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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. [sharedmedia=tutorials:tutorials:90] That will help you do everything you could ever want as far as character animation for this game.
  2. @@Kessno, how's this for now? I'll record a video sometime soon in game.
  3. I'd never upload anything to a pay to download place, then it becomes their property. Worst idea ever, especially after reading what happened to that Skyrim modder. @@AshuraDX, if you host anything there and decide to either remove it or host it somewhere else for free you had better watch out. THE WORST THING THAT COULD EVER HAPPEN IS JA MODS ARE SOLD ON THE STEAM WORKSHOP.
  4. The model has been in game for a long time, I just never took any pics of it in game but that's actually the level I've been testing it out in.
  5. Was bored today since I haven't heard anything from Ashura about 8t88's texture so I added another LOD, there are now 3 levels and that includes the high resolution model. Did them all manually rather than using a poly reduction tool since those things really mess up topology.
  6. Seems like you just used the wrong command to spawn the vehicle, it says it right there in the console...
  7. I'm thinking the color that they are in ESB would ultimately be the best. All TIEs generally were a grayish blue.
  8. I haven't worked on the vehicle side of things, seems like that part needs work to function right, at least in JA. The coding in JOSP was different on how the AT-ST was used as a vehicle. That code needs to be ported to JOMP as well as both JA engines. Right now I'm just focusing on how it works as a NPC which right now is pretty much perfect, at some point all record me playing through Artus Topside so you can see it in action.
  9. @@DT85 It is, Archangel is just being a little picky. The base AT-ST was a bit too small in scale according to how tall they are in RotJ. The one I made matches the scale of the base model so that it could be used in JO and JA SP campaigns without breaking the game.
  10. @@IrocJeff, just picked up the iBuffalo controller, works great, windows recognizes it right away as well as ZSNESW, you of course have to map the buttons the first time you play.
  11. The thing is, it would require coding, which I don't know how to do, nor do I have the time to learn considering I work 40-50 hours a week MINIMUM and I try to do as much as I can as far as what I'm best at for the DF2 mod. It just isn't necessary. While maybe you could do it without coding and making the NPC part of the AT-ST MD5 files the NPC wouldn't be able to do anything and it would easily crash the game as the poly count would double. If he wants to code it in then he can go right ahead but I'm not bothering with it.
  12. What for? I got too much to do on this mod to spend a ton of time on such a small thing. Like before, considering something like this would be getting too far ahead of ourselves.
  13. Well the LOD actually fixed the "ran out of transform space" problem in the base game (problem doesn't exist in OpenJK) which is actually good because after the mod is released I could release it separate for JO and JA as a direct base replacement. Just played through base JO artus topside with no issues, works beautifully. I also fixed the origin and adjusted to -24 Z axis per @@DT85's recommendation. Also added in the leg up sequences, just need turning and pain then this will be 100% complete unless I feel like making another LOD which is possible.
  14. Messed around with this today since while it's in game it's far from done but I made the first LOD, not sure how many we really need though. It's around 1/2 the polygons, did it manually so it would have cleaner results.
  15. Does anyone know if map objects can use LODs?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      In case of <modelname>.md3, the LOD are identified with <modelname>_1.md3, up to 3? But I may be wrong, as in my tests having many LODS caused issues. I think I found something concerning this issue in the code.

    3. minilogoguy18


      Yeah, I was curious mainly because MD3 files seem to not have any sort of hierarchy unlike a GLM model so I'm not sure how it would work.

    4. Xycaleth


      I think LODs on MD3 map objects would only work with misc_model_static entities. misc_model entities are baked into the BSP file (so only takes the 0th LOD). Like Ramikad said, MD3 LODs work by creating *separate* MD3 files of the same name, but with _1, _2, etc appended to the name. e.g. rock.md3, rock_1.md3, rock_2.md3

  16. Yeah but for most other things it's far simpler to just mimic the folder structure used in the assets as well as what's seen in certain files where Raven did this same thing by putting the base folder at the root of the drive.
  17. You probably don't have the folder structure right. The textures go in: /models/map_objects/ships/ The model goes in: /models/players/tie_fighter/ When I said that the folder structure must be IDENTICAL that's what I meant. Look at models' skin files to see where the textures should go.
  18. Wanna play XWA? Then go play XWA, flight will just never work good in this game without a huge amount of work, I never see it happening.
  19. Doesn't matter what you want to do, for most of the tools to work properly the folder structure has to be set up the way I said in my post, that's why the TIE fighter will not load.
  20. Folder structure is wrong, the base folder should be on the root of the drive. Example: D:/base/models/players/_humanoid/ This way you can use everything including the compilers without trouble. Your folder structure in short should be identical to the games source files and assets. If you look at certain files in notepad like animation.cfg files you'll see this structure was used at compile time. It's not a problem with the JPEG image either since you're trying to load a base asset like the TIE fighter.
  21. The real problem with flight in this game is the level size, it's just way too small to be enjoyable. You'd have to scale everything down to the size of a ammo pickup just to get a large enough map to be playable.
  22. The jaw seems a little too narrow.
  23. Yeah but in a 256x256 image you really wont notice.
  24. Magic wand selection tool can do it in 1 click rather than spending time tracing it with polygon lasso.
  25. @@Archangel35757 probably still has the Xizor model that was started on for the SotE mod way back in the day but it was far from done.
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