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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Which version are you talking about? Have you read the thread?
  2. @@DT85, this could be related to the random crashes I experience using the DF2 recompile of OpenJK using 2015. Someone tell me how to generate a crash log and I'll post it here since it's the only known version atm to have been compiled with VS 2015.
  3. You wanted criticism so I linked you to a page that can HELP you. It seems that if someone isn't giving you the up most praise you're feelings are otherwise hurt so I'm not going to feel bad about it. You said you asked for help on the model while it was in progress but I didn't see any of that, the first post in this thread is the model already in game, not a screenshot of 3d software with just a head and nothing else. The mesh was done before you even asked.
  4. Yeah, the topology honestly looks like a base Raven model which is not good at all. http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/FaceTopology
  5. Trying to get it to look more loose fitting like in the cenematics?
  6. Most everything for sabers can be found in assets1.pk3 in the sabers.sab file which is located in ext_data/sabers/
  7. How's this coming along? LOD's and all that good stuff made for it?
  8. I can't believe there are people out there that think it's ok to have Hayden Christensen as a ghost at the end of RotJ.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. JAWSFreelao


      Bingo. That and the consistency issue; Why isn't Ewan McGregor (total badass) to be Obi Wa? Whoever brought that up above made an EXCELLENT point.

    3. Bek


      Because Old Ben is used in scenes, in the OT. His acting is tons better than McGregor.

    4. Cerez


      I don't. I think it's Old Lucas rubbish.

  9. Shoulders seem wrong but without a wireframe overlay I can't be %100 http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/ShoulderTopology
  10. @, what did you try to download that costed money? You can mod this game with nothing but freeware.
  11. Starting to look really good, now we just need Gorc and Pic models...
  12. @@Bek, that's the tiniest picture ever, can't even read it.
  13. Yeah, he would have worn unassuming garments, something that a prestigious noble figure would wear, not sith robes. I don't think that in any point in the book did they ever describe him in sith robes.
  14. @, wont let me click the link, says I need to register. Was curious since I used to mod the Pandemic Zero engine as well for a long time (SWBF1/2). @@eezstreet, you should play around with it, who knows, you might think of something else to contribute the code it had to, like another jkhub project that's in active development.
  15. @@DT85 Haha, I actually just opened him up and started to mess with a few little things. The model is completed, it's such an odd model with so little reference out there, hope it turns out decent. I was about to move forward and start merging the 30+ primitives into groups and from there start UV mapping. Animating the AT-ST kinda had my attention for a while, also got carried away seeing it walk around in Artus Topside as well as redoing a large amount of the TIE Bombers mesh. It's also currently sitting just under 5k polies, I'll keep the groups low enough for stencil shadows.
  16. Yeah, I figured if you feel it needs to be adjusted for the map like say Nar Shaddaa you can scale it in radiant.
  17. The textures look really low resolution, even the resolution of your screenshot is very low.
  18. Not dependent on it, it just has all the maps and shaders already made for it to take advantage of the new renderer is all.
  19. DUDE, THAT VIDEO IS SO GNARLY EEZ! Anyone who's still using XP is officially retarded, social media is a joke, apple wants way too much money for a shelf unit and if hipster kids can't understand linux it wont become popular. I summed it all up that easily.
  20. Another thing was that, if you wanted to play Galaxies, you can just play on a Emulated server. http://www.swgemu.com/forums/content.php
  21. No idea, also, you know that map objects can be scaled in radiant before the map is compiled? The .md3 asset size can't really be compared to what's actually floating in Vjun. Either way, it's not going to be insanely small, it just needs to fit in the part of the map where it belongs.
  22. Not sure how far off the scale is honestly, making it bigger than base is all dependent on if DT wants to alter the map.
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