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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. Unless you dinamically place ship models and spawns OUTSIDE the map boundaries - there's a lot of unused (but usable, as Lugor proves a lot of times) space out there.
  2. Republic at War seems to have some good sounds for Plo Koon, from TCW.
  3. As far as I know, runscript only works with cheats enabled.
  4. Tinfoil hat time. Judging from an old (Kaminoan) Citadel map of mine, from up high it bears a resemblance to clone 99, with the towering part of the complex resembling a technological implant where the brain would be. And what do we get in Season 6? Clonetroopers with technological implants within their brains. HM... Suspicious. http://s30.postimg.org/a98ob5hoh/WTF.png

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    1. Circa
    2. Cerez


      And here come the conspiracy theories... Can't an emperor just peacefully execute his subjects and enemies without drawing such wild theories and questions about his motives and plans?

    3. JAWSFreelao


      Right? Dang it Bobby.


  5. Yes, but at a cost. You can't import a compiled .bsp into Radiant directly, so you need to decompile it first, turning it into a .map again. Aside from being not so legit (but that's only partially a problem), you'll lose every light entity the mapper originally put, except for light shaders, and the textures that are not on patches will not be fit as they were in the original map. So yeah, power comes at a cost.
  6. There's a much easier way to achieve first person lightsaber view in MP: cg_fpls 1.
  7. Strongly reminded me of Rogue Squadron, which is good.
  8. The author seems vanished. His last activity on the forum dates back to march 2013... so it would probably be more convenient to redo it from scratch.
  9. Haven't been playing it for a long while, so I may be wrong, but wasn't that "client mismatch" error fixed simply deleting the jampconfig.cfg in the MBII folder?
  10. And to help with that: http://forums.massassi.net/vb3/showthread.php?60565-Death-Star-%28JA%29 Too bad it was never completed.
  11. I second this.
  12. There's also the possibility that this particular design might involve some lore reasons beyond the hilt guard aspect.
  13. I disagree. That design doesn't really seem to serve that purpose - the saber blade will just slip on that blade, until it either cuts off the main emitter or the side ones.
  14. I agree. And quoting for the truth, DT85... And now that EP7 stormtrooper is complete...
  15. Ramikad

    Ahsoka Tano

    Really nice to see a realistic take on a Clone Wars character. On this matter, a good middle ground would be to use the trick with two blades, one green and one yellow, on the same lightsaber to create that peculiar color.
  16. Pretty much the same as Ping and Afinity; if anything, I'll miss a few mods and files, but frankly it didn't have enough for me to love it or miss it, especially when it all started going downhill.
  17. Lightsabers already work underwater, just add the line onInWater 1 in the .sab file. There's a whole lot of these lines to achieve the most various results, from playing an animation when activating the lightsaber, to restricting certain Force powers, etc.
  18. Use with caution, in my tests I didn't really get appreciable results.
  19. With all the due respect, I wouldn't call it "good looking". Admittedly, though, there weren't many more options available to achieve it.
  20. I think that fog.tga is only a help when mapping, it doesn't even exist in base JA but only in mapextras.pk3. About the caustic effect... I don't know. Honestly I'd rather have it "hard-mapped", with specific textures and shaders.
  21. Apparently we can - checked out the fog shaders: textures/fogs/fog1 { qer_editorimage textures/fogs/fog.tga qer_nocarve surfaceparm nonsolid surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm fog surfaceparm trans q3map_nolightmap fogparms ( 0 0 0 ) 256.0 cull twosided } The ( 0 0 0 ) indicates the RGB color, and the 256 (in this case) is the distance at which the fog turns completely opaque.
  22. Almost two: one for swimming and one for standing still, even though I noticed somewhere in the code that it could support a backward swim animation. I tried with a fog brush not too long ago and the effect isn't that bad. The underwater blue hue however ruins it a lot.
  23. Make sure the path is correct - it should be weapons2, not weapon2, also make sure the texture paths are correct.
  24. Yeah, also properly known as Caustic Effect.
  25. That water... that water...
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