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Everything posted by dark_apprentice

  1. Same problem, so i used good old Katarn
  2. they stay, but it looks like Toshi's Vade when you remove his hips_skirt. I would need perhaps to use the base JKA imperial legs, but dunno if that works for you.
  3. Truth is that this toy was fan made custom design and the guys are selling it for more than 1K US $
  4. True, but the skirt comes from HS_Dooku's hips without it there won't be anything in there and just the JKA skeleton and her legs on the bottom image are more close to the reference pic you shared.
  5. @ just tried on this one, but for now i come up with this 2 versions
  6. Here it is: Dark Empire Luke Skywalker Credits: Toshi for Vader, Jeff for Luke's TFU Wii Head, Merscil_KingArthur for Dracula 2.0 Cape
  7. Oh, i so much wished to request on Bane and you already shared it xD @
  8. It's pretty simple to do it @@kibasennin you must go inside the .pk3 file and extract only the "models/players/JediTempleGuardv2" folder. than you need to do this: Search for "Model_Default.SKIN" than copy & paste it 3 times, with each copy you need to Rename with the following: head_a1.skin | torso_a1.skin | lower_a1.skin Same process with the file called "Icon_Default.JPG" but this time you will have to type on each of the copies: icon_head_a1.jpg | icon_torso_a1.skin | icon_lower_a1.skin And you are almost done. Now you need to open NOTEPAD and inside you must paste this code from bellow: //colorshadername {action block} *white{setcvar ui_char_color_red 255setcvar ui_char_color_green 255setcvar ui_char_color_blue 255} Ok, now go and SAVE your file from "File - Save As.." and type this name: playerchoice.txt End you are ready. Save those files (icon_head_a1.jpg | icon_torso_a1.jpg | icon_lower_a1.jpg | head_a1.skin | torso_a1.skin | lower_a1.skin | playerchoice.txt) INSIDE your model's folder. You open up "zzzJediTempleGuardv2.PK3" open "Models/Players/JediTempleGuardV2" and put inside all those files you have created, than SAVE the .PK3 file put it inside your BASE folder of Jedi Academy and start a New Game, go to the characters menu and you will be able to select there the model itself.
  9. Yeeeeyyy ^__^ :D That really is a much better version, since I just used Lervish's old Han hair over a randome head lol xD Btw I may need your help with the imperial heads for a special OT kitbash, but better talk on PM.
  10. Tried to improve ROTJ's Luke hair and use the base hair style from base jka
  11. but i just put the head and vader's chest plate over the body of the Imperial Trooper by Sentra.
  12. From this amazing artwork by Venamis artist over his Instagram profile, i was inspired to recrate it. Credits: "Never say never" - artwork by Venamis
  13. I might be crazy and this one could end me for real, but why not give it a try? Do or do not, there is no try said a little green friend once.. https://jkhub.org/topic/7524-a-massive-project-im-finally-giving-some-light/

  14. It looks amazing, but the helmet could use some improvements
  15. @@Xplicit if you are able to handle those two tutorials and release this shuttle as a vehicle for JKA i would love you for life! https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/127-creating-new-vehicles-with-blender/ https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/189-duncans-vehicle-tutorial/
  16. I assume, that you have missed to read this part, so i will quote it for you:
  17. That happens when you have too much PK3 files inside your BASE folder, all the models have included .SHADER files, that were all tested and are working perfect on a CLEAN JKA, without any other mods installed such as "JKA Enchase or anything like that", If it needed something of those kind i would mention it in the read me//description file
  18. In fact he wanted to collaborate on this project with me, but sadly I am not that mastered in frankensteining to make it and all the alpha versions didn't work so the one I release is not quite perfect, therefore he is now looking for a new model that is not frankensteined or if so it's a really damn good one (and i am not able to do it)
  19. If i ever manage to get some free air and spend it to improve some models and packs as Ver.2 i will Other than that everyone else who wants to modify/change/re-texture the models is free to do it, as long credit is provided to me and the rest authors mentioned in my credits list.
  20. Here you go i later updated the post, but if you missed it here it is now: SW REBELS Maul
  21. How come?! @Seven I tested this gear on two different PCs and it was working all good on normal stances/walks/jumps and in fight mode with other chars. Are you sure you don't have too much .pk3 files inside your base? I ran into that error just once and after i removed all unused pk3 files from mine it worked without any other crashes.
  22. There is one already you just need a hologram of the original Emperor or the one played later from Ep. 6 to Ep. 3 https://jkhub.org/files/file/2302-star-wars-vaders-meditation-chamber/ Yes, finally someone to do it. I made a request on this room a while ago for a JKA map and finally I see someone who tries to do something, looking great so far and would be happy if you are able to bring it with help from others into JKA.
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