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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. Am I the only one that thinks the saber design is retarded?
  2. Damn, can't believe I forgot lucasforums, that's actually where I learned how to work the PCJ list thingie to keep the heirarchy in tact so that my rig would export properly, super old thread made by ASk, creator of GLAMerge. I posted there almost as much as FF, pcgamemods was 3rd and void was 4th but kinda rare.
  3. Yeah, been in JA modding since 2004, pretty OG compared to 98% of this forum lol. Was on the void and pcgamemods. In it's day jk3files was THE place to be, back in those years the traffic was so insanely heavy and there were like 10+ new files a day it seemed.
  4. Don't know why you reverted back when the OS isn't the problem, if it were then no one using Windows 10 would be able to play JA and that hasn't been the case.
  5. I might try and install JA but I doubt I'll bother on this laptop since it's more a "work" laptop, I know my desktop wont have problems running JA despite and OS change. Those of you who are having problems your issues are hardware related and not OS since many others have no problems,
  6. Thanks for reminding me about this lol. Gonna try it out on my laptop first since all I use that for is tuning my cars computer and having a means to browse the web when I'm out of town in a hotel. If it were an OpenGL issue the console would stay running and let you know. Try to find a way to generate a crash log.
  7. I wouldn't say that in Outcast it would be more cannon to have this considering that Outcast takes place not long after RotJ where as Ep7 is a good while later.
  8. @@DT85, just link me to the files I need and how to install them, my brain is generally too fried from work these days to wanna have to figure it out, I'm also not home much but I'll try to find the time unless someone else with an AMD card wants to help. If it makes any difference it's a MSI R5770 Hawk with a slight overclock past what the MSI version of the Radeon HD5770 has. The card is kinda old.
  9. I have an AMD card, don't have rend2 installed though.
  10. Why skimp out when LOD's are so quick and easy to make?
  11. Another thing, @@Psyk0Sith, do you have any displacement maps that you used to render Kain? If so I'd like to have them to see if any shader could be set up. I know, I know, I never released the model, I ran into some LOD and weight issues. Got lazy and didn't wanna release it until it was fixed but I swear once I have the time I'm gonna fix then release it lol.
  12. I'd rather have carcass fixed, it's tired and true, so many tutorials and every time I used Noesis as a intermediate program I had problems. Does the -smooth option only weld boundary points/edges that share the same EXACT global coordinates? Or will it try to weld a boundary edge to the nearest surface?
  13. @@AshuraDX I think set up a shader for the AT-ST so that it should use all the same maps came out of substance designer but I'm not 100% on that.
  14. Watchin Joe Dirt 2 lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      WTF, it's like one of the greatest movies of all time!

    3. Psyk0Sith


      Wouldnt it be time for a reboot by now anyway? XD

    4. Tempust85
  15. It's not about capability though, it's just sheer tools alone that make things easier. Max 8 is very old. As a student people can get a license for free for the newest versions, I used my ex's student info to get a license to the 2013 suite back when it was new, I'm just using Mod Tool just to show off that it can be a good free solution and even that is way ahead of Max 8 since Mod Tool 7.5 was released in 2009.
  16. Honestly, you should just focus on the most current version. I haven't used Max in years but I'm sure improvements have been made to make older versions obsolete. I don't see why people are using really old versions like 8. Last I used was 7 and it was newish at the time.
  17. 7 would still be leaps and bounds better than what you've got, 7 beats XP in every single way.
  18. Dude, get rid of XP, wth are you doing with your life lol.
  19. It's not the plugin it's Milkshape in general has no way to do hierarchies.
  20. Custom assembling. I used to buy off the shelf towers and just upgrade them but I'm tired of being limited by the motherboards BIOS so I've started to just build from scratch. Next one will just be a selected motherboad and utilizing shelf tower accessories since they're still worth using, like the video card, processor, RAM and such.
  21. I don't buy shelf units so I won't own anything with a pre loaded OS.
  22. I started out with Milkshape and it used to be a popular solution for Q3 modding. I tried the exporter after I started using Softimage to see how well it works and if Milkshape only had a way to arrange a hierarchy it would be fully capable of exporting a dotXSI 3.0 file that Assimilate could use to build a character model or animation.
  23. Well if someone say has a copy of the old Maya 7 plugin that allowed import/export of dotXSI 3.x that would be a start as it could possibly be reverse engineered. I guess though there would have to be a demand for it Using other software for file converting has never worked perfectly, my opinion may be biased as a Softimage user but maybe not so much since I have experience with other 3d packages but nothing so far has worked as flawlessly as exporting from Softimage and just using Assimilate to compile. Things like my _humanoid rig and AT-ST worked flawlessly right away and they were 2 of the most advanced animation rigs done as far as I've seen. Although Max exporters are now more up to date I've yet to see any heavy animation work exported and working and as far as Blender people only seem to be using it to jumble models together and not really create anything new.
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