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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. You cannot export a working player model with Milkshape, it lacks the hierarchy function needed. You have to use either Softimage, 3ds max or blender. You may also be able to use Maya using Xycaleth's FBX>GLM converter.
  2. Could a moderator possibly move this to the DF2 mod models and animations thread? It belongs better there since it will be used for that mod then later considered if I'll release it separately. If I really like the way it comes out rig and animation wise I may just release the Mod Tool scene file as a teaching resource for vehicle animation in the game.
  3. Would be best to just do the tags idea but then ALL OF US (I'm willing) would need to go back and edit our first posts to add the tags.
  4. It seems to him help=do it for me.
  5. I'm guessing that this thread is aimed towards the mappers in case they need models?
  6. So many people voted JA?! BARF! JA does have the best game play but it's SP campaign is the worst of them all by far and it just isn't old enough to deserve a remake. DF, DF2 and MotS all the way, JO had a good story too but DF2/JK was probably the best. JO just isn't old enough to deserve a remake. Of course I voted DF2 since I'm working on the mod, if it succeeds I'd like to move on to finish the DF mod as well as MotS.
  7. Back from work trip, time to get cracking on DF2 stuff

  8. If you have the Unreal engine ActorX plugin installed for Maya you get .ASE support which you can use for map objects in place of .MD3. If Xycaleth finishes his .FBX to .GLM/.GLA converter you'll then be able to do animated models including characters and vehicles.
  9. On objects with custom animations that aren't player models the animation.cfg should be in the same folder, models using the _humanoid.gla are the only exception. Not sure if that helps any to know that though. Nice progress so far though.
  10. What about making it work so that it quits adding a node to the top of the hierarchy? IMO that sounds like a pain and if export selected truly works it shouldn't add anything, only export what is selected. I would also like to never use GLAMerge but every time I've tried to compile a new _humanoid.gla using the source it always failed, maybe I did something wrong.
  11. You guys are smoking some serious crack if you think that Lee's KotOR Revan is inaccurate, that is easily the best Revan model for JA. I was even trying to talk him into not remaking it since IMO, it really can't be improved upon very much, it's very well made. @@AshuraDX, yeah I did all other things to make it a working model, he just handed me the model and textures in the pose you see in the pic posted above and said "put it in JA if you want" so I did then asked permission to release. If he doesn't come back to this model which IMO isn't necessary I'll probably add more features like LOD's and whatever else is missing. @@Almightygir, you've known me for a long time and know I don't kiss ass but this model beats the shit out of every other one for JA out there, easy.
  12. The feet and hands need to be redone, the feet have no ankles or any real shape to them and the hands are anatomically incorrect which will cause bad deformation. The thumb branches out from the bottom of the hand, not the side. The shoulders, elbows and hips all look like they'll deform bad, especially the shoulders, the topology really isn't right in that area. http://wiki.polycount.com/LimbTopology http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1mExXURsWk Homework for you. The hand modeling video is really good, a prime example why a JA modeling tutorial isn't needed, they're all over youtube, no ones looking though.
  13. What about using the player models arms but making it so that the rest of the model isn't rendered for the person using first person to help increase performance while reducing the need to make a set of arms to match every model? Seems like if you made only arms/hands for the weapon they would never match the 3rd person model being used, you'd just have like Kyle arms and hands.
  14. I can export any frame range I want. For my _humanoid rig the root pose is -1 after export, 0 to whatever is the animation. Carcass gives a rats ass what the frame number in Softimage is, it just sees how many frames there are and makes the first one frame 0 despite what it was in Softimage. IMHO, I think you personalized the exporter a bit too much, if anything you should be trying to emulate exactly the behavior of the Softimage dotXSI exporter, that way you know you wont run into problems. Open up Softimage some time, I know you have it installed and look at all the dialogue options and how it outputs a file. In short, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. You should be making it do everything Softimage does to the T, no exceptions. About the 2 frames thing, Carcass will NOT ACCEPT a 1 frame animation, at all. The root pose is only added to a animation using ASK's GLA Merge tool, IF YOU BUILT A GLA USING ASSIMILATE THE ROOT POSE CAN BE ANYWHERE YOU WANT IT TO BE! This is why it's a very bad reason to let your exporter write out where the root pose is expected since ONLY ASK's GLA Merge tool requires the first frame to be the root pose, after merging the tool DELETES THAT FIRST FRAME, it's just there for referencing or calculating, only he would know for sure.
  15. That's what I've been saying this whole time. Of course vehicles can use custom skeletons, you didn't think every custom vehicle used s recycled skeleton did you? Anything can use a custom skeleton EXCEPT a player in MP. Sorry, I get frustrated when I have to post the same thing multiple times when I'm giving the answer to a question that is asked repeatedly, feels like someones ignoring me just to piss me off. The ONLY WAY you'll get this to work as a playable character in MP is to make it into a vehicle, like Zappa_0 said, study the droideka from MB2 or just make it an NPC class that matches the R2 but the only animations you can play are the ones that the R2 uses. You do not have to use the R2 skeleton, just use similar bone names, you may not even have to go that far, as far as I know you only have to use certain bone names for something like an AT-ST where you want the head to rotate via aiming.
  16. Still, I NEVER SAID USE THE R2 SKELETON, man you don't know how to read. I meant as a replacement say using the same setup as the R2 as in animation sequences, NPC class type so that it would REPLACE the R2 BUT USE IT'S OWN SKELETON. The way the animations work is that every class type calls on specific animations when specific actions are performed based on a naming convention. This is the reason why I never put out the AT-RT, as a walker type you couldn't see the driver, nor could you mount or dismount it like a tauntaun. But as the veh_tauntaun class the move/attack animations had to be named differently to work but then whenever I tried firing the lasers it did a twitchy saber swing animation since that's what that class is coded for.
  17. I never bothered with a modeling tutorial because there are billions of them all over the net for every software. Instead I focused on getting a completed model or animation in game. No one will really learn much on a specific model tutorial, it's like the people who went to school for 3d art, they come out only knowing how to model the same things they made for class projects. It really takes more than that, a good understanding of the software is the best tutorial. I know the software way beyond what's needed to make a game model but it helps me in so many ways that only knowing the simple tools needed to make a simple model ever could. Room mate situation atm has kept me from finishing the character compiling tutorial video series also but hopefully that will soon change.
  18. Gah, I'm still out of town so I can't do much of anything, maybe DT can whip something up. I'm still excited to see progress has been made though, in the meantime feel free to work on the FBX importing to Md3View.
  19. It has nothing to do with tags, it's about the NPC class, I experimented with this and the AT-RT. If the NPC class doesn't support certain actions you may be able to jump or use but no animation will be played. I can tell you now this is not going to work without coding, the best you can do right now is an R2 replacement.
  20. I never said use the R2 skeleton, just IMPORT AND USE AS REFERENCE. You're not reading again. You won't get this model working in MP, just not going to happen, it breaks MP. Only way would be to change the code in MP to allow the use of different skeletons and then ONLY the people AND SERVER running the mod will be able to use it. The main problem more than likely with the jump and use animations is the NPC class you're using doesn't support that, although you may have a sequence game code doesn't look for that sort of thing. I've put tons of non human models in the game with custom animations, unless you're a coder you're limited to the NPC classes and what they can do within the base game. Anything different requires code changes.
  21. Well for one having the arm animation of say throwing a thermal detonator as well as having animated moving parts on guns. No one want's to do vertex animation, there's a reason why it's hardly used.
  22. Missed this thread before but will definitely follow it since it would make every gun and thrown weapon look so much better. Why not just look at SoF2's code directly? It was released wasn't it?
  23. You probably don't have a Motion bone which allows for the character to move off of the ground. You also really shouldn't set this as a playable character, for one, it would only work in SP since MP every player MUST use the _humanoid.gla. It's really quite simple, import the source files for R2 and set him up like that and use R2's NPC file and voila, super simple though he'll only be a NPC in the game unless you want to code an entirely new NPC class that would allow for jumping and all that shit but I don't know why anyone would care that much. To me a R2 replacement is good enough. Your animation name in the .cfg file needs to also match what the class label uses for that animation, if you name it whatever you want it wont play, the naming convention is coded into the gameplay so the game knows what animation to play when you hit the crouch button. Even bone naming in a lot of instances plays a role in things since say for instance the AT-ST head will not rotate if you name the neck and head bones something different than what they are.
  24. In Softimage the root pose can be wherever you want, as long as it's at the beginning of the animation. If you watch my animation tutorial video you'll see that I'm actually using frames -2 and -1 for the root pose. I don't believe the compiler takes into count the frame number from the software or dotXSI file, just the frame count which no matter what number the frame is in Softimage the first frame is always going to be 0. When I export of course I only export -1 to wherever the animation ends and compiling the GLA BEFORE MERGING it with the _humanoid.gla it shows the root pose as frame 0 in ModView. If you compile say the AT-ST using the source files you can compile them in a different order and the frame numbering will no longer match the animation.cfg file since it only takes into account the amount of frames and order in which the sequences are arranged in Assimilate. Even though if you import those files into Softimage the dotXSI files retain the frame numbering from the software.
  25. I don't like the recycling hands trend that has been stuck in JA for so long. If you really have plans for him to go into JA I'd say do what I do. Import the base hands and only use them for reference. Sculpt/model new ones over top of the base ones to get the pose right since repositioning the fingers can be a bitch sometimes. Since you model over them you can also make them better looking than the JA ones without running into the problem of the fingers not matching up with the bones, mainly it's the thumb that causes the hand to reworking to fit right. I keep missing the hangouts cause I'm stuck at a Honda training center. >_<
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