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File Reviews posted by Circa

  1. The atmosphere and aesthetics of this map is sublime. The chill music, the dark skybox with speeders and skyscrapers, the mood lighting and craftsmanship just put this map on that next level that just makes it a masterpiece. Amazing job.

    I was surprised that the levelshot image was so small which ends up looking very pixelated when loading it up in MP, and lack of bot routes makes it less convenient to use on a public server, but the map is so good I can't even knock off a star for those things.

    DeskGnome likes this

    Lost Academy Yalanue

       104    0

    This is really well done! Makes me miss the days when most skins we'd get were just reskins of the base models and people had to get creative to make them unique. This is some top notch skinning. I love the unique lekku designs and the outfits that make her look like a completely different character.  Nice work!

    Yalanue likes this
  2. These types of maps are my absolute favorite to see because not only are they well crafted but they allow for story telling and fit in with Raven's original design language extremely well. This looks like it could be straight out of the SP missions, but made for the enjoyment of MP. Definitely going in my collection and server. Amazing work!

  3. This is such an incredible resource. The bonus animations are exactly what I use in Modview already so I'm so glad they are available in this too. I remember when this released and being impressed but forgot about it until I needed it now and will definitely be keeping in my base folder. Nice job. 🙂

    Female Rodian

       258    3

    More female versions of alien species are always welcome and much needed for these games. The concept here is simple, just combining a few models, but you put in the effort to make them unique as well. Very nice job.

  4. This is a great model for a (so far) great character. The likeness in the face isn't quite perfect and the hair isn't accurate but serves the purpose at least and is definitely good enough for JKA. Nice job!

    Chill House

       138    2

    I love maps like this, although I wasn't expecting it to be scaled so big. I was expecting it to be a couple normal scaled rooms to explore. Still, very nice job. It's definitely a mood. Only critique is to make it rain outside to match the ambient sound. Nice work!

  5. This is great. Not just because of how quickly you made him, but how well you did it. I do think the hair could use some more detail but other than that, this is pretty spot on for a JKA model. Amazing work! Added some good screenshots to the page to show full body shots of both versions!

    ZelZel likes this
  6. The Dark Alliance series is one of the best SP story mods for JK2 and JKA. I remember I played this one first, before realizing it was part of a series, and it still holds its own as a standalone story. I'll never forget the first time I played it. Playing as Mara was so cool, and seeing the conversations between her, Luke, and Kyle was such an awesome feeling. Highly recommend at least checking this one out, but definitely play all 3 if you have the chance.

    The Dark Alliance

       827    0

    The Dark Alliance series is one of the best SP story mods for JK2 and JKA. This second entry in the series went even further than the previous one with higher quality cutscenes and writing, and continuing the interesting story of Kyle Katarn, which is always what the people want.

    The Mainframe

       845    0

    The Dark Alliance series is one of the best SP story mods for JK2 and JKA, and The Mainframe is the one that kicked that off. It shows it's age nowadays but it's still a gem of a mod. Highly recommend checking it out if you never have, along with the rest of the series.

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