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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Although the caps that the skin file points to is a shader and cannot be applied just apply any basic texture to the cap meshes in blender like say whatever your torso texture is then export, the game just doesn't see a material applied to that mesh which is more than likely the problem.
  2. Meant to post this like a week ago but kept forgetting, made some small edits, it's playing kinda slow, guess that's the screen capturing software's fault so keep that in mind. I think at this point it could be exported and tested in game, the turning and leg up animations are missing but I don't think that will cause any problems cause I really wanna get this thing in game.
  3. Haha, it was so whipped together in a way, I've since improved it by making the fall faster and the leg not snapping oddly, as for the head turning I'll add that in, it'd have to be a slow rotation though I think. I'd really only have to add the turning animations but they aren't currently used in JA unless @@DT85 wants to get them working which would be awesome.
  4. The map looks good, the lava seems a bit out of place though. You should open it up more similar to what they did in the special edition of ep4 like adding windows with a skybox.
  5. @@DT85, anything you would change about the death animation? This is the only real sequence needed before it can be put in game and tested which sense there isn't any level finished that would use this I'd probably just make it overwrite the one in JK2 to test it out as an NPC.
  6. That's a bit over the top, the model isn't even in game yet, getting too ahead of ourselves is never a good thing. I just wanna know what people think could be improved on the death animation at this point, I've already edited it some but still open for suggestions before uploading a new video.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMyiC_HdSns Definitely a rough draft to be improved on, not all that happy with it atm but with some tweaking it can probably be made a lot better. The snapping of the right leg joint was fixed as I was uploading this.
  8. I haven't updated my game in a while but you shouldn't have a lightsaber unless DT changed that.
  9. This model is actually the same height as the base model, this was done intentionally as the game model is actually too small in actual scale BUT you cannot make it any bigger because of the Cairn maps in JK2. I want this to also be able to totally overwrite the base model in both JK2 and JA. Any smaller would be dumb since its actually to small to begin with but any bigger would break the JK2 SP game. For this mod though we could make it to scale, would have to have the levels planned out for that though. @@AshuraDX, I'll take some of those things into consideration after getting further with the death animation since I kinda already converted it into an action clip but I should be able to revert back to the original keyframe info. The model definitely strides much lower than the base model, the base model hardly bent it's legs at all, I have it imported into Softimage to compare as I made this and to keep it to scale in case I wanted to use any of the base animations. Sorry I've been slow on production, I started working a lot these past 4 months, wanna buy a house but doing it as a single man so I'm not legally stuck with some chicken-head that could jump ship at any time.
  10. When making models for this game you're forced to stick to a generalized proportion so that it fits the games skeleton, torso length can't be changed. Besides, that's not a good comparison since he isn't standing perfectly upright.
  11. Back to work on this, got the main parts of the death animation blocked out, just need to add the motions that make it look real and as if the model is affected by gravity.
  12. You didn't read, I never said the version that's in the game can cause a performance hit. Download Inyri's Geth model, spawn a few of them as NPC's, enable the FPS counter through the console and watch. You don't seem to know much about these sort of things, the first pic isn't a ModView pic, it's a Marmoset render with all sort of different maps enabled like normal, AO, specular and probably cavity. JA isn't able to render these maps at the moment so it isn't going to look the same. Also, JA cannot handle cloth at all, which is why everything is rigid, the model wasn't even meant for JA but I put it in the game since at the time all there was is a very poorly ported model.
  13. Even though it's technically possible to put Gir's high resolution one in game it would seriously impact performance say if you were on a server and a couple of other people decided to use the model as well and you all got on screen. The way JA processes graphics sucks, you can have an awesome PC but stuff a couple of high poly models in the game and spawn them all you'll see a serious drop in performance. A high detail Desann would be cool, he had a cool voice, was well spoken and intelligent. I really liked his character, especially the thought of someone facing him as he's far larger than a human and probably A LOT stronger.
  14. I dunno, I was always happy with Almighty_Gir's Revan, it was true to the original, having him appear in TOR was retarded and they probably did it to attract more fanboy's/players.
  15. I just played Lugormod for all that, sure you don't have the maps but modifying base maps turned out better in the end just because it made the player base way bigger by no needing to download maps to join the servers.
  16. Honestly, you'd be better off just playing SWGEmu, while not finished it's more than far enough along to play.
  17. Rosh actually should have looked like this when you fought him on Vjun, seems more fitting that he'd be wearing a outfit similar to the reborn.
  18. Or just try it with a clean base folder, no mods, add them in one by one based on what you use/like the most until you find out what's causing the conflict. It's normal, not all mods play together nicely.
  19. I used to mod Battlefront 2 and it would definitely take a lot of work, they don't use brushes in that game, it uses a terrain system where you can adjust the height (ex mountains) of the floor and add things like lava and water but anything with any detail was modeled in Softimage. That entire map minus the lava and mountains is a huge collection of 3d models imported into the mapping program, Zero Editor. It's not even 1 big model, they'd all have to be converted and pretty much assembled like a lego set.
  20. @@knucklehead77 Those should be your export options, you probably have "triangles" selected as polygon type when that is the function that isn't implemented, the automatic triangulation on export hence why you have to do it manually. You don't need animations to be checked. I had this image in the tutorial where the videos are posted on this site, I'll put this image back in there.
  21. The "Function not implemented in Mod Tool version" is an odd error, the program for some reason wont let you export a model that uses polygons with more than 3 sides, so just select all parts of your model, select Model>Modify>Poly Mesh>Triangulate to convert everything into triangles. Then just click on "Freeze M" with all parts still selected to remove the triangulate operator. Sorry the final video isn't complete, life has prevented me from doing anything on my PC at all lately. I can assure you, you can export any player model, player animation or NPC character/animation from Mod Tool and it'll work perfectly, the developers used Softimage when making this game. The only "trick" to using Mod Tool (it's the free version of Softimage) is that you must triangulate models when using the dotXSI exporter or you'll get that error.
  22. Fun fact, Kyle was a stormtrooper before he met Jan Ors, this doesn't suit the model well though as Kyle back then had no beard according to the Holo recording shown in DF2 of Kyle before he went into the Imperial academy.
  23. Yeah, as long as dynamic glow is enabled they look fine.
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