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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Raise that data rate - I doubt it's the solution to this, but it helps listing more servers and at more decent pings.
  2. Ramikad

    JK3Files Shuts Down

    JKHub has taken ovah.
  3. Then I can imagine the cheat-only Level 4 effect: Black Screen Of Death.
  4. Woah, only now I find out that travelling past 2'147'483'648 units (I think that's the number, theoretically equivalent to 60'397.9776 kilometers) from the origin gets you into completely void parallel worlds, much larger than any map ever created. Mind = blown. Wonder if there's an infnite number of them...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Onysfx


      I used makermod to teleport to those coordinates that you showed in the pic. My god, it's extremely messed up out there. You're player model teleports around the screen when you move your mouse.

    3. Onysfx
    4. Ramikad


      Apparently /setviewpos 4'294millions 0 0 0 teleports you nearly at the heart of the parallel world. Still, it's frightening, considering that even fucking turning around makes you move around the space. Absolutely extreme and terrifying.

  5. Ramikad

    TFU Stormie

    A bit off-topic, but they actually do. /npc spawn <NPC_type> <NPC_targetname>, this way you can run scripts on said targetname or even /control <NPC_targetname> without level 4 Mind Trick.
  6. Not sure if -lomem could fix it, as far as I know it's only used when dealing with memory limits. Pande might know more, I recall reading something he posted after compiling his DOTF map about it being "so saturated with lightmap info" that even the Menu was having troubles. Can't seem to find it though.
  7. Let it rest, then. Personally I prefer having Dark Forces and the JK series this way, holding a special place in my heart, instead of having them rebooted and butchered helplessly.
  8. Are you sure? I think I once had a misc_model going out in the void with no problem at all, except for shadows where it touches the void.
  9. http://jkhub.org/files/file/950-map-to-ase-converter-utility/
  10. With some coding, maybe, though I'm not an expert. However you can modify animevents.cfg so that an effect is played on a certain tag at a certain frame.
  11. There's spawnflags 2 (at least, it's there in Radiant 1.5) corresponding to the "Solid" option in misc_model. misc_model_static doesn't seem to have that though.
  12. All in all terrain and rocky walls are the only features you can manipulate into something decent without resorting to models. You may be interested in these tutorials: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/101-terrain-creation-using-easygen/ http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/92-hand-shaped-terrain/ But for single rocks I suggest you making models, since they need more natural shapes. Creating such shapes in Radiant is not convenient, because brushes tend to misalign textures at certain angles (and it's time consuming), and patches tend to be heavy on the game when spammed all over the map. About the lighting, if you feel the map is too dark overall you may want to set a _minlight <value> in the worldspawn, which will light it up a bit. _lightmapscale 0.125 makes shadows much smoother and generally leads to a better lit map, at the cost of compile time (also since it needs to be compiled with a -bounce 8 compile to work properly) and potentially a compile error. Add the -patchshadows command at the light stage of a custom compile build to make patches project shadows. Also, another good trick is to use light shaders as opposed to light point-based entities. Check out the base shaders to see how it's done. As for the water (though unrelated to currents - but I can see how a tcMod scroll in the shader could resolve it a bit) check out Darth NormaN's Water Tutorial: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/62-realistic-water/
  13. It itches me quite a bit that in the Hoth footage the shield generator is intact (and thus, supposedly, the planetary shield is still active), but you can still call in an orbital attack. Another thing that bothers me is the potential jetpack and shield spam... the old Battlefront didn't have them and they were just fine.
  14. Maybe they fixed it in Radiant 1.6, I still get it in 1.5.
  15. Empty brush-based entities appear when a new brush-based entity is created from a pre-existing one. You can check that out making for example a func_door, then reassign a func_door to the brush: the new door now is based on that brush, but the old one still exist, and since it's been replaced and has no more brush it will stand as an empty entity at 0,0,0 - and though I'm not sure it may cause troubles getting in-game.
  16. You can select everything and make it a single func_group, but make sure you track down and eliminate the "old" func_groups (they're generally at 0,0,0, and since they no longer have a brush they're based on you can only select them through the Entity List).
  17. As far as I know the possibility of Force Seeing anything is an entity setting of func_breakable and func_usable (and perhaps others? But the Radiant doesn't mention it). Try setting "forcevisible" to "1" after turning the marks into one of these entities.
  18. A bit off-topic, but... don't forget "The Emperor Gets a Job"
  19. If the skin supports RGB (check out how it's done with the Trandoshan, it needs an alpha channel), then try putting this line in the NPC file: customRGBA random1
  20. Makes little sense (because the turned Anakin was the dying old man in Episode VI) and is a bit disrespectful to him. The only reason for the change was to tie in with the prequels.
  21. Well, Dark Forces was a great Star Wars shooter featuring no lightsabers and no Force Powers
  22. I don't think it's possible. The only MP "cutscenes" I've ever seen are in siege_destroyer and MB2, and all of them are only played during intermission, after a victory or defeat. Jedi Knight Galaxies apparently had code for cutscenes though: http://www.moddb.com/mods/jkgalaxies/videos/npc-interactions-quests-and-dialogue-demo#imagebox http://www.moddb.com/mods/jkgalaxies/videos/jkg-cinematic-preview#imagebox
  23. Nobody knows. There's only one drawing showing an alleged Tusken face: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090906072428/starwars/images/6/6a/Republic_62_03.jpg And (partially) in Dark Forces II: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070127034910/starwars/images/c/c8/GraveTusken-JK.jpg
  24. Did you make sure the path is correct and the new shader is added to shaderlist.txt?
  25. Unlikely... unless he can get a working .skin of the model and reassign separately branches and trunk, that shader will get the whole tree to deform. Which would be good for a Halloween map, but not for a more realistic one. Notice what the texture looks like:
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