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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Dunno if there is already a thread like this but anyone can feel free to add in here. Maybe even get this thread pinned so it stays at the top so that it doesn't get posted twice? https://jkhub.org/files/file/309-mos-eisley-trap/ Found this one lead to dropbox with a 404 file not found.
  2. I started on this a while back because ever since I could remember I didn't like the way the AT-ST in both JK2 and JA looked. The proportions and shape seemed very off and for a model of it's size it had a mere fraction of the geometric detail a player model has. To me it was like taking a low resolution picture and displaying it on a big screen. atst.obj (click to view in 3D) I imported the base AT-ST to get the size close to the base version, which is actually smaller than it should be but for it to work in say SP in areas where if I scaled it to it's true size it would get stuck, like the Cairn maps for instance. So far it's modeled and UV mapped, needs textures, skeleton, rig and animations. I could use the base skeleton but I'd rather not since the walk animation kinda bugs me, the stride isn't right. If anyone would want to help out with the textures inquire within, I'm not that good at it.
  3. OK, got a decent "rough draft" going, no LOD's yet but base model is in game with the minimum things needed. Might want a couple of people to go over the model with a fine tooth comb at some point but only people who can offer some valid technical feedback, mostly on weights and any odd bugs, person should be testing with a clean base folder.
  4. The maps in the game are just too small and the physics suck for flight. I don't think that flight should even be bothered with when there are so much more useful engine enhancements that could be done.
  5. Some of the more artistic things you can't really teach, you can give help on a more efficient workflow but being a good artist isn't something that is so easily taught. It's the reason why I never made a tutorial on modeling or animation, just how to make them work in game. Most aspects of all the major 3d, 2d and mapping software are already all over the internet, people are just too lazy to google or too shy to post a thread asking how to do something. BTW eez, I think I'm one of the few modders who can be a very competitive player in no force duel matches using only medium style single saber and no special moves. If there were a JKHub duel server I'd be on it quite often.
  6. It's been a long time since I've worked in zBrush but the whole subdivision levels might be your problem, I don't know of anyone that uses it. Workflow seems to be sculpt the high resolution model then use another program to build the low poly over the high using retopo tools. Never seen any poly reduction tool in any program do a good job of keeping the edgeloops even.
  7. The one that Nemeth01 posted is the closest head by far, don't know why you strayed away from it. http://jkhub.org/topic/1339-starkiller/page-34?do=findComment&comment=45089
  8. Of course, they're the same engine, the skeletons are different though. I started on adding the JK2 skeleton into that rig file so that all you'd have to do is animate the rig, then branch select which skeleton you wanted to export, JO or JA. Compiling process should be the same since the process I outlined I actually dug up from a JK2 section of lucasforums.com. Don't know why you would want to use JK2 as a base since JA is essentially an enhanced version of the same engine. The only downside to JA is the lack of bones in the animation set which I think @@DT85 and @@Archangel35757 have already found a workaround to.
  9. Very few, you can learn about the process here. [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:90]https://jkhub.org/files/file/1483-jedi-knight-series-_humanoid-animation-rig/ I made a video tutorial showing the process.
  10. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1492-softimage-jedi-academy-character-skeleton/ Are you using this file? I started on a tutorial video series but some crazy life issues got in the way and I haven't had the time lately to get back to it, been working a lot and work also has me out of town every so often. Both you and chalk have a problem with the heirarchy, the tags that are used for dismemberment aren't linked correctly, you need to go over it and fix it. If you scroll through the tutorial on Psyk0Sith's site you'll see where it shows how to link up all the tags correctly.
  11. We should start voting, all of the ones Si Link posted as well as SecretApprentice (some need to be redone without the hud showing) I like. Mostly the one using the Taris Horizons map.
  12. Yeah, @@Inyri could fill people in best since I'm almost certain that at the time she was on the staff there. I was 16 when the game came out eez, you ain't that old.
  13. C'mon eez, these kids are too new, they weren't around when jk3files almost got shut down for hosting ported content, that's why none of them take it seriously. It's simple, if you want JKHub to stay in existence then you will quit caring about being able to submit ported content. If you don't then fuck you and gtfo. I already said it once, if you want to port, port models from games YOU OWN to games YOU OWN and DON'T REDISTRIBUTE THEM.
  14. Possible broken right shoulder from snowboarding, gotta do a follow up with my doctor here now that I'm back in FL, FML

  15. I don't use file sharing programs since I've learned from the past that using them is asking for a virus no matter what AV you use. I'm still using Webroot anyway, seems the dumb ho renewed the subscription forgetting that my PC is still on the account. XD
  16. It's best to download both the JK2 and JA SDK's to really get everything.
  17. Forgot what exactly causes it, I helped someone else who had the same problem but it's either a F up with the tags or heirarchy. You need to go back over this tutorial: http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tutorials/spacemonkey/jk2.htm FYI people before anyone says anything, this was included in the SDK.
  18. Phantasy Star Blue Burst is a game. OpenJK like they have all said is a community made patch, learn to code and you too can contribute.
  19. Best way to mod is to sell your mac and get a PC *puts on flame suit*
  20. The problem with the hitbox's is that they're hitbox's, it'll never be good until there is some sort of actual collision that matches the models dimensions nearly perfect. Best solution for this would be a low resolution collision mesh for every character and say if the game doesn't see a collision mesh for said character the old fashioned hitbox will be used. It could even be programmed so that the game uses the lowest LOD as the collision but on characters say without LOD's it could cause a lot of lag since it would use the high resolution model.
  21. The skin file doesn't point to a texture, it points to a shader, a coder might be able to better understand how exactly it works this way. The shader is in /shaders/common.shader in assets1.pk3 and the 2 images it uses can be found in /textures/common/ in the assets1.pk3 as well. It's pretty simple to make your own caps effect if you wanted, don't know why you would though since the shader that comes with the game does a decent job of emulating burnt flesh.
  22. The caps images aren't missing, just open the shader file with notepad and it'll point to the images, I use them on all my models. The text in the game needs fixing so that servers don't show in the list as: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐
  23. minilogoguy18

    Old Ben

    The model is just wrong for this, Kevin Coyle made an awesome old ben that's been around since JA came out. It'd be better if you redid the textures on his model rather than Hapslashes ep3 Obi-Wan http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Old_Ben_Kenobi;10765
  24. I think it's just as simple as you can port all you want, just don't redistribute assets. If you own 2 games and want to take assets from one and put them in another I don't see how anyone could do anything about it considering you own BOTH games, again just don't redistribute assets. The main people that seem to be whining about it are the ones that are new to all this and maybe trying to make a name for themselves by submitting ported content with their name on it to get themselves out there in the community which is the totally wrong way to do it. They may say that porting content and putting their name on it isn't them trying to boost themselves up but if it weren't they wouldn't be getting so butt hurt about the files being taken down. I could care less where this goes since like I said, if I port anything I keep it to myself, anything that I have submitted was something I either made or had a part in making and all other involved parties gave me the green light to submit the work in which case I gave them the credit they deserved. This entire thing wont affect me either way, I don't even use ports that people have submitted mostly because the person who ported it did a terrible job on the envelope weights. Well I lied I guess since I do need sounds for Kain, I own all of the games in the series so doing it is no problem but redistributing it here might, whoever wanted the sounds may just have to make them using their own copies of the games.
  25. pissed, somehow managed to delete the jaw bone without realizing it, now I gotta redo the head weights for Kain. >_<

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