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Everything posted by minilogoguy18

  1. The VEH and NPC files must match, the problem probably is that one of the files controls the bounding box and it's the size the model originally was so it appears to be floating when it's actually sitting on its bounding box. Pretty sure it's in the VEH file, like so... ATST_vehicle { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 //Try adjusting these 3 lines width 80 //Try adjusting these 3 lines height 272 //Try adjusting these 3 lines centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin default radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_mossy { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin mossy radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_clean { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin clean radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_rusty { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin rusty radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_snow { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin snow radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 } ATST_vehicle_random { name ATST_vehicle type VH_WALKER numHands 2 hideRider 1 killRiderOnDeath 1 lookYaw 45 lookPitch 45 length 80 width 80 height 272 centerOfGravity "-0.222 0 0" speedMax 290 speedMin -80 acceleration 7 decelIdle 20 strafePerc 0.0 bankingSpeed 0.0 rollLimit 2 pitchLimit 0 braking 10 mouseYaw 0.003 mousePitch 0.01 turningSpeed 5 turnWhenStopped 0 traction 100 friction 100 maxSlope 0.7 mass 400 armor 1500 toughness 75.0 model atst skin default|clean|mossy|rusty|snow radarIcon "gfx/menus/radar/atst" explosionRadius 400 explosionDamage 1000 explodeFX "ships/ship_explosion2" explosionDelay 2450 soundOn "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_close.mp3" soundOff "sound/chars/atst/atst_hatch_open.mp3" weap1 atst_laser weap1Delay 250 weap1AmmoMax 50 weap1AmmoRechargeMS 500 weapMuzzle1 atst_laser weapMuzzle2 atst_laser //weapMuzzle3 ??? weap2 atst_rocket weap2Delay 1000 weap2Aim 1 weap2AmmoMax 20 weapMuzzle4 atst_rocket cameraOverride 1 cameraRange 300 cameraVertOffset 150 //cameraPitchOffset 0 cameraFOV 100 //This just doesn't work on levels with fog, so... leave it off //cameraAlpha 0.25 cameraPitchDependantVertOffset 0 }
  2. I would say definitely try to get something higher resolution going for your skybox on that map, it's very pixelated.
  3. A lot of games out there even older ones have widescreen "fixes" or "patches" and if it's a steam copy of an older game they usually go ahead and add 16:9 support. I know a lot of the images will need to be redone but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
  4. I feel like we should make the move to a 16:9 native resolution for everything hud and menu related. Like come on, is anyone seriously still on 4:3????
  5. You left lol. Now I gotta find someone else that can code and maybe do a handful of other things to take your place cause I can only really animate and a mediocre modeler at best. I did at least download Radiant but next to a 3d art package it makes no sense.
  6. I don't even know who to summon on this topic, only a few people running Mac since it's generally not the first choice in game modding since most tools are designed around Windows.
  7. There are soooooo many characters here that are available, might wanna check with someone who backed up jk3files.com. I really wanna do a droid starfighter/vulture droid where its landed mode is walker mode and changing on takeoff.
  8. Sketchup is a waste of time to even bother with, there are far better free solutions out there. Besides, the mapping program for this game is free. GTK Radiant.
  9. Not ruling it out, just kinda one of those things that would have to be decided when we get far enough into the mod, maybe both can be options that the player can choose.
  10. ^This Also, if you think about it, the game takes place SO SHORTLY after RotJ to where the stormtroopers were probably the same as well as using the term Galactic Empire had not yet changed. IMO the movies make it seem like the first order came quite some time later. I wouldn't wanna ruin a classic game by changing it to matching the new cannon which frankly isn't that great anyway.
  11. They're so nostalgic though... It'd also be a butt load more work to make them. It'd have to be something that would be made final decision on towards the release of the mod which is no time soon lol.
  12. I'd really hate to be that person but I just can't resist any longer. Any updates @@Psyk0Sith?
  13. The only thing I've found is OpenGL issues with AMD cards, if you have an AMD card you might wanna disable the auto update option for drivers. If you actually have troubles you should be able to fix it by installing older drivers. I had to do this for Softimage and I've read that this happens too with Blender. Integrated cards don't seem to have issues but PCI-e cards might.
  14. Cable company is taking forever.... >=(

    1. TheWhitePhoenix


      I know how you feel waiting for them to set up the internet and everything....PAIN IN THE A**. >:(

    2. Smoo
    3. Cerez


      and over and out...

  15. That pushable door is very nice. One suggestion maybe? Maybe make him start with the generic reborn saber and build a unique one later on?
  16. Let me know if you need anything modeled.
  17. @@Psyk0Sith, the pose you have it in is just fine.
  18. @@Xycaleth if you can explain what you need exactly I could probably make some files that wouldn't load. Is there any chance of some changes coming to any other programs? There is a change that could be made to Assimilate that would make output of certain files more simple like the skin file and animation.cfg as well as animevents.cfg.
  19. You must be the only person who's never seen it, have you ever played online???? Just look for a JA+ video on youtube or a lugormod video. I promise, it's not as cool as you probably think.
  20. I would just like to try sort of along side of what Archangel wants to try, just to see what I can come up with. I've already been acting out some of his motions and how he'll wield the saber in almost a hacking axe like way with heavy powerful strikes. I figured that would be a good contrast with Pic who would probably fight more like Yoda. If you pose it to the default JA base pose could you possibly do that at the VERY end? Reason why is that pose is ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE to start any animation from. The current pose you have it in would be fine or at least way better than the Da Vinci pose since I won't be forced to use that with a custom skeleton. If you look at my JA biped I purposely set the neutral pose to something different and just added the Da Vinci pose as a animation clip for GLA merge reasons because it's an absolute shit starting point to have the legs spread with the feet off the ground.
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