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Everything posted by ZanderNao

  1. I'm all for more vehicles... If only we could extract it from MB2
  2. Ohhh, magnificent! Great idea, great start!
  3. I love the concept of Ezra's lightsaber for the in-universe period since it has to 'stay hidden' as it were. It'd really add a nice change up to the usual formula in game.
  4. Oh wow, that's... gorgeous, heavenly, wonderful. I'm drooling.
  5. magnificent! Glad to see this is still going.
  6. ZanderNao


    I am so excited to see Chopper in game, this is fantastic! I really like the body sculpt. This is so wonderful. The one thing I noticed, depending on camera angle, is that the droid hovers just slightly over the floor as well. One question I have for all modders is that when non-humanoid models are mapped to the human player model, are the art assets able to be remapped down the road to, in this case, a droid skeleton?
  7. LOL getting BB-8 in game is just as much of a miracle, either droid would be amazing but if both were ever completed they would be the cornerstones to eras of droid in the Star Wars universe... So whatever happens, I am thankful for all your help @@AshuraDX
  8. While Chalk was perhaps not fully satisfied with animations, what he got in game seemed almost completely done other than the skin texture, but it may not be possible to pick up from where he left off. Still, it is very nice to know interest exists out in the world.
  9. I feel like a black widow... I convinced three different, highly skilled modders to take on this project and each time the modder wound up leaving the community and JK3 as a whole... Chalk got way closer than anyone though with that skinless one rolling around in game... It was everything I dreamed of and more though.
  10. If anyone needs better close up detail on BB-8, they released a video of his live-action model that has some extreme close ups for great reference: https://youtu.be/A_K10fX9DSY?t=27s
  11. I second the motion!
  12. I was sad that other progress thread dropped off the map, but I understand life and stuff. Good to see the offer to share materials and progress to bring this to a reality. The one thing I've learned about this community is that more often than not people will take the time to make something the right way so when it finally is released, it's beautiful.
  13. This is on my top 5 of requested characters that don't see the light of day... I'd adore having 8t88 in Academy.
  14. This project is extraordinarily exciting to me... I've been wanting something like this for ages and ages. (I also forgot about the ATST interior view... Is that only in Outcast, or also Jedi Academy? How do you switch between views?) The continuity of the Raven's Claw has always been an issue for me... I like using the cutscenes in machinima when possible, but they are so fleeting and rigid. Having access to that area would be glorious. There are merits to upgrading the design. The Outcast Movie's take on the vertical cockpit matches better with the Moldy Crow, and just changing the control scheme would make it more interesting but it would be nice to have a spawnable vehicle or map prefab exterior of the ship that matches any changes made. I will follow this project with great interest.
  15. Thanks so much! It's great to be reunited with these after so long.
  16. That is quite the nice variety! Where can one get those?
  17. I would actually like to have the acklay model for sheer lunacy... It would be quite funny.
  18. I couldn't play it on windows 10 either with updated drivers, but I was just trying 10 out for a little bit and didn't have time to root out the cause. Good to know several people are having no issue playing it on 10 though.
  19. I know you feel this map has limitations, but it is beautiful to me. It's a huge shame that deathstar project ended as well, but I have high hopes for this project in whatever direction you take it.
  20. Ohhh, I like a good index. I tried searching through gamefront's file server for some of the mods that are still up but without the information on what they are it was sort of a quagmire.
  21. The progress on this is quite astounding, excellent work!
  22. So what is the fate of this thread now that JKfiles is gone? Will there be a sort of 'ark' section of the files for mods orphaned by the collapse of the site, or will they slip into obscurity?
  23. I know it is half off-topic, but where did you get the in game skin and weapon you used to show off the new hud? The hug itself is quite well made. Good job.
  24. This was one of the mods I was looking most forward to back in the day... With revisions or not, it's depicting a corner of the Star Wars universe inaccessible in Jedi Academy. I do hope to one day see at least a beta.
  25. Ugh... When Breakmedia acquired Filefront I downloaded about 75-80% of the JK3 files, but I neglected to be as diligent with "Empire at War" or "Kotor" or "Elite Force" or any of the other dozen games I play. While I'm pretty sure I already know the ethical answer to this question, what is the possibility of an 'orphaned works' section on JKhub, with the posting of files with as much credit and knowledge we have after attempts were made to contact them, and the stated notice that any file will be removed at the original author's request? I guess it's still unlikely, but it seems sad to think that all these files are going to disappear into the deep dark.
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