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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Ok, I finally got around to playing through the level completely, everything seems good so far BUT, the mech boss at the end is too dumb to be a real boss. It was way too easy to stand around the corner and throw thermals at him without even alerting him to come after me. The only other real things are just things that you are probably already aware of like the lack of sky and that the landing pad at the end could probably be made to be a little more round. The new lambda model will also be more to scale than JA's base one so might even have to scale up the pad some but I think overall that would look better in game to have a true to scale lambda that is way more accurate.
  2. So Noesis was able to get the job done this whole time and I never knew it?
  3. I thought you'd never ask. Or maybe build a new Gamorrean altogether? Or would that kinda be pointless?
  4. Yeah, would be best if md3view by defualt when reading a fbx file would do the conversion so that it loads with +Z up and -Y forward then it will let you export to md3 or glm without needing to manually rotate.
  5. It's not just that axis either, seems that in OpenGL -Y is front where of course we all know +Z normally is so that's 2 axis' that need to be changed.
  6. So we'll have to rotate all our models before export?
  7. I'm no coder but could it perhaps have something to do with vertex ordering being screwed up from using an imported model? Usually after the models are imported from GLM the edges are split along UV boundaries, maybe welding those edges up then re-exporting will provide a fix?
  8. Icon files must be 256x256 JPEG files named icon_default, icon_red or icon_blue for team variants. The skin files may also not be matching up with the icon file, for instance, the default model using the default skin should be icon_default.jpeg and model_default.skin. As for the menu selection for character customization I can't remember that stuff off the top of my head, maybe someone else can chime in.
  9. There are tons of ways, easiest would probably be to just get Noesis since it can import and convert tons of 3d formats, was created by Rich Whitehouse, a former Raven developer and member of the team when JO and JA were made. http://www.richwhitehouse.com/index.php?content=inc_projects.php
  10. I'm not using the steam version, I've owned the game since it was new.
  11. I mean it is a strong gun but I generally prefer the E-11 over it just because the E-11 holds more ammo and with the alt fire it has a better chance to hit.
  12. This is posted in the wrong section, really wrong. It's a simple text file called an NPC file, open up the assets1.pk3 and extract a few of the base NPC files and open them with notepad. They're pretty self explanatory, everything is written in plain english, googling or looking in the tutorials section will probably yield results on how to but it's so simple you don't even really need a tutorial. Just open a few of the base ones up and look at them.
  13. The best way to run a mod is to create a batch file to run it, most mods come with one set up for you. That way you can click on a shortcut from the desktop and skip loading the base game.
  14. Damnit, I really wanna spend time learning ZBrush but I need to stay focused on the DF2 mod. Awesome stuff.
  15. This keeps getting better and better, I would vote this thread of the year if there were such a thing on jkhub.
  16. Well say in areas like the imperial base where the ground isn't dirt it will use a skin that has clean feet and for say a jungle, dark brown and gray will be on the feet and lower legs. Or say if the level is barren it will be sandy colored. First thing though is to figure out the IK for the "shoulders" since I've added some more realistic joints and I'm kinda stumped atm on how to approach it but I'll figure it out. I figured out how to make the pistons on the AT-RT pump properly when animating the legs so I should be able to figure this one out.
  17. The turret is the only place where this can be changed, the other places the cylinder does not go all the way through nor is it the same diameter at the other end. This was built heavily on the official blue prints for as much accuracy as possible and even being a little on the high side it's only at 6k tris. For something of it's size that's not that bad since it will also have LOD's unlike the base AT-ST. As far as skin variants, there would probably only be dirt that may be different colored on the feet and lower legs to match the level, a camo version wasn't in the game so it wont be done. I am however thinking of releasing the source files to this model since a lot of people seem to not know how to get such a model in game since it will not use the base AT-ST animations even though it does match the skeleton perfectly. I want better animations.
  18. Yeah, it seems to me like it would be a lot easier to get a good nurbs mesh as something to bake normals from when to comes to hard surfaces.
  19. Yeah, that would be much nicer, only the selected one at that.
  20. Rad, always fun to watch ZBrush timelapses, looking forward to see how the armor is built since hard surfaces seem tricky to me in ZBrush.
  21. What's the naming convention for the md3 LOD? Is it similar to glm where you add an underscore followed by a number?
  22. Even without being fully working it's already looking way better than the vanilla renderer. Good work all of you, can't wait to see more.
  23. Figured this would be a good place to ask, from those who may have stumbled upon the code to see just how useful it can be. I pretty much just want to know if LOD's can be used on more things than just character models like we've only been using them on. I have a feeling if I try it on a vehicle it probably will work but also mainly want to know about map objects and weapons as well since they normally don't have a hierarchy structure like an animated object does. Thanks for any info.
  24. You should change it though since the software is no longer called Softimage|XSI, should maybe just do dotXSI 3.x exporter or something.
  25. The funny thing about Milkshape is that if someone would only code in a simple hierarchy linking function it could export character models for JA. I messed with it before and it brings over envelope weights to Softimage properly using the dotXSI 3.x format that JA uses.
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