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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Do your clients have those player models? If they don't have them, they'll just see the new models as base Kyle. Also, make sure they turn off "Defer Player Model" or press Tab, but that's unlikely to be the cause.
  2. That's weird, normal caulk is supposed to be solid.
  3. Surrender to the crude reality of -lomem. It is useless to resist!
  4. Have you merged the newly created .gla with the base _humanoid.gla? Essentially, when you export a .gla you only export the animations you currently created or modified. Also, make sure that the animations you created are keyframed, and make sure the frames you're setting actually exist (set the Start and End frames to have a range to work with). I'm not completely sure how it works, but for the record, I usually leave the first frame totally empty, with the skeleton in its T-Pose. Keyframe every single animation frame you intend to export, Insert Keyframe (I) -> Whole Character (W). Export and merge the two .gla files (yours and the base _humanoid.gla) with GLAMerge: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1471-glamerge/ Modify the animations.cfg file in the _humanoid folder so that the old animation frame set is replaced with the new. For example, suppose you want to replace the fast stance animation: BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE 13052 2 -1 20 Should be modified to: BOTH_SABERFAST_STANCE 21377* 2 -1 20 * total amount of frames (21376) plus the new ones you added to the _humanoid.gla. Hope this cleared things up a bit. If there's anything else, ask away!
  5. Hell yeah!
  6. Yeah, that script command is a bit misleading. Just for the record, the print command prints a text straight in the console, I think it only shows up with developer 1 or g_ICARUSdebug 1 though. And yes, as you found out, creating subtitles involves creating a .str file inside Strings/English (depending on the language), named after the map they're going to appear in, and writing the subtitles in reference to the name of the audio files that are going to be played.
  7. Not sure it would be of much use. I still have them, but last time I tried, both maps were incompatible with JKG - they only worked briefly for me to take a lot of screenshots though. Not exactly sure when, but it might have been a PTR (Public Test Realm... aka the good old days) version of JKG. Also, the .pk3 are protected, and although it's possible to "extract" the maps it would return a wrong version number error when trying to load them, and apparently no way to decompile them, returning a weird error about them not being RBSP or something like that. If you want though, I can still send them.
  8. 1000* per mesh, for a max of 32 meshes, IIRC.
  9. I recall Pande taking a look at Korriban and saying it was quite "weird", in terms of terrain and rock walls. A lot was complete though - except for NPCs, Dreshdae was fully completed, as well as the bridge just outside the base, leading to the Sith Temple, once again pretty much complete, except for a few hallways and details. In the canyons past the Temple, there was an Enclave (locked by a Fallout Vault Door), which seemed to only need texture work, and at the end of the canyon the Valley, which needed the most work - the tombs were locked and there was nothing much, except for a nice sight. Dantooine, similarly, was in a good state. The Jedi Enclave was more or less shaped out, with the exception of a few corridors and hallways which required some texture and brushwork. For the first part, the green canyons we've all learned to love from KotOR were ready, complete with random fallen rocks. Past that, though, there were no walls, and that is a good lot to do. Large open grasslands were dotted by some houses, which required better texture work and positioning (they were floating). Additionally, one canyon held a weird vertical brush, of which only one side was textured with rock, floating in the nothing. Evulant and I affectionately named it "The Pole of Pande". Both maps still had Stargates, and although the code to get them working apparently isn't there anymore the panels were still usable. And ultimately... http://s23.postimg.org/pqn9qebfv/shot0475.jpg http://s23.postimg.org/kdyfc9njf/shot0190.jpg
  10. Loved exploring them back in the day. The Valley of the Sith Lords on Korriban was a damn epic sight, although unfinished. And what can I say about those cozy houses in the plains of Dantooine? I'd just settle there But too many Stargates dotting those maps.
  11. I concur with Psykosith, it's overkill, that's even more than Kyle's player model vertex count (excluding the LODs).
  12. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2597-mysteries-of-the-sith-mod-source-files/
  13. Nice ideas, I agree. I had similar ideas about Force Sense, though perhaps the "warning" or message could be more subtle, like the screen slightly flashing (very subtly) with the corresponding color (Blue for Light Side Force Users, and Red for Dark Side). A higher Force Sense level could increase the sensing range and "clearness" (how much more or less powerful than you is the player or character you're sensing), and the screen flashing would increase or decrease based on the distance and direction.
  14. Considering that DT already has his hands on Han, I voted for Obi-Wan. I agree that the Episode IV version could use a better model overall.
  15. Not sure why you're adding the face talk animations to the characters. AFAIK any sound played through a NPC or player model with CHAN_VOICE automatically applies the face animations. And yeah, given that the face animations are set with a T-pose I guess that's the problem. Try removing the FACE_TALK animations from the script, and see if it works.
  16. Here's another: Luke and Yoda on his deathbed.
  17. The same old limit remain: lack of dedicated modders. Though I'd also love to see this completed. The two main obstacles remain having models of Kell Dragon, the Phase II and III Dark Troopers and completing the remaining maps, some of which already started by the team and at a good point.
  18. Wild guess: perhaps there's a limit to the number of maps that can show up in the list.
  19. You know you're lost in thoughts when you mistype "system/origin" as "system/orange".

    1. CommanderXeph


      Maybe you are just hungry.


    2. eezstreet


      I mean, system/origin is indeed orange, with the default texture pack.

  20. I'm not really sure what's going on there. I've incurred into similar bugs (brushes going trasparent, if not completely absent or passable) mostly when I rotated them to strange angles. I noticed that most of the times making them detail brushes helps. And -lomem shouldn't return a fullbright map. It really is strange. About those brushes, the only solution that comes to my mind is to turn them into a model (you can easily do it with Yzmo's .map to .ase converter: http://jkhub.org/files/file/950-map-to-ase-converter-utility/ - just be careful with texture stretch, the converter seems to be very playful about it) and clip them with caulk or any solid invisible shader. Otherwise you could try and make them with patches.
  21. Make sure r_weatherScale is set to 1. Not sure what else could cause that.
  22. Script is the way to go. SET_INVINCIBLE True, and eventually SET_NO_FORCE True, should prevent it from being killed and pushed around. Scripts generally work better (if at all) in SP, but I think this one can work in MP.
  23. Shamelessly bumping this thread. I've recently noticed in my experiments that this error, MAX_ORIGINAL_EDGES, can also be caused by a fog shader in the worldspawn settings - I tried with textures/fogs/fog_black2, not sure if it does the same with other fog shaders. Admittedly, the map is pretty heavy, so the mixing of lots of brushes and the use of fog might have caused the error. Thought of posting it here, because I haven't seen this possible solution posted anywhere else.
  24. It really is thoughtful of the Radiant to remind me of all his annoying limits.

  25. I suggest both of the above. A painscript that runs a check on the NPC's health and then sets it to a new NPC (SET_PLAYERMODEL) when the health is halved.
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