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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. The Normal maps display correctly in every program I looked at them sofar aswell as the mesh normals, the only thing thats off is the strange lighting bug which only appears in Jedi Academys multiplayer, base JA and OpenJk, while it's lit correctly in Jedi Academys Singleplayer. So I guess there must be a difference in how the renderer renders models in jasp & jamp

  2. shoutout to some people who might be able to help here : @@eezstreet @@Xycaleth @@DT85


    Rend2 is giving me some funky results :

            map textures/models/atst/gray
            rgbGen vertexLit
    	stage normalparallaxmap
            map  textures/models/atst/st_n
    	stage specularMap
            map textures/models/atst/st_s
    	specularReflectance 0.25
    	gloss 0.1

    Ingame :




    This second shader , appears to work as it should ingame but sadly it looks like the model is allways lit from the same side , as If I baked a lightmap and put that on the model

    	stage diffuseMap
            map textures/models/atst/gray
            blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
            rgbGen lightingDiffuse
    	stage normalparallaxmap
            map  textures/models/atst/st_n
    	stage specularMap
            map textures/models/atst/st_s
    	specularReflectance 0.25
    	gloss 0.1

    As you can see it's allways only the back side of the model that is lit , I tried r_forcesun 2 and it had absolutely no effect on the model





    EDIT : the lighting issue also appears with the vanilla renderer - no clue what's going wrong here

  3. @@Archangel35757 I'M working in dDo so the AO map is a seperate input which I can easily swap out and adjust anytime so I dont really lose any progress just need to do a new production render in dDo everytime I switch out the AO and Material map whch is a little Time Consuming

    but absolutely not the end of the world







    still has some issues with the AO Bake , but I got allmost everything sorted out AAAAAND I crammed the wire UV's inbetween the AT-ST Uv's so this whole thing runs on a single 2k map for now

    I also have to work at the material sepperation - so far most of the bolts and plates are assigned to the same material group in dDo which I dont like , so I'll have to split the material groups further


    This is, a downscaled, version of my Material map - each color belongs to a specific material


    Once I'm done with this there will be various gray pieces scattered all over the orange areas here

    each of these representing a bolt or small plate

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