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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. That may be fixable by running BehavED as Administrator
  2. here's a neat collection of tutorials and explanations on the matter: http://wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Subdivision_Surface_Modeling That'd require various code mods to be supported and actually work ingame.
  3. @@Corto I'd highly recommend you take a stab at Sub-D modeling. Make a nice high poly mesh, do two retopos (for your world and viewmeshes). Then bake and texture the viewmesh in substance painter and once that is done to oyur liking simply transfer the materials over to the worldmesh via substances reprojection feature. That is what my Workflow looks like nowadays.
  4. @@JAWSFreelao I see, The base texture is not too bad - did you take it from the ent or did you follow that tutorial I sent earlier?
  5. why even bother with any texturing before the model is done? I get testbakes - but you are working entirely traditional and just do everything in Photoshop/Gimp, so why? Most of it will have to be redone anyway.
  6. Yes. It very well may do that. I'm only missing bits before it can fully replace Radiant. The problem is that one of these still missing things are brush texture coordinates - which are a rather complicated topic when looked at from texture coordinates in 3ds max.
  7. It will be a while until I find the motivation to work on more clone stuff. Modeling clone armor variations is kinda boring after all.
  8. @@VectorHabibi the normals on that mesh are inverted, flip them and the problem should be fixed. You'll have to look up how to do that in Blender - I use 3ds max and have no clue about Blender.
  9. Ask for help in the modding chat on the JKHub Discord server.
  10. Oh. I recently had some issues with q3map2 GUI on Windows 10. It would not register changes done to the map and produced ugly artifacts that I would not get while compiling from Radiant or via commandline. I can't tell if the problems were caused by using the gui on win 10 or by targetting the 64 Bit version of q3map2. But maybe you problem is of similiar nature?
  11. I figure you mean a world/objectspace normalmap. I usually bake using a skewmesh and then generate a new tangentspace nm for the lowpoly mesh by using the Wolrdspace normal. While I do this in Substance it can also be done with Xnormal and appearently Handbrake.
  12. @@Vegeta the .map file seems fine at a first glance, all brushes in the func_group are set to detail and I'm not seeing any typos. and I'm not seeing anything fishy in that log. Sorry mate, I have no clue what's wrong.
  13. @@Vegeta Send your compiler commands, your version of the .map and a link to the original .map file. I have recently spent quite some time looking through .map files and should be able to spot anything that's off in there. Maybe your Radiant install is screwing the .map up in some way.
  14. The head is not bugged in anyway - it's just not well made.
  15. @@ArchAngel Loading and parsing shaders to generate the library seems more appropiate.
  16. Soooo I just added a "Custom Class" Entity to my plugin - which means that you can now setup about any entity if you know the proper classname and key:value pairs. This also means that I am allmost ready to record a "Getting started" video series for the Beta Version of the plugin. What should I do for the video series? I was thinking about doing a walkthrough of Rich Diesals tutorials in 3ds max. That way I can show some basic modeling aswell as setting up different Entities. Does that sound like a good plan?
  17. I'm 100% sure that all of this will require a code mod to work as you imagine
  18. Your shader Syntax does look correct, the extension in the glow textures path may be the issue. If that's not the case - there must be a typo somewhere. For a better visual result you should swap the glow and environment stages in their order, allways keep a shaders glow stage the last stage in the shader.
  19. A tutorial on fixing this specific model? No. But there are some rules to follow while modeling to ensure that something shades the way you want it to. To apply these rules you must know 2 things: the Rules to follow and how to use the modelung program of your choice. Lookup polygon modeling tutorials for Blender, that should give you a basic grasp on how to use the various tools in your Arsenal. After that - play around with those tools to further understand the way they work. Once you feel ready to tackle the next topic, look up tutorials for modeling lowpoly heads/faces. Focus on Edgeflow and topology.
  20. So @@Tompa9 this seems like a perfect opportunity to tap into actual modeling work and spice this meal all by yourself instead of use premade seasoning
  21. @@Tompa9 I have taken a look, with that topology it's unlikely that you'll get anywhere with just editing the vertex normals in blender. this model has seen some unlucky triangulation alongside the unoptimal edgeflow. fixing this model would require a major redirection of the edgeflow and therefore essentially a partial remodel. without the wireframe overlay : the ears and a few toher spots also have very funky edgeflow/topology. I'd really not use this mesh.
  22. @@Tompa9 I'd have to take a closer look at the model to say that. It may require extensive remodeling to fix.
  23. @@Sputnik Weird. I'd recommend you try to download 1.6.5 and put that in a new folder on your harddrive, older versions just gave me trouble on windows 10.
  24. Looks like something is off about the vertrx normals, or the model may just have unfortunate topology
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