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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. I'm insanely happy with how well these turned out and how quickly he did it. I'm even liking the coloring of the skin since depending on what reference you use he can either be this taupe/bone color or he looks sort of olive but I always prefered the taupe/bone color as he's shown in the SR1 opening cinematic. I'm just blown away.
  2. If someone redoes her why not make a realistic version rather than cartoon?
  3. Yeah Inyri and I tried to tell him all the things that were totally busted with his model but he didn't want to listen, I remember him coming off as naive and arrogant when we offered criticism.
  4. Hands and feet are still improper. The hands are small as well as not proportionate and the feet are not shaped right as well. Feet do not come to their longest point at the center toe and not all fingers are the same length. The fingers also look like curves rather than having 3 distinct points in which they bend.
  5. He didn't make the model DT, it was Hirman.
  6. You made him buff when he isn't, he's supposed to be more lean/cut. He's athletic but not a body builder.
  7. Wow, tearing at the seams? That is a huge mess up on whoever made that model, it's very easy to avoid if you know the tools of the program, usually only novices experience tears at the seams.
  8. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/01/03/the-fixer-how-to-restore-knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/ This worked great for me as well to get widescreen working, I'm using 1600x900, there is also a fix for the stretched hud out there as well as the map location icon.
  9. Yeah, that album especially, I've been listening to it constantly in the car on the drives to and from work.
  10. I dunno, to me he looks a lot like Michael Shannon rather than Starkiller.
  11. I think it would be nice to just have .map exporting for some of the major 3d packages and only use Radiant as a compiler and for the scripting. I think we're getting a little off topic though but I would like to discuss more on level design options, if one of the major 3d packages could just build maps that would be amazing since the tools and interface is far superior.
  12. I really wanna get back into sculpting but time isn't something I have much of these days, that's an awesome ithorian.
  13. I don't know why you even waste your time still making textures when the mesh isn't done, it's very counter productive.
  14. People seem to have a lot of problems running radiant as well as each version being different in ways in which different people will use different versions based on preference. I'm wondering if there is another program that is actively developed that could replace radiant, I always wondered if the valve source hammer editor could work since that engine is based off of q3 and uses .map files.
  15. The side profile is nearly spot on, just need to adjust the ears and slightly widen the jaw, don't mess with anything that would affect the side profile, it's pretty good, best version by far, you're getting VERY close, good job.
  16. The weirdest part of it all was that it USED to work fine, didn't play it for a while then decided I wanted to finish the game I had saved and it wouldn't run.
  17. Thanks, that lucasforums fix worked, don't know why nothing like that showed when I googled kotor 2 wont launch.
  18. Yes, tried most everything, it doesn't even try to run, you click on the .exe and nothing happens.
  19. Neither works, the game used to run but for some reason it doesn't anymore.
  20. OK, I know there are tons of things out there concerning this terribly buggy game. It used to run no problem then for no apparent reason I went to try to play it and the process wont even start, it's as if I didn't even click on the .exe file, absolutely nothing happens. I've been googling for a solid week now trying various things with absolutely no success so I'm just going to ask here. Windows 7 Home Premium 64 AMD Phenom II 840T quad core Radeon HD5770 (rebranded as a MSI 5770 Hawk) 16gb RAM 1TB HDD with tons of free space Originally the only issue I had before was the lack of widescreen support, multicore issue fixed and the game ran fine. I didn't play it for about 6 months or so and now it just wont launch, reinstalling multiple times has done nothing, replacing the mss32.dll has done nothing either nor has using various compatibility mode options. I should also note this IS NOT the steam version, it's the original disc version NOT using any cracks or weird patches, full legit. Hope someone can point me in the right direction before I frisbee the CD's into the ocean out of anger...
  21. ^Well a project like this needs a few mappers, not just one. It also helps to have different points of view on the levels, some people will spot something someone else may have missed making the quality much better. There are very few positions in a mod like this where there is just 1 person doing 1 job, the work load is just too much.
  22. Sorta like a news post I guess, just something that would grab the attention better of people passing through the site.
  23. Maybe some advertisement for this mod or any other can be made on the main page whenever one of the hosted mods are looking for staff? IMO this and MotS have to me always had the highest chance of success as far as a total conversion goes since the base engine already fits so well, just need the art made.
  24. Well you already know I'll help wherever I can, both 3d art and animations since Gorc and Pic seem like a fun challenge to bring to life in this engine. Sucks you can't seem to draw the attention this mod deserves in terms of attracting a good environment artist. I've contemplated for years about learning to map but it would probably take some time to get used to Radiant which would be the main hurdle.
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