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Everything posted by Circa

  1. That post is over a year old. No need to get mad about repeat complaints when it really isn't one. Also, TFU is not canon. Rebels is. Nobody complains about it anymore anyway.
  2. Circa

    Donate to JKHub

    Technically no deadline. You can donate whenever you like throughout the year, not only during this period. But the sooner the better. We have a couple payments in the remainder of this year, and then a few throughout next year until next October.
  3. If you're feeling generous, JKHub could use some donations. Check the latest news post for details or click the Donate tab on this page.

    1. katanamaru


      A call to action!

  4. Circa

    Donate to JKHub

    Sell the blood, give us the money.
  5. Moved to correct section. The fast stance he has there is from my KotOR stances but the dual stance is different. Blood mod ruins the game, that looks awful. The other effects are Kahn D'lhaine's UltimateWeapons mod. Might be my In-game Character Selection mod as well. The Obi-Wan customization is one called "prequel Jedi customization" or something similar to that. I watched with no sound but if there's a mod that "adds bass", skip that one.
  6. Circa

    Donate to JKHub

    We could use a little help Yep, it's that time of year again. The time when we beg politely ask for donations. As of today, JKHub has been going strong for over two years. Every day, hundreds of people visit a website we host. JKHub has almost 63,000 posts and 1,494 members registered, and counting. Additionally, we provide downloads for 1,845 mods, some of which over a GB in size. Also, 200,000+ files have been downloaded from our files section. Those are some great numbers, and we'd love to see them continue to increase and provide a great service and community center for everyone. Unfortunately, that costs money. How JKHub makes money Like many online communities, we rely solely on users' donations. We currently do not have any paid ads on our website, and are not supported by any companies or investors besides our users. For this reason, we ask for donations once every year, in the fourth quarter. We'd like to continue being ad-free. It may be worth noting that no money that is donated is used by any of our staff members in any way other than paying for the below facets of the site. JKHub staff are unpaid volunteers that maintain JKHub in our free time. We try to be as transparent as we can about donations, so if you have any questions, please do feel free to ask. What we need money for Here is a full breakdown of all the money JKHub will need to make it through 2015, and the end of this year: Webhosting is what we need in order to be able to make our site available to you. These costs go towards the company JKHub uses to host our website, and to make sure JKHub and sites using its hosting are secure and fast. File hosting is the third-party service we use to serve mod downloads that would otherwise to be too large (and too many) for our infrastructure to handle. Software licenses are what we need to pay to keep improvements to our site coming, such as the ones posted in this article. They'll allow us to keep our site as modern, user-friendly and secure as possible. Addons are extensions to the software we use, made by third-party developers. This was skipped last year due to a lack of funds. It would be really nice to get these updated. This includes the Tutorials section of JKHub, which is in desperate need of a patch. Domains are things like "jkhub.org". The total money needed In total, we need $380. We have received $381.89 worth of donations so far. div#progressbar:hover div { -webkit-animation: animate-stripes 0.4s linear infinite; -moz-animation: animate-stripes 0.4s linear infinite; }@-webkit-keyframes animate-stripes { 0% {background-position: 0 0;} 100% {background-position: 23px 0;}}@-moz-keyframes animate-stripes { 0% {background-position: 0 0;} 100% {background-position: 23px 0;}} 100%100% What happens if we don't get $380 Truth is, we need about $200 to just keep the webhosting up. If we don't reach our goal, things will slowly begin to stop functioning and being offered. In practice, we'll certainly do everything in our power to keep JKHub running smoothly no matter how much money we get, however, we may have to decide to start placing potentially intrusive paid ads on our site to be able to accomplish that, for example. So, in conclusion, please donate. The link below will take you to a PayPal donation page where you can send us an amount of your choosing. We welcome any amount. Alternatively, you can visit our donation FAQ page, which is also where you can donate. Again, we try to handle donations as transparently as possible, so if you have any further questions, please post below. We have reached our goal! Thanks to all who donated! Click here to view the article
  7. Circa

    Donate to JKHub

    We could use a little help Yep, it's that time of year again. The time when we beg politely ask for donations. As of today, JKHub has been going strong for over two years. Every day, hundreds of people visit a website we host. JKHub has almost 63,000 posts and 1,494 members registered, and counting. Additionally, we provide downloads for 1,845 mods, some of which over a GB in size. Also, 200,000+ files have been downloaded from our files section. Those are some great numbers, and we'd love to see them continue to increase and provide a great service and community center for everyone. Unfortunately, that costs money. How JKHub makes money Like many online communities, we rely solely on users' donations. We currently do not have any paid ads on our website, and are not supported by any companies or investors besides our users. For this reason, we ask for donations once every year, in the fourth quarter. We'd like to continue being ad-free. It may be worth noting that no money that is donated is used by any of our staff members in any way other than paying for the below facets of the site. JKHub staff are unpaid volunteers that maintain JKHub in our free time. We try to be as transparent as we can about donations, so if you have any questions, please do feel free to ask. What we need money for Here is a full breakdown of all the money JKHub will need to make it through 2015, and the end of this year: Webhosting is what we need in order to be able to make our site available to you. These costs go towards the company JKHub uses to host our website, and to make sure JKHub and sites using its hosting are secure and fast. File hosting is the third-party service we use to serve mod downloads that would otherwise to be too large (and too many) for our infrastructure to handle. Software licenses are what we need to pay to keep improvements to our site coming, such as the ones posted in this article. They'll allow us to keep our site as modern, user-friendly and secure as possible. Addons are extensions to the software we use, made by third-party developers. This was skipped last year due to a lack of funds. It would be really nice to get these updated. This includes the Tutorials section of JKHub, which is in desperate need of a patch. Domains are things like "jkhub.org". The total money needed In total, we need $380. We have received $381.89 worth of donations so far. div#progressbar:hover div { -webkit-animation: animate-stripes 0.4s linear infinite; -moz-animation: animate-stripes 0.4s linear infinite; } @-webkit-keyframes animate-stripes { 0% {background-position: 0 0;} 100% {background-position: 23px 0;} } @-moz-keyframes animate-stripes { 0% {background-position: 0 0;} 100% {background-position: 23px 0;} } 100%100% What happens if we don't get $380 Truth is, we need about $200 to just keep the webhosting up. If we don't reach our goal, things will slowly begin to stop functioning and being offered. In practice, we'll certainly do everything in our power to keep JKHub running smoothly no matter how much money we get, however, we may have to decide to start placing potentially intrusive paid ads on our site to be able to accomplish that, for example. So, in conclusion, please donate. The link below will take you to a PayPal donation page where you can send us an amount of your choosing. We welcome any amount. Alternatively, you can visit our donation FAQ page, which is also where you can donate. Again, we try to handle donations as transparently as possible, so if you have any further questions, please post below. We have reached our goal! Thanks to all who donated!
  8. Circa

    Hand Maiden

    Excellent work.
  9. Nice! It was a bit laggy on mine but it could be me. Well done for your first!
  10. Yeah, does this happen to every server? Or just one particular one? Give us the IP address.
  11. Which did you try, OpenJK or the launcher?
  12. Aaaaand this is why I don't show my face around here. So many judgements.
  13. It's a two part episode. Not really a "movie"
  14. Good points. I like the changes to the apps as well. I was mostly referring to their cheesy delivery to the whole thing being laughable. But you telling me to shut up made me laugh, so there's that.
  15. Can't help but laugh at that. The highlighted features seemed pretty minor. And what happened to Windows 9?
  16. I can probably handle the backgrounds, but I'm not well-versed enough in menu coding to achieve animated lighting. Perhaps @@therfiles could help?
  17. I can lend a hand with the menu backgrounds if needed, though I figured you had it covered, judging from the pics you posted above, @@DT85.
  18. The launcher should fix that issue as well. But yeah, OpenJK would be a better solution, and might be an easier setup for you.
  19. To join servers, you'll have to use this launcher: https://jkhub.org/files/file/1019-jedi-academy-mp-launcher-for-os-x/ Point it to the app in the Applications folder. For the base folder to install mods, you'll have to navigate to Users/you/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.jediacademy.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Jedi Academy/base Just make an alias (shortcut) to it.
  20. Not sure why you made two threads. The other is now hidden. That error that you're getting is due to having too many NPC files in your base folder.
  21. I find "What the Font!" to give better results. Tried it here and didn't get anything though. Maybe you can mess around with it. https://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/
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