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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. None of the levels are going to end up being a 1:1 copy but it would be good to start out by making a 1:1 copy and start reworking things from there.
  2. Yeah you should expect issues when reverse engineering formats that a compiler puts out, I seemed to have missed the part when you mentioned it was converted in such a way.
  3. Just gotta add the ramp, forgot about that.
  4. Rad, once I get back into town I'm shooting the lambda model over to Psyk0Sith for texturing so that will get this level a little extra polishing rather than having the base lambda there.
  5. Nice, you have some room to work as far as the likeness since all the characters in TOR had that like, I dunno how to describe other than cartoonish look. Characters in TOR just didn't have a realistic look to them so if you aim for more of a realistic looking Revan his general facial features may match but he'll ultimately come out looking slightly different which is a good thing since a realistic version would look better. I went out to dinner during this one so I missed it again! Oh and since you had Metallica playing, remember that time you made a James Hettfield model? XD
  6. LucasArts doesn't exist anymore so if they held rights to it they no longer exist.
  7. Sculpting time lapse's are always fun but some Megadeth would have been a cooler choice for BGM.
  8. I don't see why not. If it's already modeled what would be so hard about separating it into say a single map object? You're talking about 5 mins tops of work, incredibly simple.
  9. I could be wrong but I've never seen him map before this.
  10. I have that and it's been posted in this thread.
  11. Damn, well I'm sure I'll get another opportunity since we've been friends for like 10 years now but I'm stuck at training for work in south Florida. It would help me see your workflow and tools used.
  12. I can't believe he thought we were going to use that model. I'd like to rip this model and get a turn around of it, it's kinda off according to that blueprint but probably the best reference out there since it was made as a higher poly version of the original game model. http://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-knight-enhanced/images/8t88#imagebox
  13. He needs Jedi robes, a recolored outfit he wore as a Sith just doesn't cut it according to all the reference images out there.
  14. Somebody MIGHT guess him, I already know, lets see how many the Englishman can stump.
  15. Scrap the left side, he looks busted. Also like said, get rid of the slanted down angle of the model, it's throwing everything off.
  16. I have that pic, problem is it shows no depth to anything so a lot of dimensions are really just going to be guessed.
  17. Yeah that would be good too despite it's low poly-ness, there's just like no good pictures of this guy on the net.
  18. I bet someone who was REALLY good at programming inside a 3d program could probably make it completely replace radiant. I just can't stand the UI of radiant.
  19. I still think that whatever animation you were having jitter problems with you should try setting the fCurve to linear interpolation. I remember back in the day on I believe it was the ARC-170 model having the interpolation set to spline (default) caused the wings to rotate past the point where they were keyed at the end of the animation and move back to where they should have been. It wasn't really a jitter but it caused an over rotation that was predicted in another game engines mod tools (SWBF2) and since there is no animation documentation for this game I figured I'd try setting to linear and voila, fixed.
  20. I'll take it as a reference if you wanna send it my way, the thing about this character is parts of the torso and head, mostly the back sides can't be seen clearly in any reference material on the net. I probably wont post any pics until the bulk of the model is made, then let the suggestions on what might need changing go from there.
  21. Yeah but I don't want to distract him from rend2 since that's far more useful to the community than us being able to export as .map or do like a FBX->MAP converter. Milkshape has a MAP exporter that works, you just have to texture everything in Radiant. I liked this in SWBF2 modding, only water and terrain were edited in the map editor, any structures that didn't include natural terrain were made in Softimage.
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