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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. Looks impressive, although the original head doesn't look like the actor, it has become very iconic for the game series. I was trying to find some images of Kyle Katarn and this toy caught my eye; that shoulder armour looks neat
  2. I enjoy watching Lethal Weapon movies, this was a funny scene; George..! I got a gun... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO6lY--gKPw
  3. Derp Dapah Dildah wut the fuk is this name?? Nice model.
  4. Could you edit Kyle or Jedi Trainer so that they would have some stormtrooper parts on them? for example; remove jeditrainers shoulderpad, replace it with stormtrooper shoulderpad, add the forearm armor and the handplate. Why not change the entire arm? BECAUSE = reskinning the jeditrainer arm is easier than reskinning the stormtrooper arm. If you'd do that for me, I could create some really cool clonewars type Jeditrainers and Kyle for my SP here's a photoshop frankenstein, recoulouring those parts and overall reskin of jeditrainer makes a wonderful armoured jedi
  5. yeah definetly, I think Jedi Academy can be improved by creating more... smoother, continuous animations. If I only knew the powah of the dark side...I mean... If I only knew how to create animations... I'd be doing this already.
  6. It's called COMMANDO (made in 1985), and it's very macho, as is the next film; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9f2ywSVamc
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUfuZJI9LK4 Epic.
  8. Do you really think that the teaser would not be uploaded to youtube? since after its release, we'll have to wait a looong time 'till we see a longer trailer, and a whole year before the movie comes out.
  9. this one if off-topic, and fan made, but I wouldn't be surprised to see......
  10. Most likely a fan art then a fake.. internet *forcemindtricked me... I don't know what to belive in anymore.... I must meditate on this
  11. That's a cool character, and could be re-skinned for many purposes. I suggest an actual model for this one too, it has too much detail to be made as a skin.
  12. matter of opinion; I don't like it so bulky, nor do I like the robotic arm, it just looks too small and weird.
  13. lol Intone - don't take it so personally... I like this one better than dariannt's version. Also the /npc_kill all command made a great screencapture
  14. I take my words back, I found an image that I have not confirmed to be official, not yet, but take a look, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B1HdyJFCAAATubg.jpg:small http://makingstarwars.net/2014/11/shot-star-wars-force-awakens-teaser/
  15. what do you suggest? contacting the developers of Kotor and ask for their permission to use these models ?
  16. You work fast ...but it still doesnt look hastily done, it actually looks like a sith version of Luke's Yavin Academy -- Great work man!
  17. And so it begins...... christmas came early for this community
  18. Everytime I come across a rumour I don't want to belive in, I say to myself; "What would George Lucas do..? "
  19. The Sith Inquisitors have already been ruled out, it was only a rumour. It's also unconfirmed that any of the original trio would die, there's no need to worry that Luke would kill Han. We know very little of Luke so far, the only thing confirmed is that he has become a hermit / a loner. "luke has lost his mind" is only a made up conclusion and doesnt mean he's insane
  20. and here I was expecting to see a cartoonish Sidious...
  21. Wow.. that's the coolest thing I've seen here in a long time
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