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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. It's all up to @@DT85 though changing base maps is unlikely to happen, easier to just keep the models the size they are. Right now in Softimage the model is smaller than a base JA player model because well, scale right now in this stage of the models development is irrelevant.
  2. Decided to add some more geometric detail, calling the model done at this point, on to textures. @@Archangel35757, why bring up the scale so soon? It will match the base model and act as an overriding replacement just like the AT-ST as to not conflict with SP maps that already use the models.
  3. I got to test it out a year or 2 ago, it was pretty neat.
  4. There's also this version, same guy who helped with the music redid it.
  5. Not worried about that right now, it's not even textured yet, I'll scale it later when I'm ready to export. I'm actually currently redoing a lot of the model.
  6. Ah, yeah well, MotS is just an expansion, same game engine and everything.
  7. Of course the overall amount can be altered, the thing that may prove to be a challenge is coding it so that you can get EXTRA stars for finding all of the secrets in a level, they did this in DF2. If you found all of the secret areas in a level upon completion you'd get 1 extra star to put towards your force powers.
  8. I dunno how a lot of people feel about it and it's very early to even bother with at this point but it'll come up eventually. I'd like to see the old looking force power selection screen make a comeback, the code already exists in JA, just needs some tweaking. We could even make it similar to the original by adding 4 levels of each force power since that too already exists in the game code (5 actually). Maybe even figure a way to grant an extra point by finding ALL of the secrets in a level just like the original that way you're rewarded unlike the newer games in the series.
  9. It's starting to look a lot better, on the walls though where the door leading to the small room is I think should be replaced with something else, they just don't seem to go well with the brushwork of the door they surround.
  10. No idea, it will stay just a map object for the time being, not going to focus on turning it into a usable vehicle since I want to focus solely on what will bring the mod that much closer to playable.
  11. Started on this a while back, remember it being in a few levels like the first level for instance one flies by as well as some dropping bombs in the barons head map after Yun. Let me know if you guys think any more geometric detail needs to be added, it has a good amount now with 1.7k polies but there is room for more. If not I'll start UV mapping this thing so that it can hopefully be seen in the first level soon.
  12. Well and update on this, I still get crashing problems even with the redist for 2013 installed, for some reason the 64bit version installer kept saying my OS isn't 64bit so I had to install the x86 version. =S Need to know how to generate a log file.
  13. ^This, or you could just use imgur, way better than photobucket, they give you the proper link for embedding images.
  14. Well they do compensate for excessive twisting, that's why there are 4 bones in each arm, the problem is that there needs to be a bone that acts as a shoulder blade that weights on the back can be weighed to rather than using the clavical bones. I do this by on the back of the character letting the thoracic have more influence over the back of the shoulders than the clavical does in the front of the character. Another problem is the piss poor topology of a raven character, none of the edge loops follow the characters muscle structure from an anatomically correct standpoint, that alone would make a HUGE difference in how a character deforms.
  15. The shoulder deal is the animation, a lot of the base animations really need to be fixed up and remade.
  16. Nice start, could you please embed the images so that we can see the images here without being linked to an external site in the future? The first image should be pasted like so... [img=http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff147/Jedi_Mediator/shot0305_zpslmt3xzhy.jpg] I'll also go with what DT said, the structure so far looks true to the original which is good but texture work is what's really going to need to be done to make it "pop".
  17. You don't need to reference another program to get the weights right, just look at how I do it in my video tutorials, I set keyframes on all the bones so that I was free to move the bones however I wanted and changing the frame in the timeline would just snap everything back to the base pose. There are other ways of doing it like setting neutral poses, reference poses then just using the reset all transforms and reset actor commands but selecting all bones and setting keyframes is something anyone can figure out. Then I just bent the joints and with the joints bent I painted the weights so that the bent joint looked proper, then just snapped everything back to the base pose and moved on. You really need to update programs, the UV mapping tools in Max 5 are from the stone age and someone correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think that version even has a weight painting tool.
  18. Yeah, get with me when you're back online, might know what's causing the crashing.
  19. It's a modified version that @@DT85 compiled for our mod. The weird thing is that it ran before without it but I had troubles with crashing that DT didn't have.
  20. I get this all of the sudden when trying to launch openjk sp Never got it before, is it just me or is something else going on?
  21. I'm looking forward to seeing what some of the new mappers on our team can come up with.
  22. That would be a very useful tool for a lot of people.
  23. I'm no mapper but I think this is a valid suggestion. Maybe all of you can get on the same page as far as which version of radiant you guys can agree on since I know not everyone uses the same version that way the files can be passed around and maybe some even worked on by more than 1 person.
  24. Well a mini update, made all the leg-up animations, going to just do a simple one for pain by extracting the beginning of the death animation. Kinda procrastinating on the turning animations but I know once I set the first keyframe I'll turn them out really fast. I think I may end up doing LOD's, maybe not all 4 but at least 1 or 2. Made a shader file, simple spec one, I think @@AshuraDX made one for Rend2 for the normal maps, I should send the pk3 his way if so. Gonna take it easy, hyper extended my elbow a couple of weeks ago and rapid mouse clicking, keyboard action doesn't seem to be helping the muscles in my forearm.
  25. Just looked into it, no way to do it without them needing the file as well. Would have to put the skin file and icon in a separate folder and change them to default. Just gonna have to stick to doing it through the console.
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