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Everything posted by Rooxon

  1. Eh, I'm always around and I've already done a few requests here on the hub lately.
  2. Uhm... sure... in the "distant future"... I just feel like doing it right now, it's horribly easy to make.
  3. huh didn't think it would happen. Try playing on OpenJK, I didn't get transform space troubles on my end and I need to decimate the models somewhat. EDIT: Actually just play on OpenJK, as you should anyway. It hightens the stupid 2003 limits and I just tried battling 20 npcs, no transformspace trouble.
  4. https://drive.google.com/open?id=13A4CEE6dfEvnfegEnz736YLIzVOsoswV @@Droidy365 Here you go! Choose from the menu for MP, type in saber elucidator repulser for SP!
  5. I give this 5 stars It's looking nice and actually what I'm using atm for a quick playthrough for SP!
  6. True, for one I'd like a game where you can play as Luke and enter that... uhm thing from the comics, that force power where he kinda uses both light and dark and is cloaked in some green smoke, get faster and stronger? So pretty much a super saiyan Luke.
  7. I think Alora is the most logical choice as in a real possibility of a storyline. We played the "light-side apprentice" side, so why not the darkside one next?
  8. soon-ish, I'm not getting a lot of computer time in as I am alone these days and got too much work in RL.
  9. Eh I did not create them for that. It's still only 2 sabs with a small download count - under 5% of people that viewed this page actually downloaded the sabs. Allthough I did go for realism and the extra mile to make them really great out of personal respect to Ralph's concepts. This is what became the actual movie/comic sabers later on. It was totally worth it.
  10. Kirito's Dark Repulser by Rooxon on Sketchfab Almost uploaded. Now all you need is the playermodel. I should have the mod files ready by the start of next week.
  11. It was my pleasure creating these and I hope that all those hardcore old fans will enjoy them!
  12. I just watched man at arms doing the elucidator blade and I'm going to start a couple of parts from the second blade from scratch, to make it seem more realistic. Link:
  13. @@Xeby if you plan on releasing the mod, I'd suggest you keep the damageScale at 1 for multiplayer-friendly purposes and set the side blades damages to 0 so they don't add to the damage. If you're intending for it to be a SP version, make the damage scale whatever you want and add the line notInMP 1. But if you intend to throw it in for MP use, make sure to make it fair, MP friendly. So, main blade damage scale 1 and the side blades at 0. My 5 cents worth of opinion, this is probably the best answer to your question. Otherwise, I doubt there are many kids around (So 10 and under), we all tried to reason with you by being friendly, that's all. Calling people kids just because you don't agree with them doesn't seem right to me.
  14. I'll release them as a mod, yeah sure. some people post stuff they do here in the topics, while it's meant for the one that requested it, I'd rather post it publicly for all other possible fans to know about.
  15. Well we actually have facts that back this up so it's possible and nothing strange about it. Think of it as a damaged battery - it will heat up and swell up because it cannot function properly, and as said - it has to lose heat and have those vents exactly because it's producing too much of it. But it's all fiction anyway, you are free to have any personal opinion you want about it. But I agree with newt and what he said last - you wanted to discuss it, we're doing just that mate...
  16. Nah it's not really strange if you think about it - the explanation is quite logical. A cracked kyber crystal would not transfer the power as neatly as a solid one, it'd lash out, free the heat through the crack - thus making it overheat. Throw a couple of vents in there to divert that extra heat et voila. And now with that said, since the extra heat is being diverted in Kylo's saber, I'd keep the damage the same at damageScale 1.0 - if it was on a saber without vents, however, going by this logic, it'd be safe to assume that it has to be a bit stronger (hotter so well yeah more cutting power -> stronger) than the regular everyday saber.
  17. Oh no no no, these colors are just for material separation and the model is the high-poly - it's never going in-game. Don't worry, I've been watching the show's first season way back, I know how it is supposed to look like.
  18. Indeed, but I must point out that I took some liberty, threw in some personal touches to make it appear more as a functional weapon instead of a plastic flashlight.
  19. 443 downloads

    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy and paste the r_mcquarriesabs.pk3 from this zip file to your "base" folder, the default path is "C:/Program Files/Lucas Arts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Game data/Base" DESCRIPTION: So, the first lightsaber concepts didn't look anything like what we got in the end. This is how they did. Requested by Lancelot. For MP, choose them from the sab menu. For SP, enable cheats with "helpusobi 1" through the console, then enter: saber mqluke saber mqvader ... to play with the respective hilt. BUGS: None that I know of.
  20. I'll make the swords for you. I'll start today and we'll see how it goes. EDIT: I'll grab other ref pictures to work after.
  21. Asked and answered: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3457-%7B%3F%7D/ File should become visible once it's approved.
  22. It's been months since I released anything to JKHub, too much real life stuff and alongside that other projects people want me for - let's give this a shot. One thing only @@Lancelot, please post as many concept pictures of this as you can - I can search for it myself but in my country, nothing past the movies was available to me so I might not pick the accurate ones, so I'm asking you. It's priority on my to-do list, so do that asap pls
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