Light side powers were nice, but nothing dramatically different - in comparison to JA, the Light Side only lacks Force Blinding. Force Persuasion in Jedi Knight was more of an invisibility power than convincing an enemy to turn against the other enemies. Aside from that, the Dark Side powers were more interesting, in the specific Force Throw: essentially picking an enemy and let everything moveable (except items like shield recharges, etc.) in the room fly on him, causing great damage. Somewhat, the code for this already exists in JA: misc_model_breakable can be pushed toward a target, causing damage, though it seems to be horribly broken - apparently only one target will be chosen for ALL misc_model_breakables. And... well... how could you forget Force Destruction and Force Deadly Sight (burn them on sight!)? Mysteries of the Sith featured even more interesting powers, namely, Force Far Sight (basically an Out of Body Experience, flying as far as you can, but consuming Force Energy doing it) and Force Projection (as the name says, it created an illusory copy of the Jedi where it stood, drawing the enemy fire).