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Astral Serpent

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Everything posted by Astral Serpent

  1. Excellent =D
  2. You get the new big-release games for $60 in retail stores? In Australia, we get them for $110. Thankfully, I saw steam wallet cards in the local games retailer recently. Will definitely be buying one of those instead of paying shitty prices for games. Although, that implies I would even care to buy all the crap new games that come out. I'd say CS:GO is probably only one of the recent games that I've really liked - and it's only $15 from steam. When it comes down to it, the only company I see doing anything good in the games industry is Valve. They bring out mod support for (almost) every game they release, they update their games and each are pretty much unique. They don't spew out the same shitty title over and over, which is what I feel like I see everyone else doing. Older games are much more enjoyable than the new stuff that is coming out, aside from Valve's stuff and perhaps some indie game authors. tl;dr I'd take Quake 3 over Battlefield 3 any day. Also new games lack strafejumping.
  3. I saw TOR, so I ran in to give it a 0/10.
  4. 1440x900 I'm content, not like I do more than one thing at a time anyway.
  5. If I see any 'SASKAY SO HOT!11 XDDDD' in here I will be burning the thread to prevent infections. Other than that, welcome.
  6. You should probably use Visual Studio, since that's what the SDK is for.... VS2005, I think? Also, JACoders has a modbase with fixed bugs and such to make it easier starting a mod like this.
  7. Sometimes I wonder if Scooper isn't just a high-tech calculator plugged into a computer. Maybe this is why he never posts real life pictures or voice.
  8. Yeah, you're not going to get anywhere starting modelling off first, start off with a skin to get a feel with how the game works with stuff.
  9. Oh god, robotic keldors now?
  10. That blue skin contrasts way too much
  11. Holy shit. This spoke to me. I started modding in 2010 (or perhaps 2008), I made a terrible skin or two, then downloaded the JA SDK, went "I'M GOING 2 KREATE MODS" and now I finally understand pointers 2-3 (or 4-5) years later.
  12. His 21st birthday has not been yet, what are you getting at?
  13. You could take the secret santa event into mind, because in the end it was trading one mod for another, just not a direct trade between two people... But the difference was you didn't know what you were going to get, nor did you have many expectations or hopes for most things. I think it's silly to pay for mods, modding is a hobby, not a job. Trading mods is questionable... but one should not need to trade as an incentive, but rather feel as the trade is a part of inspiration or motivation to mod, since you know someone actually wants it. Not sure if my post makes sense
  14. Pretty sure JKG has verbose crash logs for a reason. (At least I've heard @@eezstreet mention something about it) What I'm saying here is, http://pastebin.com the WHOLE thing.
  15. It's on the same host, in a subdomain of jkhub no less, what more do you want...? Besides, Raz0r will say 'No'. And I think he's busy for a few days.
  16. Damn, being referred to as a 'team' makes me feel bad for not doing much aside from adding a few Lua functions. Just a note about server-side, it's only been released quite recently so competition-wise with JA+ it's not quite there, not yet, at least. Anyway, since my main interest in JA++ overall is Lua, if you have any suggestions for either the client-side or server-side API, just throw them to me. The current SS release does not have the Lua API, as far as I know. ...Also, I suggest moving a lot of your discussion to http://japp.jkhub.org, since we don't get so much activity on there and it'd be greatly appreciated. Support JA++ Lua API 2013
  17. QtZ (Which is ioq3, not JKA), but I'm referring to base JKA anyway, trust me - I'm fully aware of what Raz0r's doing, considering I stalk him 24/7.
  18. Why not just make a large map with 'enclosures' that are sections of that map with different themes, but in reality are contained in a ship or somethin'? Too bad there are no seamless portals in JKA, couldn't make it tardis-y.
  19. Welcome to JKHub! I like your mod, I think I'll put it in my base folder.
  20. If you want a theme, you could make an alternate reality type map where everything is weird and strange. Alice in wonderland style, I guess, means everyone can add some strange/funny stuff or some unique environments.
  21. I love egyptian themed maps, there are simply not enough.
  22. but behavED pretty much lays it out the same as it is in the actual script. It's not a big jump.
  23. What? No posts on this? It's interesting to see what decisions they made against some things in the final game.
  24. Hurry up and make a wiki so I can contribute.
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