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Posts posted by AshuraDX

  1. it will need a shader edit

    and an alpha layer


    just copy the generic white trail texture and save it as a .tga, then copy & paste the texture into the alphachannel and fill the RGB channels black


    your shader should look like this :

      map gfx/effects/trailshaderpath
      rgbGen identity

    make sure to keep the same filepath, so that your new shader overwrites the base JKA one, that shader might not work correctly but it should, if it doesn't using "GL_ZERO" instead of "GL_ONE_MINUS..." might work

  2. I may use this. Story wise I'm not sure a portrait of the Emperor is something this guy would want since he is trying to assassinate him but you never know! 


    That is a good idea about the screen captures and stuff. I don't have Photoshop but I'm sure I can find a Gimp tutorial on it. 

    put throwing knives in it, or blaster shot decals over his face XD

    Boothand likes this
  3. http://theinspirationgrid.com/star-wars-paintings-by-christian-waggoner/


    or you could use some photoshop filters,some color grading and a bit of painting to make screencaps look like paintings

    here's a quick 5 minute example, might have to add another levels adjustment layer ontop here to brighten the final image

    and tweak the color grading some more until i'm happy with this


                                         Before                                                                               After


    EDIT : I think I like this, feel free to use it, but remember to rescale it to fit JKA power of 2 textures , it's currently 680x1024, I'd add a frame and scale it to 1024x1024, using the "Nearest Neighbor" scale option in Photoshop



    if you want to know my workflow for this let me know ;)

    Onysfx likes this
  4. @@Boothand will be the one to ask about how to use the ASE model in your map, i'm just a model& texture artist, I tried mapping but it really wasn't my kinda thing ^_^


    I'll take care of the textures then , so you need 2 snow textures I guess ? or maybe 3 ?

    number one : plain snow probably some larger chunks in there

    number two: same snow texture but with footprints revealing the muddy gravel underneath

    number three : same as above but with the wooden planks below


    and then the snow covered strawroof

  5. 2 different textures actually , had to do a lot of editing to the second one to match the first in color and then did some color grading here to match the snowy atmosphere

    I'll finish those textures later today and send them to you

    I guess you'll also need a new roof texture ?

    as a blank snow texture for those rooftops looks slightly out of place

  6. well.... you'll need a 3d program for that I'm afraid

    oooooor you get substance player and I provide you with this  :



    this Substance I made a while ago will allow you to view .obj files with any texture you want to apply to them, complete with specular,gloss,normal and height map

    to use it simply open my substance with the substance player and load the .obj file then import your textures to the right slots aaaand disable the texturre channels you don't need in the material settings

    I'd suggest you use the blinn material and load your specular & diffuse textures in the substance aswell as a tiny 100% black image for the glossiness then disable the normal and environment channels in the material settings


    if you have questions msg me here or on steam ;)

  7. As I said before if you have any specific texture requests let me know ;)

    I can quickly create any texture you might need - if you want a more or a less snowy variation of the 2 textures I gave you so far let me know

    could probably create a version with a kind of "snow gradiant" , for floor trims and such if you need them

  8. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/Target_reskin.zip

    reskinned the target to match

    also made this : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35503378/woodtexture.zip

    still need shaders, probably @@Boothand will be so kind to write them for ya, if you even need help


    please atleast try the wood texture in your map ;)

    I can easily make a plank version of that aswell if you need it

    Edit :

    well..uhm...want some Planks ?


    Edit 2 :


  9. @@Mandalorian Yes ! much better

    at the first glance I only see 2 vertices you could probably weld, at the rear end of the gun above the handle

    you got a sstretched face going form the inside of the trigger guard to that upper corner, you could weld the front vertex of those to the back one and save 1 vertex per side but that's really nitpicking now

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