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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Sorry my DF2 updates have been lacking, living with 3 other people that are like hardcore competitive gamers and they all skate as well so nothing gets done around here haha.

    1. Bek


      Your'e roommates are awesome!

    2. AshuraDX


      @Hidden Bek *your; @Mini if that isn't a productive environment XD

    3. Bek


      Yep, I screwed up; Just woke up at the time.

  2. Oh yeah, it still has enough detail for that.
  3. I would actually use Windows 10 but there still isn't enough of a reason to get rid of 7 yet, if I were buying a new PC then maybe. Those 2 people wanting Mac features in Windows need to just start wearing V neck shirts and buy a Mac.
  4. I think it looks pretty good, I'd even call it finished just because it's a small model on screen, doesn't need a crazy amount of detail crammed in. Although I think everyone on the team would be stoked if you offered your skills in texturing @@AshuraDX since your power level recently made my scouter explode on my head...
  5. Put it up on sketchfab, their normal and spec renders are decent and we can all view it in 3d. Specular strength can be adjusted.
  6. What about doing it like the cutscenes can only be played if you're at that point in the story? Like an unlockable feature?
  7. It looks better without the green buttons, we are keeping the green saber pointer right? A mix of old and new.
  8. Cool that it's like the old menu but I kinda liked Darth Phae's as it was similar to the original but was more our own. I think it should also be made in 16:9 and not 4:3 unless you think we should include 4:3 menus, 16:9 is a must though.
  9. No I mean like say if there were a demo of the original DF2 game but perhaps there never was one.
  10. What level did the original DF2 demo game use?
  11. Cool, make a new thread sometime showing lots o pics.
  12. Very cool that they fixed it, just wish still that the source was out to maybe add the other crosswalk formats to it. As a softimage user I wont complain though, would just like to see more options for others who may be using a program outside of the 3 autodesk ones.
  13. Where is @@Trank btw? He had barons hed's main brushwork nearly done, was about to start getting into details.
  14. I'm with you, that's who I wanted the Jan model to be based off of as well.
  15. Forgot you made one and yeah, no need at all for a Rahn model, maybe if we make it to the point of release it can be a MP addon or something but not a character that should even be considered at this point.
  16. I own all of the games on PC, haven't taken the time though to go through to see if any sounds could be extracted, just got some off the net.
  17. Sorry, model is in game and working, just been really busy with moving, life and DF2 mod. I added a mouth recently as the inside wasn't modeled, trying to get rid of the errors when compiling with the LOD's, gonna try to finish this one up as it really does need to be released. No, I'm not making a Blood Omen 2 Kain, pretty sure that game wasn't fully considered as cannon anyway. Oh yeah, a major thing that was holding it back was sounds, need to get a good sound set for the model. I have a few clips from the games that I might be able to edit into taunts but no grunts or anything that can be used for getting hit and dying.
  18. I already nearly finished the mesh for 8T88, needs textures, skeleton and animations still though. I see no problem using Hap's stormie and the base Ugnaught.
  19. FINALLY got the internet turned on at the new place after a week without it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onysfx


      Welcome back.

    3. Dusty


      You poor soul. Time to undo all that terrible fresh air.

    4. minilogoguy18


      Na, always out skating or something, just boring that hour or 2 before I crash at night since console gaming is kinda boring.

  20. It can be increased without affecting anything if you really feel it needs to be, you should take another look at the model in sketchfab rather than the XSI viewport, link is in the first post.
  21. Could you circle out which parts you mean? Because there is the base and a plate that is intentionally made to be a octagon. I was definitely leaning towards a death of falling over on it's side.
  22. Na, the only part that maybe has a little too many sides are the collars that hold the blade to the handle, those torus' should only have around the same amount of iterations around the Y axis as the rest of the handle. The blade IMO is fine, not overdone at all.
  23. Looks like a kinda high poly model, gonna do a bake?
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