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Everything posted by Circa

  1. I mean, yeah, there was mystery and intrigue because it was the first movie. It was meant to tickle your imagination. Those stories were bound to be told though. Star Wars became such a huge universe with thousands of stories to tell, and they stem from that first movie.
  2. I've never had that feeling with the original trilogy. The only things I've seen that have changed it for the worse is the "Han didn't shoot first" thing (but mostly because the change was done so badly), and The Force Unleashed storyline. Other than those, I see no damage done.
  3. I don't get this concept of the characters being "forgotten". You refer to Ahsoka, I assume. She was a huge main character in the series, which is official canon. I don't think she will be forgotten in the Star Wars universe. Who knows, she could show up in Rebels for all we know. She's a character in the era that is being relaxed at the moment. They really went hard at the Clone Wars era. Now they are focusing on the next eras that are mysteries to us (well, since they aren't limiting to the EU, that is), post-Clone War and post-civil war.
  4. Well right now when you equip the disruptor, you can hip-fire as the primary, then the secondary is actually sniping. I'm saying to change the primary fire to sniping as well, but with bolt shot. The issue is, there's no way to get out of the scope view if it's like that.
  5. Right. But have two options for it still. One is a bolt shot, and one is a disruption shot. That way you can still disintegrate people to dust, or snipe them in the head.
  6. I think it would be cool to have the Disruptor's primary more of a sniper shot, where it fires a bolt instead of a laser and is extremely powerful. Though you'd have to figure out a way to make the scope mode activate without using the secondary only.
  7. @@Wolfy Like I said on JAWA, nice job! I look forward to seeing more!
  8. Remember, this thread is to collect tutorials already made, not necessarily requests for brand new ones.
  9. It clearly says game mode. MBII kinda is it's own game mode in a way.
  10. @@MaceMadunusus Ah you're right. I should have just checked in-game myself. Thanks.
  11. Out of all the game modes in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy, which one is your favorite, and why? Let me know if I forgot any (like I have to ask ).
  12. Does connecting via Ethernet work? Probably unrelated, but might help anyway. I've seen this problem a few times, and I can't really think of the solution at the top of my head. It could be the wireless card being funky. Do you have a USB wireless adapter on hand to test with?
  13. That was quite a large wall of text you had there. I split it up for you, to make it easier to read.
  14. You can change the title, if you edit the post and click "Full Editor". I fixed it for you though. Also, moved to the correct forum.
  15. That's legit! Can't wait for a game like this.
  16. Well, it would be best if ModView had MD3 support. Otherwise, someone will come along and request a new MD3View as well (like me , for Mac support), when they are basically the same thing. If it's not a huge hassle, I'd say go for it.
  17. I'm sure Twi'leks would be a good addition as well. Both male and female. They are a primary species on KOTOR for both merc/enemy and just everywhere in general.
  18. Nope, never messed with it. Small request that is probably simple. Could you change the default screenshot format from BMP to PNG? I feel like that would be a much better format for everyone.
  19. @ Please speak in English. You will get a lot more attention if you do. Only a small amount of people will bother translating themselves.
  20. Now here is what I don't understand, and frankly makes me really tired of being a moderator for you people. When someone disagrees and causes trouble against you, you spend a good 2 pages derailing a thread arguing and finally report it so we can intervene. But when you aren't the main one in the argument or are the offending party, we aren't supposed to intervene? There's no middle ground for you guys at all, I see. We are hiding posts that are trying to turn this thread into a flame war, which from past experience, is extremely easy to do. Even the slightest comment can tip someone off. All the posts we've hidden were either blatant attacks or comments asking for retaliation because apparently people love to argue and cause others to join in. I'd personally love to just close this thread because I've never seen one like this stay civil, without us hiding posts.
  21. An actual Mac version would be lovely. I'm tired of using Wine.
  22. He means a graphic that appears when a body is hit by a bullet, a la Call of Duty.
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