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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. It more than likely lies in the GLM format itself since it's something that happens no matter how you get a model to GLM.
  2. ^Just to make sure but you know that the .XSI->carcass->.GLM method breaks edges along UV boundaries as well, it may just be something that has to be dealt with.
  3. This should really help some other software users, maybe even attracting people who use Maya.
  4. It's not smart to have control objects in bone hierarchy, you mess things up that way since hierarchy trumps any constrained control. Best to keep bone hierarchy completely untouched, all control objects should only control bones using constraints completely outside of the model_root hierarchy.
  5. Well are the hidden objects part of the hierarchy under model_root? In Softimage it would export anything under model_root regardless which is why say for animation rigs nothing is stored under model root, it's all done with constraints.
  6. Good stuff, welcome.
  7. Yeah, it's the only thing keeping the mod from making progress is lack of mappers. You should really make some new textures though, the DF2 ones aren't looking very good in this engine.
  8. You sure? Coulda swore it disappeared around the same time the porting thing at filefront was going on.
  9. ^I think you're thinking of pcgamemods.com Which is why that site doesn't exist anymore, should have mentioned that place sooner since it's a prime example of a site being removed from the internet due to copyright infringement.
  10. Well not sure how I can help since the way that Softimage does it is a bit different, I've never seen branch selection options in 3ds max but it's been a long time since I've used it. In Softimage when you export a dotXSI file for JA you want to branch select model_root, now if you notice old 3ds max tutorials show that being named as B:model_root, the "B:" standing for "branch select" in SI code. The main benefit to having an export selected function is only exporting what you want and not other parts of the scene, like say if you watch my character animation tutorial video for instance. Both the rig and the JA skeleton with mesh are under the same node but since I only branch select model_root everything else is ignored. For this sort of thing you might also want a plot animations feature, it's nice not having to keyframe all the bones before export.
  11. Yeah because I just checked to be certain and there is no triangulate option in the FBX exporter for Softimage. It's not a super huge deal but would be nice to have your program automatically triangulate models. I'm mostly wanting this for weapons since Softimage has no trouble going the old fashioned route of character compiling like other 3d packages. You should do a FBX -> MAP next, that would be awesome.
  12. Do we need to triangulate our models before export manually or does the converter do it? I would like to test this out since Kain has already been put in game so I have a good test model to use.
  13. That would make for a really good rotoscope pic.
  14. Thanks, I'll also of course contribute it to the gold pack mod. Right now though the IK for the legs has been boggling my mind because I'm making the joints move as they should on that first segmentnt off the body but if I figured out how to make the AT-RT's pistons move automatically I should he able to figure this one out.
  15. I really need to get zBrush, not really liking Mudbox despite it's simpler interface, pixols offer so much more flexibility over polygons.
  16. Sorry but the only project I have any real interest in doing things for is the DF1 and 2 mods since they fit the engine so well and have a high possibility of success since game mechanics don't need to be altered too much. Not magic, just years and practice and learning the software well, I'm still a nub.
  17. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Survival_Mod_2_Revenge_Of_The_Droids;30646 This mod is fun and challenging. Don't know how you guys go about getting files hosted by people who aren't around anymore but this mod should be on jkhub.
  18. I just hate the ones who port and say that it's their work, like the guy who submitted the CW darth maul and savage oppress.
  19. What about smoothing groups? It could be breaking the edges along the smoothing group boundaries. Hard to say for sure though since you don't get a .glm file.
  20. You guys are nubs, using things like m_yaw to increase damage, why not just increase saber damage in general and be done with it? The term "poking" is just a loophole in increasing damage without tampering with game code but it's really no better.
  21. I modeled mine directly over the blueprints you can find online using them as a rotoscope so it should be pretty accurate. The differences from the base model are pretty clear when they're side by side like that. Currently sits at 6380 triangles, not bad considering the detail and how large the model is in relation to a player model, most base model characters are around 3k triangles.
  22. Ooops, totally missed that somehow.
  23. Dunno if there is already a thread like this but anyone can feel free to add in here. Maybe even get this thread pinned so it stays at the top so that it doesn't get posted twice? https://jkhub.org/files/file/309-mos-eisley-trap/ Found this one lead to dropbox with a 404 file not found.
  24. I started on this a while back because ever since I could remember I didn't like the way the AT-ST in both JK2 and JA looked. The proportions and shape seemed very off and for a model of it's size it had a mere fraction of the geometric detail a player model has. To me it was like taking a low resolution picture and displaying it on a big screen. atst.obj (click to view in 3D) I imported the base AT-ST to get the size close to the base version, which is actually smaller than it should be but for it to work in say SP in areas where if I scaled it to it's true size it would get stuck, like the Cairn maps for instance. So far it's modeled and UV mapped, needs textures, skeleton, rig and animations. I could use the base skeleton but I'd rather not since the walk animation kinda bugs me, the stride isn't right. If anyone would want to help out with the textures inquire within, I'm not that good at it.
  25. OK, got a decent "rough draft" going, no LOD's yet but base model is in game with the minimum things needed. Might want a couple of people to go over the model with a fine tooth comb at some point but only people who can offer some valid technical feedback, mostly on weights and any odd bugs, person should be testing with a clean base folder.
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