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Everything posted by ZanderNao

  1. Ah, I can understand that... It's nice we got to see them at least, and if even half of these models make it to mass release we'll all be better off by far.
  2. Somehow it seems like it would bug me less if it kept rotating while stationary than if the ball was always in the same orientation, even when moving.
  3. In the interviews about the merger he provided his notes on future installments but it sounded like they politely nodded and set his notes to the side and went ahead with whatever they wanted to do. He's still on board, but Darth Mouse has the real power, lol. Besides, my questions and concerns about the saber were already addressed:
  4. I have been hoping since the launch of Rebels that someone would be inspired by all this new content, I am glad someone was. I love droid mods! Great work! Since I use JA to film in addition to play, I always prefer that I can access droid models as a vehicle rather than just an NPC, but to get to the vehicle you have to have an NPC anyhow and you can populate a scene with NPC's so either would be fantastic. Rotating shaders? Are these a thing? That would be so neat...
  5. Once these make it out of the concept phase, this will be the most glorious flood of new models in some time. Each one is amazing, innovative, exciting and fantastic. I'm super excited. Will the imperial agent models be static on which head is used, or will you be able to move between a few of the various jedi_hm custom heads? Just fantastic overall, amazing work!
  6. That's really insightful, thank you for the information! Now to see if this mod can ever reach the light of day and bring joy to the masses! The video of the skinless version is really mesmerizing.
  7. That would certainly be a nice touch... and it's nice to see someone paying attention to this thread. Would that weapon tag work both for vehicle mode and for an npc?
  8. There aren't a lot of female mandalorian models to reskin for Sabine, but http://jkhub.org/files/file/1856-ariel-female-mandalorian/ has some amazing diversity.
  9. Hmmm, I'm wondering if weighing the value of TCW and Rebels would go better under the 'Media' forum topic, but going back to the original topic of mods from Rebels it does seem like Hera and Kanan could be accomplished with a reskinning, Chopper and Sabine would be more innacurate with just a re-skin but could be passable, and Ezra and Zeb are too unique and would need full models. If only SJC was in the game still, it'd be amazing to see him tackle a map with the Ghost like he did the Ebon Hawk and Millennium Falcon.
  10. well, that's true. I was able to make it through a few more of the latter episodes of CW compared to the earlier ones. The Ezra/Zeb episode didn't feel as mature as the preceding ones did... But over all, in general, we should be able to enjoy all of them. It's such a rich universe and they all have good contributions even if tone is a bit slap dash. I'd just love to see any mods made from either series.
  11. It has more adult appeal to me than Clone Wars did, but I am glad for anything that adds rich content to the Star Wars universe, especially if it winds up inspiring more mods for Jedi Academy.
  12. It's closer to just a little tazer thing, shoots out ion bolts to stun stormtroopers or damage electronics.
  13. Yeah, I've been waiting for this question to be asked too, lol. A reskin of the female mando for Sabine wouldn't be too hard either, but Chopper's unusually short for an R5 and he has that satellite top on his head, might look weird as just a re-skin.
  14. OHHHH! These are fantastic! I'm so very excited! The textures are truly glorious too!
  15. Oh wow, magnificent work!!!
  16. I think what everyone's saying so far is quite spot on. Makes sense. Reading the EULA, it amuses me that all new content falls under the term 'new levels' but really includes any mod. The fact that they can't use lucasfilm sound effects was interesting as well, as that's a direct violation. Clause 7 has been gone over in great detail and how all mods belong to Lucasarts, but it was clause 6 that caught my eye. (6) New Levels [all mods] may not be sold, bartered, or distributed with any other product for which any charge is made (other than incidental charges for time spent on-line), but rather must be distributed free of charge at all times. That's an interesting phrasing they used. New content can not be sold along with another product that is charged for. So presumably one could not pay for a conversion mod that includes a variety of maps, or a collection of skins, but a single stand alone 'new level' could be monetized... at least legally. As for morality, the intention of use is never an excuse so it falls back to the fan art example. Disney could prosecute but almost certainly won't. Would I pay for a mod? Yes, yes I would. I've learned how to modify NPC's, how to reskin, but as for modeling and UV mapping and everything along those lines I'm bitterly hopeless and have not shown any sign of improvements despite years of efforts. I'd like to see some ideas realized, and if I lack the skill it would be nice if there was a way to accomplish it with any resources I did have. That being said, even with money, I'm at the mercy of those with the skills. Does the project interest them? Is it something worth making? And while it's just my opinion, it seems to me that I'd be fine with paying for a mod to be made, the person who made it to get all the credit, and the mod to be released to the internet for free for everyone to enjoy just as the mods have been all this time. We're supporting an eleven year old game because of the freedom it affords us. More than any other game out there, a true novice can dump files into a folder and revolutionize the gaming experience - then swap out for a completely different set. I hope that there continue to be new and exciting ways for the game to evolve, even if it needs monetary help.
  17. That's true... I waffled a bit on the distinction myself. It did seem so much more streamlined like a Z-95. but the edge of the foil rims was more like the X-wing than I'm used to. Plus the clincher is no droid pit. Your distinction makes more sense. Still, seeing an updated Z-95 in JA wouldn't be a bad thing either... One that seems less clunky would be great.
  18. The top picture is actually not part of the episode III map packs. The same assets were used for a conversion mod and was just the utapau sink hole with a single platform for the grievous/Obi-Wan duel and then put into a mod something like Movie Battles or some such. That being said, that stand alone map was absolutely nothing compared to the full featured Utapau map in the episode III map packs with moving platforms and multiple points of interest.
  19. Holy cow! This is absolutely amazing... The detailing and... wow, fantastic work!
  20. Ohhhh, I'd love to see that submarine model realized. Good luck, and I wish you more good progress on the map!
  21. Well, as part of the "Star Wars for Change" campaign JJ Abrams released a video showing off the brand new version of the X-wing. It's an interesting blend of classic gritty star wars with an updated, more streamlined design. I think it could make for a great in-game experience if anyone wanted to get a jump on it. The link to the video is below:
  22. ZanderNao


    This is one of the most useful mods I've ever had. The head options are amazing and help give it some unique personality. The only thing better would be if the model's lips were rigged for speaking in single player, but beggars can't be choosers.
  23. Oh wow, the armor really is magnificent, some of the best I've seen... I just wish it had the same head options as the other mega mandalorian pack; http://jkhub.org/files/file/858-mandalorians/
  24. He's based on a human with incredibly unusual proportions. Brow, nose, chin, head, ears - none of it lines up like most people. Just too unique for his own good, lol.
  25. Thinking back on this mod, though, just having the player itself would be a major advance for FU fans. The number of things proxy can turn into is pretty wide, so it'd be super hard to bind the changes when he can just be swapped out for various models in the SP campaign.
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