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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. I suggest both of the above. A painscript that runs a check on the NPC's health and then sets it to a new NPC (SET_PLAYERMODEL) when the health is halved.
  2. It can, I tried in the past. Just replace the _JAHumanoid.gla and (maybe) the _JAHumanoid.cfg, and you should be fine. Though personally I find Blender a better and more intuitive alternative to animate with.
  3. Try adding blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO and/or depthWrite to the mix. Can't tell which one does what, but it might work with alpha textures.
  4. Alternatively you can try /dir maps .bsp. It'll list every .bsp, though, including the base maps. You can also use the /dir <folder> <.extension> command for pretty much anything, from sounds to musics to scripts.
  5. One set, please! They seem to be imbued with powerful magics. I'm also in Italy, near Velen, aka the ever foggy swamplands not too far to the south of our Great River. Another place of magic, too. I can confirm that.
  6. Basically that means that your character's or your opponent's "total geometry" is too high - too many polygons between player model and held weapon. What player and weapon models are you using?
  7. Yeah, VERY long, especially in a map with a brush count of 9033 and spanning ~50k map units in both length directions.
  8. To my knowledge that fog isn't caused by weather, but it's globally spawned by the map. Try increasing r_fogDistance. The map's distance cull is still quite limited, so once you remove the fog you'll notice a lot of holes in the map structure from afar.
  9. From my tests, I agree with mrwonko. I tried recreating a few rooms of my house, making it so that 1 unit = 1 cm, and then scaled them down of nearly 1/3rd (I think 0.375) to fit correctly to the player's size.
  10. I think I remember the second screenshot! I'm in that chat I think it was when someone fucked up with timelimit and the bombing run was unsustainable? Eh... good times, good times. Found that screenshot chat: [Global] Ori'Ramikad: i can say [Global] Ori'Ramikad: doesn't stop! [Global] Ori'Ramikad: we're doomed! [Global] Ori'Ramikad: taris will be destroyed! [Global] -=BlasTech=- Oc'riel: Taris is destroyed... This is pretty damn unplayable. D: [Global] Ori'Ramikad: uhmm... [Global] -=BlasTech=- Oc'riel: I'll change back the timelimit. [Global] Ori'Ramikad: an idea for a new map... taris_lower And soon after that I picked up the fabled Blue Cube. Izzy assumed, explaining that to me later on, while riding a Dewback on Nightfall (... damn memories...), that it was probably a null model used to spawn the blue glow effect when picking up the flag.
  11. What Izzy said. Also, make sure that the vertexes are weighted to the PROPER bones, not only correctly - since you copied the arm they're probably still tied to the right arm bones.
  12. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2121-voolvif-monn-in-jedi-clothes/ Yeah, the head is quite bad.
  13. Jedi Academy does have a soundset.txt, but afaik it doesn't affect sound volume.
  14. I'm not sure if voice chats make the player model move his lips, but tendentially taunts should make them move. If not, I think the only solution would be to rig the lips vertexes to the related bones. If you know what you're doing, you can achieve that moderately easily with 3DS Max or Blender.
  15. It's not necessary to have a NPC file, you can simply playermodel <modelname> model_default model_default model_default. The only downside of not having a specific NPC is that the player settings will be the same, first and foremost the max force energy and force regeneration rate, along with any potential additional saber style and lightsaber model.
  16. I'm not aware of any sound volume setting of sort. I think the only way is to make a lower volume sound.
  17. Apparently rendsaurus crashes the game, while the customsp works fine. Possibly just a problem with my Radeon though.
  18. Not sure if it's Blender 2.64 specific, but in my experience the vertex count on the right top of the screen shows the total vertexes of all meshes. To see the number of vertexes of a single mesh, I simply select that mesh and enter Edit Mode.
  19. Ramikad

    Waterfall Missing

    Perhaps glasses will help. But jokes aside... I don't think so. yavin2 has a fx_runner, set to world/waterfall3.efx. That effect, in turn, seems to only refer to the shader gfx/effects/alpha_smoke: gfx/effects/alpha_smoke { cull twosided { map gfx/effects/alpha_smoke blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen vertex alphaGen vertex } }Weird.
  20. /viewpos returns the player's location and angle.
  21. Personally I'm a fan of singleplayer missions / mods, so I can't help but suggest trying out the Dark Forces Mod: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1540-dark-forces-mod/ And of course Movie Duels II: http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-movie-duels Also, I appreciated the first (and only) chapter of a mod series, Deception: http://jkhub.org/files/file/480-deception/ As well as Dash Rendar Resurgence: http://jkhub.org/files/file/469-dash-rendar-resurgence/ Plus, the whole Nina Series: http://www.moddb.com/mods/nina-series If you're more interested in multiplayer mods, you should try out Movie Battles II: http://www.moddb.com/mods/movie-battles-ii
  22. It depends. With some tinkering they're fairly manoeuvrable.
  23. There are also .md3 lightsaber files. I'm not sure where and how they're used specifically, but I think they're used in the saber selection menu.
  24. Admittedly, though, it would be MUCH easier to just prevent it. Aside from inborn genetic conditions and environmental ones, a healthier diet really helps, as well as a better breathing and positive attitude - and luck. Lemons, grapefruits, vegetables, goji berries, are all helpful against cell oxidation and blood acidification, and it's not like they're out of reach in a good lot of countries. As they say, mens sana in corpore sano.
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