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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Ah, should have specified, that is acceptable for a player mesh. To start troubleshooting though you need to take 1 out of the base folder like try using just the character or just the sabers but with a base character to find out which of the 2 is causing the crash. Still though, what is the vertex count of the saber?
  2. It's not just bad performance wise it's just bad practice in general. Making game art is all about doing things as efficiently as possible hence why displacement maps are used in place of super high polygon models. Also like I said, a model that small in size on screen wont look amazing anyway without anti aliasing turned up to the max because of all the jagged edges you'll have.
  3. That's totally the problem, while the game could theoretically load a 32k polygon model by doing the 1k vertex max count per object and 32 objects per model being the max that doesn't mean that it wont run without problems. IMO a GOOD game artist should be able to make a saber for this game that is in the 500 vertex total range and look very high quality using the right textures and shaders. I came across this problem of course with my AT-ST model but that walker is so big in scale that using anything less than an 8 sided cylinder on even small parts made it look very blocky that not even normal mapping could fix. I was able to fix the problem though by adding LOD's which I don't think the base AT-ST or any non character model uses but it can be done on ANY model but a saber is so small on screen that it shouldn't need that kind of geometric detail. You may take close up pictures to show it off during production but the average person whose in an intense online fight with a skilled player isn't going to be noticing that sort of detail on such a small part of the screen which without 16x AA isn't even going to be noticeable.
  4. Holy fuck that's a LOT for a saber. Post some pics, you badly need to optimize that model, no saber should have more than 1k verts total and even then you're overdoing it. Breaking the model up to go around the vertex count doesn't work all the time, all splitting the model up into multiple segments does is let the model compile without error. You also have to remember that the GLM format breaks edges on UV boundaries further increasing the vertex count.
  5. I got that error because the AT-ST had a high polygon count, there is no way your saber should have something in the 6k range, if so you did something VERY wrong. The model did spawn but the game crashed when shooting the NPC possibly because of the damage effect used by the game which renders a double model over top with the lightning around it much like protect and absorb.
  6. Just got my suits back from the tailor, about to NPH it hard as FUUUU

  7. I like this model despite the show being way too kiddy. Needs the saber model.
  8. I may have to take a whack at it, gonna have free time for modding lately and I already made the rest of the model.
  9. Can you blame them from blocking pirated games? C'mon people, nothings free, everything costs something, it's called economics.
  10. Like what? Has to be something that actually works, I pretty much can never see flight working well with the map size. I always liked what Lugormod did to the game, I'd like to try to get that guy to release the source code.
  11. http://jedimoves.com/ Go to downloads->vehicles and scroll down the list to see the first gen jedi starfighter. Don't think a proper vulture droid fighter was ever made though.
  12. Yeah, Maya REALLY BADLY needs an exporter, it's the most widely used 3d art package. It should be in the form of a dotXSI 3.x format because at the end of the day it's the most sure fire way to get a working models and animations into the game and the process isn't even 1/1000 as difficult as some people try to make it. Space or vehicle based maps just aren't going to happen without either increasing the level size or scaling everything down large enough to emulate a large scale. The game is about saber combat and FPS, tring to make it into something it isn't is a waste of time. Just go play SWBF. So many people complain about the MDX format but I have 0 problems with it, maybe because I'm the only one using software that has never had a problem exporting and compiling a dotXSI 3.x file. Too bad I didn't know what I know now 10 years ago, all that time wasted with 3DS Max.
  13. Rend2 could attract players but a finished SP mod or good MP servers would probably do more. Servers for the most part have only catered to clans to be their hang out place, there needs to be servers that are willing to be open to suggestions as far as which maps and mods to run, like a couple of jkhub servers where people can come here and maybe voice an opinion on these things. As far as modders, I get people contacting me through google+ here and there about the animation tutorial I put on youtube but for whatever reason I've yet to see these people make an account here despite them coming here to download the rig.
  14. Didn't play MotS? It's very fun despite not having good cinematics.
  15. There is the original video so you can listen with the games original sounds. As boring as the SP campaign is for JA I'd like to see a proper speed run done, right now the only ones I've seen the game is on padawan difficulty, needs to be jedi master.
  16. Despite all of it's flaws you'll never get a more flexible OS than windows, I accepted it a long time ago and don't waste my time complaining about it anymore.
  17. Unrelated to SW but they're finally remaking Resident Evil 2, hopefully it'll be as good as the first.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tempust85


      Awesome! Is RE2 coming to steam also? I really hate having to get a Nintendo just to play awesome sauce games.

    3. minilogoguy18


      Not sure if it's going to be a console exclusive or multiplatform since it was only just announced.

    4. Ping


      I'm not holding my breath about the game being as good as the resi1 remake. It is directed by the guy who made resi5 and shinji mikami is not around either.

  18. The music in that speed run is so insanely gay, like the room that the person was playing it in was filled with dudes dancing in mesh shirts.
  19. JK has a fun single player and like said the speed running is amazing to watch. There is though a pretty good JK2 speed run in like less than 45 min but it uses glitches. They at least play on Jedi Master mode unlike all the JA speed runs where they're on like easy or normal difficulty which is LAME.
  20. Pretty sure in another thread that dude said he was using XP though even though the dog thing wasn't serious.
  21. Dude, that's from like XP and XP is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo obsolete. I don't think I could take anyone who uses XP seriously these days ESPECIALLY when the OS is so severely limited in terms of hardware and RAM.
  22. Dunno what's so hard to understand, YES it's very easily doable, just make sure the mesh being shown is ONE mesh with ONE texture sheet and name it just like any other cap, SIMPLE.
  23. Yeah, if it were OS related like he thought no one would be able to use JA on W10.
  24. Yeah, it wouldn't stop anyone from taking your hand or destroying one of the emitters. The staff although not as versatile as the single it has good prarry and counter attack potential, to someone smart though the other blade would never pose a threat since all you'd need to do is know where one blade is to predict the other.
  25. I think the problem you'll have with making ModView open MD3 files is that the transforms are different between the formats. If you open 2 of the same model in both formats in both programs and turn on the option that lets you see the transform axis you'll see what I mean, I can kinda demonstrate with this tag picture as they're handled differently as well between the 2 formats. You'd probably just save yourself loads of time just keeping it 2 separate programs and improving on their functionality.
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