has now since like already said will work the best with the JA animations.
  19. ^The best modelers know how to NOT go bat shit crazy with detail in a game engine that can't handle it. Skilled modelers know how to work efficiently and create models that look more detailed than they are. A lot of modelers here are capable of making high detailed models but there is no point in putting them in this game engine that wouldn't be able to run them.
  20. IMO these days it should just be made in widescreen and ditch 4:3 altogether, who the F is still using a square monitor these days anyway? That's like saying cassette tapes are still relevant.
  21. Blender sucks, I don't wanna install something like that just to convert a file, I could already do that with MS3D
  22. ^In case you haven't played DF2 Kyle doesn't have as much facial hair in that game to warrant modeling it on like in JK2/JA.
  23. @@Xycaleth shouldn't bother with this, it's not a big deal. Besides, we need FBX-->MAP first.
  24. Yeah, it prompts you when you set an envelope but since I just duplicated the unsegmented model and used a poly reduction tool on it the weights got kinda normalized causing the more than 4 bone influence. For the rest of the LOD's I probably wont use the highrez weight map for that reason since painting a new one would be quick on a model with only 1000 or so verts for the next LOD and lower. My weighing workflow is different than most, I weigh a version of the model that is 1 mesh then make a segmented duplicate to carry the weights over to so that I avoid tears at the seams in the mesh and it's faster to weight paint 1 mesh as well.
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