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Everything posted by Circa

  1. So everything you see in the previous model is going to be changed to match the film.
  2. Any game is going to take time to get good at. That's why so many people try a game and never touch it again, because they don't want to take the time to get good. That's life, really. Not just video games. Sports, jobs, life skills. You get out of it what you put in. This game is over a decade old, and most of the player base now is full of people that have been playing it since it launched, or not too long after. So yeah, they're going to be pretty good. Especially compared to someone that just bought it on a Steam sale. I understand the frustration though. I've been playing JKA SP since 2005 but only started playing MP a few year ago, so I'm nowhere near as good as I could have been if I started in 2005. And I just don't have the time and desire to spend endless hours playing and learning. If you think about it, the learning curve of this game is why it's such a great Star Wars game in general. It involves learning saber techniques just like Jedi and Sith. It's why clans are so popular, they have classes and teach the game, similar to a Jedi or Sith Academy. And is why RP is so involved in that as well.
  3. Pretty sure it just signed you up for the Lucasarts newsletter that doesn't exist anymore.
  4. Right. Kylo Ren isn't a Sith, from what we know. He just uses the dark side and is the "master of the Knights of Ren" which we don't know what they were either. According to Rey's vision in the movie, Kylo Ren was the only one with a saber from that ensemble. Kinda off topic, but still.
  5. More control, more ownership. More fun, for me. I'm surprised this hasn't been done. At least a nice landing page with links and basic info, until the full site is completely written. I like what you've done so far @@Xycaleth.
  6. Especially OpenJK. That's all I use. I tested on jamp with no issues as well. Most of my clanmates haven't reported any issues either, the ones that use it.
  7. I've never had an issue with it so far. Strange.
  8. Yep, most mods are in the Files section here. Let us know if you have issues finding anything. Or if there's a specific mod you're looking for that you saw.
  9. Should just make the entire thing a video. Would make it all go smoother. Could attach the first ROQ at the end of the new video to make sure that transition is smooth as well. A new video container is something I've been wanting for years. Once that's done, I'd love to test this out.
  10. Just saw TFA for the fourth time. This time in 3D. So good.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. lang_french


      Saw it only once, without choice of "classic" on the "Grand Large" of the Rex. It wasn't really nice, maybe I'll watch it in a smaller cinema but with normal screen

    3. Circa


      Same in the States, DT. Another reason I don't like 3D. The glasses darken, it gives me a headache, and is distracting. I will never see a movie as important to me as SW in 3D first. 4th time is a good time to do that. lol

    4. AshuraDX


      I saw it once and that was enough for me :P

  11. Was just answering your question. Wasn't accusing you of anything.
  12. I don't see the point. Just minimize and use a media player or Spotify.
  13. How does a game all of a sudden not exist? I think you're a bit confused.
  14. Any modding is legal as long as you don't make money from it. But using other people's work without permission is looked down upon for obvious reasons.
  15. Looks like he gained some weight. I actually prefer the prequel robes. Ben's looked almost impossible to move around in, let alone fight.
  16. Well the staff should move that DC-15 to your profile, rather than the generic JKHub one. And yeah, I knew it was in UW but I find it random and not easily found for those looking for such a model. Any file hosted by Gamefront will be removed eventually, according to their staff. Can't trust it now more than ever. I just like to see good work live on and seen by as many as possible. It would be nice if more MB2 devs released some of those exclusive assets separately so we don't have to feel guilty for separating them ourselves.
  17. @@Jeff's looks better in my opinion. More realistic and uses Haps' Obi-Wan. http://jkhub.org/topic/5134-jeffs-never-ending-wips/
  18. You should submit them here. I don't think we have either of those models hosted on JKHub.
  19. rofl. Best response of 2016 so far.
  20. How is that model different from Toshi's Anakin? In my opinion, Toshi's looks better. You may assume it looks better due to the cloth physics for the robes. I remember thinking cloth movement in that game looked pretty good for its time.
  21. It sure does. In players.shader. models/players/protocol/c3po_face { { map models/players/protocol/c3po_face blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/protocol/c3po_face_glow blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE rgbGen identity } { map gfx/effects/chr_inv blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR detail tcGen environment } { map models/players/protocol/c3po_face_s blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } }
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