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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Never got too into the shows since they were kinda beating a dead horse at one point but the movie was really good mostly because Kurt Russell is a bad ass.
  2. Most people use Notepad but ShaderED is meant to be a UI interface that's easier to understand although it doesn't come with a manual so most people don't know how to use it.
  3. I think it would be a safe bet to say this should probably go in the WIP section. About the radar maybe someone hanging around the coding section can answer that.
  4. Mod Tool would be the main one I think it should definitely be compatible with since it's free and can do everything you need and more for game modding. The best option would be a .xsiaddon so that it could be packaged up and installed with ease. http://softimage.wiki.softimage.com/sdkdocs/cus_addons_WalkthroughBuildinganAddon.htm https://codingforxsi.wordpress.com/tag/xsiaddon/ http://darkvertex.com/wp/2012/05/30/parse-xsiaddons-in-python/ Seems that it could be written in Python but it seems that just like what @@DT85 tried with max that you have to go through all of it and change around things that would point to blender code or command and rewrite it for Softimage. I don't see any problem with porting wonko's md3 plugin since it's just a fixed up version of another one that is out there. Those links are just some reference just in case you wanted to skim through it.
  5. I can export animations out of Softimage with no problems so I don't think it's carcass.
  6. That material you're seeing is just one in the library under Davinci_Male01_TrueBones which is a Softimage Model. Using Model's you can have multiple scene objects organized containing the same names in a scene without having naming mismatches. They more than likely worked with large scenes but to answer your question, no, in Softimage bones do not have a material. I also believe @@Corto knows how to get proper .skin files as well as .shader files automatically written using Softimage.
  7. @@Trank start up a WIP topic here http://jkhub.org/forum/65-level-design/ That way we can keep things organized. I'll have to watch a walkthrough of that level sometime before I can offer any crits on it since it's been a while since I've played the game but the suggestion about being wider is a good one. I remember that area being very open.
  8. Had someone on a Softimage forum glance at it and they stated that it would take a bit of work to port the plugin from one app to another. =(
  9. I guess that's another option to look at, would be really cool if I could have something though that had like a simple dialogue box with simple options like export selected and generate control file similar to Milkshape since the .qc file seems to keep the md3 from exporting without the correct texture paths. @@eezstreet, got any python resources that could maybe help me port over the old blender python script? Would have just hit you up on steam but it just shit the bed for some reason.
  10. The only thing we REALLY need is mappers, models and animations I'm pretty sure DT and I can have that handled. A REALLY GOOD texture artist would be nice though.
  11. Wow, really like the crystal selection, nice little things like that make a huge difference.
  12. Wow, looks pretty cool, maybe the weapon select and force power select can be implemented into the bar. Still needs the radar implemented as well.
  13. We really could use a dedicated texture artist since I have a way better looking lambda shuttle that could go there in place of the base one. @, if DT decides to release another demo it would still be some time before it's done, I only just started on 8t88 which he will be shown retreating to the shuttle like in the original game. So you might as well stop asking since there is no defined time frame.
  14. That's more like it, it just urks me when I have to go offsite to look at a picture.
  15. Kinda started playing TOR again, wish SWG-Emu was further along. =/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Circa
    3. minilogoguy18


      No idea what its like really, just played for a few mins, friend talked me into it last time I was at his house.

    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      doing quests got boring after a while,so I uninstalled the game some months before the space expansion hit.As far as i know, there's only 2 new space maps.

  16. Not even that many people participated in the vote. =/ Gotta vote, it does work, I know next voting season I'm voting on some medicinal things for FL.
  17. Chalk, start direct linking your images, I hate being taken off site.
  18. If you're talking about qeffects then that isn't going to do much unless you meant the Jedi Knight Rebirth mod.
  19. Playing Resident Evil on the Dolphin emulator.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ping


      Definitely 2 for my favourite RE game as well. I'm a sucker for the classics. And yes, instead of a proper remake, all we got were HD versions and the oddity that was the dark chronicles railshooter.

    3. minilogoguy18


      If you do some googling higher ups in Capcom admitted that if there was a strong enough interest they'd remake 2 just like they did 1.

    4. Ping



  20. The hands on that model look REALLY weird.
  21. There is a droideka and destroyer droid in Movie Battles 2, Force Mod 3 and Prequel conversion, they're all the same model and have a working shield like what you want. EDIT: http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=1520888&postcount=3
  22. .surf files are just simple text files like a .skin file, kinda pointless to have a tool for them.
  23. That is a good idea since the FBX->GLM converter does need a UI, I personally haven't tested it since as a SI user the tired and true method of getting a model in game will always work without a hitch.
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