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Everything posted by Ramikad

  1. The .glm importer allows you to select a range of frames of animation to import: check out in ModView which frames refer to Tavion's style and select them when importing the model/skeleton. It is not absolutely necessary, though, you can start from scratch and make your pose/animation; either way, what you'll have to do once you are finished is export the new .gla animation, then merge it with the basic _humanoid animations, modify the animations.cfg in order to change the reference to the new frames and you should be good to go.
  2. What happens if you try to move them away from each other? Maybe they have troubles running the scripts because the player is in both at the same time. Just a wild guess.
  3. Happy New Year everyone!

    1. Kessno


      Happy new year!

  4. 33 downloads

    I was surprised that I couldn't find any fireworks for Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy (or maybe I just didn't see them), so I decided to make a few for the Holiday Contest. Set off fireworks! Cast snowballs! Or at least, that was the intent. Unfortunately, while it works fantastically in SP, MP doesn't quite like it, and refuses to properly play the effects in animevents.cfg. So, unfortunately, it is for SP only, although the fireworks effects can be used in MP with a fxFile in the map. Who knows, maybe the Future will bring a solution to make it work properly for MP too. I can't state enough how I HATE MP for how limited it is compared to SP. The fireworks should display properly in most maps with a high enough skybox. To set off fireworks, press your Crouch key. To cast a snowball, the Taunt key. To install, unpack Fireworks_Snowballs.pk3 into your GameData/Base folder. To uninstall, remove Fireworks_Snowballs.pk3 from your GameData/Base folder.
  5. Might be able to wrap something up for this contest too!
  6. Make sure that you import the model from a folder with the correct hierarchies (models/players/<model>/model.glm, models/players/humanoid/humanoid.gla). Generally this solves it. Basically, the importer looks for the .gla based on the skeleton reference in the model itself, including the path.
  7. Very strange. I've only seen this type of behavior in MP, when trying to load a map after connecting to it and somehow disconnecting from the server. I can only think it could be related to entities, so my suggestion is to try that way, start removing and see if this fixes it.
  8. As far as I know, the player model in Jedi Outcast is hardcoded to be Kyle. Not completely sure, though.
  9. Version 1.01


    A nameless eldritch horror ghost thingy. I'm not sure what it's supposed to be, it just kinda popped up as I sculpted it. Inspired by the Screecher from the Lasting Light mod for Doom II. It includes an NPC, nameless. To install, unpack nameless.pk3 into your GameData/Base folder. To uninstall, remove nameless.pk3 from your GameData/Base folder.
  10. The base was actually pretty large - Luke's ride inside the box felt shorter than it actually was because it was described briefly, but it's probably at least 5-10 minutes from the landing pad to the storeroom. And yes, the ship in the landing pad is the one used by Luke to infiltrate the base, recreated from the description - including the larger crate concealing his X-Wing.
  11. Really strange that the model would be untextured - are you sure you applied the texture in the Ghoul2 properties of the object? As for the blade, I suggest you to import the tags from another lightsaber model - from my experience, tags can get fuzzy sometimes, this should fix the saber orientation.
  12. I think a script to SET_WEAPON <weapon> will suffice - not sure though, the player might be unable to return to it once it is deselected.
  13. 409 downloads

    A recreation of parts of the Cavrilhu Pirates Base, based on the description from Specter of the Past by Timothy Zahn. It is an asteroid in the Amorris system, in the Kauron asteroid field. It features a landing pad, quite a few corridors, a trap (recreated as best I could from the description from Specter of the Past, but thank multiplayer for having to downgrade it!), a warehouse and several rooms. I included the map file and script sources, in case anyone wanted to take a look. I didn't find any bug, although I may have missed a couple of caulked spots here and there. To install, unpack the file Cavrilhu.pk3 in your GameData/Base folder. To uninstall, remove Cavrilhu.pk3 from your GameData/Base folder.
  14. Easiest way I can think of is to let the script run twice, but use a script that is run before it to declare a variable or set a parm and then run a check so that it runs the first part during the first cutscene and the second part during the second, like this: //(BHVD) declare ( /*@DECLARE_TYPE*/ FLOAT, "script_stage" ); set ( "script_stage", "1" ); in the early script; //(BHVD) if ( $script_stage$, $=$, $2$ ) { rem ( "*Run second cutscene*" ); } if ( $script_stage$, $=$, $1$ ) { rem ( "*Run first cutscene*" ); set ( "script_stage", "2" ); } in Mara_Stand.ibi. From what I experimented in the past it should be doable and work nicely in this case.
  15. There's one in the Dark Forces mod, and you can find it in its Source Files.
  16. I'm on it, Gold Leader!
  17. Merry Christmas everyone!

  18. Closest one (but still not quite like it) would be the Rockettrooper suit or the Hazardtrooper suit. Other than that, I'm not aware of any space suit player model.
  19. Feel free to add it to the mod if you guys like it, though I don't have the .map file anymore (not sure if you need it).
  20. Ramikad

    SC Island

    Yes, I basically rendered a high resolution heightmap and baked it onto a much less complex version of the terrain, then I exported it as .md3 and completed it in Radiant with palms and bushes.
    Nice and colorful!
  21. 422 downloads

    A recreation of the first level of Dark Forces 2 I did many years ago. Found it a few weeks ago, and when I tried it again I found it quite enjoyable and fast-paced, so I decided to share it. I made the NPCs more dynamic overall to make them actual threats, and not just fixed targets. To install, unpack the folder DCONS and dcons.bat into your GameData folder, and launch dcons.bat. To uninstall, remove the folder DCONS and dcons.bat from the GameData folder.
  22. Ramikad

    SC Island

    "Maybe you can use your lightsaber to cut those trees down and make a bridge."
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