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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. @@Corto I saw your update and took a closer look at the textures: You replaced your base texture and got rid of that incredibly speckly and patchy galvanized metal texture and went with something a lot smoother - which I think is a step in the right direction. This makes the whole texture so much nicer to look at. You also added quite a few more details to the texture which suffer from one problem - while you have a consistent light direction in your 2d texture, the light direction for the "venting holes" in the barrel as an example changes from being lit from the top to being lit from the bottom depending which side of the gun you are looking at. The edgewear is also still quite heavy and should be decreased further. Your textures are also still lacking in general lighting information and specularity
  2. Or you could try my smart material which handles highlights and shadows too I'll really have to record a set up guide for it.
  3. DT85 uses 3ds max though @@Penekowski is the man to ask about LODs in Blender.
  4. Which version of Substance painter do you use? I have created this Smart Material that helps you bring your Substance Painter Work into JKA.
  5. I hope you're up for some serious crits @@Corto The modeling work is fairly solid! But I do have a points you might want to tackle before your next release. You seem to be using the exact same mesh for the view and World models. The world model does not need to have all the small circular idnentations modeled and you could delete the front and most of the right-hand-side of the view mesh to optimize the model for the game. You should also consider adding LODs to the model. As it stands right now, someone who were to use this in base JASP with a rather detailed Character model will definitely run into the Ghoul2 Transformspace error. The textures could be improved a lot, while I love the base you have for your scope atm the whole gun could use some proper highlights and shadows, in a game as old as JKA having pre-lit textures is usually the best way to go. I'd also recommend to reduce that edgewear by a LOT. Right now it looks like someone disassembled the gun and purposefully evenly scratched all edges. Place your scratches strategically. The more Occluded an area is, the less scratched it should be. Take a look at this small hole, how did that get scratched around the entire perimeter? And that is just one small example, here's another. Who took a rather hard piece of metal, put it in that nook and scrubbed it over that things bottom edge? Place your wear in places where it makes sense. From looking at your textures I'd assume that you did infact bake an an Ambient Occlusion map, you could use that to help you find the occluded spots that'd see less wear. You can also use the same AO map as a guide for where to Paint dirt, because dirt is more likely to gather in the deeper crevices and occluded areas that are rarely scrubbed over by accident and difficult to clean due to limited accessibility. You also don't need a 4k map for this gun. Especially not for the world mesh. The World mesh can do fine with a 1*1k Map while the Viewmesh can get away with 2*1k map, seeing that you only need about half the UV space for half of the gun model. you got some nasty UV distortion on the left side of the grip This is all I got for the moment, if I dig further I can probably find some stuff to nitpick about but for now I'll let you focus on these bigger Issues.
  6. Good to hear from you, hit me up on Steam, or Discord: ashuradx#1192 for help in either process, texturing with Substance Painter or getting him ingame. The basic Process on getting a character ingame via 3ds max is described here: http://psyko3d.50webs.com/tutorials/jk2_guide.htm You'd just have to get the required plugins from our files Section.
  7. It indicates a bad/faulty model, you could call it a 3-Axis Gizmo.
  8. @@Davidino Can you upload your edited images/textures somewhere? That's going to make figuring out what went wrong easier for me or anyone else here.
  9. @@Corto The original Hero Prop used in many of Hans closeups was based on a original Mauser C96. The exact same pistol was used in a few other movie before it hit the screen in Star Wars. Each time with new, different Accesories and Attachments. But there were many cheap Stunt and Action Props that looked castly different from the glorious main Prop. Theres quite an interesting Article about this on the Tested Website. Most of the reference pictures I used for my DL-44 came from that article. Anway, maybe we should get back on topic now
  10. Radiant 1.5 had a glitchy UI on windows 10 for me, fixed that problem by using Radiant 1.6
  11. @@GPChannel If they are .md3 files, they don't need .ase files. .ase is a different model format entirely. Neither requires the other to appear textured. Something else went wrong in your conversion process. Which program did you use to convert the models?
  12. No need for any awkward placement you can just export a new blaster_hand.md3 holding your aniamted tags then export a static blaster.md3 with the tags in the same relative position.
  13. @@Corto you can't get the textures to work? What about them does not work? Is there anything in the console?
  14. Perhaps I can shed some light on this @@Jeff Dropbox has a daily bandwidth limit for Downloads from a single user. If too many people download too many files from your dropbox, it locks downloads for the remainder of the current day. I have no clue when exactly it resets that limit.
  15. If the X-Wings don't move in the map, chances are that they were placed as misc_models. If that's the case you can not remove them with @@ChalklYne method, because misc_model is baked into the .bsp geometry on compile. You can only replace the models for misc_model_statics which are entities that tell the game to place a model in a specific spot in runtime.
  16. Langerd is saying that mm's are baked into the .bsp geometry and don't require the original mesh file to be included in the .pk3 - mms however needs the model as it loads the mesh in runtime. So using misc_model will prevent the ship from being decompiled.
  17. I know this problem, but I don't recall what the cause was. What are you testing with? Single or Multiplayer? Iirc this only occurs in Singleplayer. I just want to narrow this down to see if it's what I have in mind.
  18. ^This and also: multiplayer or singleplayer? I recall an issue like this with atleast one of Hapslash models
  19. @@MusicForThePiano Moved your Thread to the WIP section.
  20. that will not fix it, only hide the issue. This looks like you have a bunch of open edges which align n root pose but as soonb as it animates the slide apart because the coresponding vertices don't share the same weights. The solution: weight the model manually and fix the problematic areas.
  21. upload the image here: http://imgur.com/ then right click the image and pick "copy link" Then prepare your post on JKHub, to embed the iamge in your post write [img=*] and replace the * with your copied link
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