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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. At this point we can only speculate what will happen in Episode 8, and to do so, we must take into consideration everything we know about Episode 7. So it's really not off topic to discuss Rey's parents and her background in order to form theories of how the character will develop in The Last Jedi, based on what we know from Episode 7. As for Snoke, it's almost obvious that the next episode will be much like AotC & ESB, meaning that it will somehow favor the bad guys. I'm sure we'll get to see more of Snoke, hopefully they'll reveal his identity. Which brings me back to a theory that I've been thinking about since the announcement of the title; that perhaps the title is not about Luke, but instead it's about Snoke. Nothing to back up this theory, but Snoke could also be the last jedi from before the infamous order 66. Maybe he's a survivor of the temple raid. He could be anyone really, but it just keeps haunting me that he's seen the rise and the fall of the empire..
  2. Oh by the way, here's a concept art of the ship that we actually saw taking off in Rey's flashback. As you can see, there's a child with 2 adults (parents). There was probably going to be a scene where either Rey is remembering that moment when her parents left her, in a dream or perhaps part of the vision she had at Maz Kanata's place. Who knows. just like she was supposed to be living inside an AT-AT wreck, where she had an actual ship instead of that lollipop speeder; ....which as some of you might remember, apparently even had a set built for ! There's obviously so much more written about Rey and her background. I wonder if any of the stuff meant for Ep7 will be somehow included in Ep8.
  3. I wonder what that teaser will show us, the source you provided says; While they can't exactly give away the plot, they're hopefully going to reveal something that will get fans screaming and jumping, I hope. But damn it if they're just gonna show Luke standing on a rock - _-
  4. 1-2) You better watch that movie again. And this time focus on how Rey remembers being left on Jakku; You can clearly see Unkar Plutt's hairy moisty hands. Rey was left there alone, probably even sold as a slave, but she was definitely with Unkar Plutt from an early age, and I find it hard to believe that piece of garbage gave Rey any piloting lessons. Her many skills can simply be explained with what we already know; she's is force sensitive, and those kind of people usually had an unusually good luck with things, and a way of understanding everything that would be too complex to the normal people. In short, she flew well, she fought well, because she was strong with the force. 3-4) I doub't he was playing hide and seek with Rey, c'mon. But your theory is as good as they come, since the whole idea of him living in exile, and the good guys being looking for "missing piece of a map" sounds just too f*** disney to me, I can't wait to hear what kind of shit they come up with to explain that AND R2's sudden wakening.
  5. @@Cerez Quote from cinemablend.com, over 9 months ago; A young fan at J.J. Abrams’ Tribeca Talks: Directors Series discussion with Chris Rock at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival built up the confidence to say to The Force Awakens director, "I was just going to ask whose Rey’s parents are?" This was met with rabid applause from the audience, before J.J Abrams then tried to comically dismiss the question by telling the person who asked it to "get out." But the filmmaker couldn’t keep his mouth completely shut, as he then added: Rey’s parents are not in Episode 7. So I can’t possibly tell you who they are at this moment. But all I will say is that this is something that Rey thinks about, too. So you can forget about the theory of her being Kylo's sister. This also rules out Luke Skywalker as her father. [edit; -> ] And it doesn't make any sense at all, I've watched that film so many times, and she's a stranger to them all, no matter how you put it, EXCEPT for Kylo who clearly recognized her, as you mentioned. But that doesn't give any ground for the theory that they would be siblings. There have been so many theories about her identity, one was especially interesting, it said that Rey is actually the reincarnated chosen one, in other words, she is Anakin. It sounds absurd, but at the same time, a very cool idea. We've never seen a saber "call to a Jedi" like in the movie, so it was a really special moment in the entire saga. And the vision she has is not exactly her vision, it's as if the saber itself shared some memories with Rey. Doesn't really fit into the StarWars as we know it, but I'd accept it, if the Force itself created a life form, a boy who would balance the good and evil, then wouldn't it make sense that his saber would have some sort of a fingerprint on it, some sleeping powers, that only the presence of a chosen one would trigger? This would also explain why Kylo seemed to recognize her (or rather him) because he was such a fanatic, and clearly a believer of the chosen one legend, he admired his grandfather, he kept talking to him, like some of us pray to god. I know, it sounds weird. But it makes sense. So she's not Anakin, she doesn't have his memories, she is THE CHOSEN ONE reborn. This would also explain why she was able resist Kylo's mind reading, Kylo who himself is one of the most powerful force users of all time, being the grandson of the chosen one, same as Luke is probably THE most powerful Jedi after Anakin, it runs in the family. There should be close to zero people who could resist Kylo's mind reading, be it a sith or a jedi. And Rey even somehow backfired it, and read Kylo's mind. It was the Awakening of The Force. This theory sounds nice, and I wish it was the truth, but it's all speculation until the first trailer. It would also mean that Kylo wouldn't probably stand in her way, whatever she wants to do. I'm not sure how Snoke would fit into all this. Because we don't know who he is, if he's a powerful jedi, ex-jedi, sith or just a guy who knows his shit. If he's not a force user, then I'd expect him to die in episode 8, with someone else even more dangerous taking his place. I don't know.
  6. Good point @NumberWan, but it just sounds too complicated. I'd imagine reading about it, but I don't see an entire scene explaining the origins of Rey on such a deep level. You're also forgetting the fact, that there are both Imperial and Rebel wreckage/ debris on Jakku, and that Rey was living as a scavenger, so that helmet was most likely just something she became fond of. It could have been a stormtrooper helmet. This is why I think it's nothing more than a hidden message indicating her name before the premiere of TFA. About the newly announced title of Episode VIII; "The Last Jedi" has clearly started a lot of fan theories about the plot of the film. As with all the previous episodes, the title is not random, but a clear hint of what the movie will be about, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return Of The Jedi, The Phantom Menace etc. so the upcoming episode will be about The Last Jedi, and unlike many others, I don't think that the title is about Luke & Rey, or even Finn. No, I think the title is about Snoke. There's a lot of mystery surrounding The Supreme Leader, and I'd imagine this episode to be about The First Order. After the destruction of the Starkillerbase, I'd imagine them being so furious, that Hux would send bountyhunters after the Rebels, similar to what Darth Vader did in ESB. This would be an opportunity to give Captain Phasma more screen time, as she stops at nothing to capture Finn and Poe. While the heroes are on the run, Luke has the perfect and maybe the only chance to sit down and shed some more light on The Supreme Leader Snoke = he used to be a padawan at the Jedi Temple, a survivor of the destruction of the temple. The Last Jedi. Twisted with hate towards the Skywalkers. It would be a great way to tie this trilogy with the other 6 movies.
  7. I believe there was a Plo Koon model here somwhere, does anyone remember the page?
  8. Fix the armor too, I know it's supposed to look shiny but it looks oiled.
  9. I've also tried making a func_train, below is a copy paste of just 1 of many tutorials I found; Open Radiant. Open your map by clicking on "File," then "Open" and selecting your map. Draw a brush in the 2-dimensional window. This will be the actual moving platform. De-select the brush. Go to the "Textures" menu and select "System." Then select the "System/origin" shader. Draw a small box in the 2-dimensional window. Now drag it into the center of the platform you just created. Select them both by holding down the Shift key and clicking on them. Right-click in the 2-dimensional window and select the "Func" menu. Finally, select "func_train." Deselect everything. Right-click in the 2-dimensional window and select "path," then "path_corner". This "path_corner" essentially serves as a waypoint along which your platform will travel. Once you have created the first, create another. Now select both and hit Control and the "K" key. This will link the two. Repeat this process until you have formed a circular path with your "path_corners." Deselect everything, then select your "func_train." Select the first of your "path_corners" and hit Control and "K" again. This will link the train to its metaphorical tracks. Compile, and you're finished. Doesn't work.
  10. You should've made the stormtroopers pose differently.
  11. Always wanted to see a Val Kilmer skin for JKA.
  12. The movie was great! I saw the 2D version, it wasn't perfect, but I'm going to see the 3D version soon. It's hard to believe it was a Disney film, Vader finally got scenes on the bigscreen that explained just why he is so feared, more of that please!
  13. Friendly sparring, before Dooku left the Jedi Order, when he was stiill a Jedi Master. I like your work so far!
  14. And I really like hearing that Yoda puppet is back
  15. Ok, as much as I have kept an eye on this topic, I honestly don't know if I'm repeating this question; "Where is Luke's saber?(at the end of TFA)" Obviously I mean the one he made after ESB. The ending scene for The Force Awakens doesn't reveal a saber of any kind hanging from Luke's belt. His old saber, Anakin's saber, seems to be Rey's saber now. Maybe we'll see Luke taking his saber from a wooden box, like Ben Kenobi once did during ANH? Or we'll find out that he lost his saber when Kylo turned against him? What difference does it make, right? Well, I'm just thinking what to expect from Luke in episode 8. Will he share old Ben's fate and just die with a "too old for this shit" attitude, or, will he infact use the power of the Force like Yoda did in the prequels? Surely his days in hiding are over now, he has to confront some enemies and I personally have huge expectations for this character, I mean, he is one of the most powerful jedi to have ever lived, maybe even greater than Yoda. I heard a rumor that he might...
  16. Can I ask for these; Yoda killing SidiousQui-Gon training Obi-WanKyle Katarn training with LukeKyle Katarn killing StormtroopersCount Dooku vs Cin DralligBen Kenobi killing Stormtroopers / Sandpeople
  17. Looks good, perhaps a bit too shiny for my taste. But please, no more Stormtrooper reskins or models, I think we got plenty of these already..
  18. z3filus

    Training Shrine

    The number of downloads disappoints me, because this map is great!! The design, the detail...
  19. z3filus

    Burnin Konn

    Wow, this looks great! Almost like SJC maps. Take that as a compliment
  20. z3filus

    Climbit 1

    " This map is compatible with jk2 and jk2! " Ooops, might want to fix that. The map looks good .
  21. Thanks Futuza, much appreciated
  22. No. Actually I just tried making painting them right on the textures, with a new shader, but it looks so cartoonish. So I'd really need help. Having a few transparent blood spatter textures would be easier to work with, naturally, cuz then I could add them where ever I want to.
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