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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. So, have any of you ever thought "Oh I'd really like to design some levels for Jedi Academy" and then, when the realisation that you'll have to use GTK Radiant to make your map struck, you just noped out of the whole Idea? NO MORE! Or rather soon we can flip Radiant off forever. About 2 Weeks ago I have begun to code my own .map exporter for 3ds max, while there has been a number of .map exporters in the past none of them supported everything you needed to export a full map including entities etc out of 3ds max. This is what started my Quest, originally I had just intended to write a simple entity exporter to export some misc_models and such when I realised that func_doors and triggers needed brushes to be supported, so I expanded my very crude and simple script to also write out brush data from simple 3d models. This does not mean that you can take any model out there and export it as a .map, a Brush is very different from models you may find nowadays and therefore there are certain limitations we can't get around. As of now I can export: any 3d model that is a valid brush (purely convex shape made up from less than 128 planes) as brush geometry with default texturecoordinates and any assigned Textures, func_groups, misc_model entities and info_player_start entities. Support for more Entities will come soon, just "a bit" of coding work. But for now I'll just drop you a few pictures: Editing a misc_model entity in the map scene, the current Floating Dialogue for the plugin can be seen in the top left and the misc_model properties are stored in the Attribute holder modifier seen on the right. Checking the map for issues within GTK Radiant (bleh), a step that I hope won't be required anymore in a not too distant future. and lastly a shot of the map ingame! Not the greatest looking map, I know - but it was just a test map. Now comes the part where I beg you guys for assistance with this. In order to add support for all antities I have to go back into radiant and grab all the key names and values for all Entities in GTK Radiant. I have done this for all MP Entities so far and it took me the better half of a day I could have spent eliminating bugs or writing new exciting features for my Plugin. So if any of you feel like helping me out by writing a few entity keys into an excel sheet, pm me or post here. For those interested, you can take a look at the sheet here When the sheet is completed it's only a matter of coding the entity defs into my plugin. I am currently trieing to get patches to work in a way that is not bullshit - but previewing those patches within 3ds max has proven quite difficult and so i'll need to get back to the drawing board with that. At the same time I'm trieing to untangle the mess in my head that Is a potential concept for a function to get brush Texcoords from Polygon UV Coordinates, which is going to take me some more time but will eventually allow us to export Brushes with texcoords from 3ds max. Besides these 3 current keypoints I am working on, I have a few Ideas for some Terrain creation/texturing tools that will to rapidly create and texture complex terrains, but if you have any suggestions for features or wishes - let me know, I'm open for anything with this (except going through the same hassle for Blender, you may bug @@SomaZ about that).
  2. @@Jedi_Mediator I have taken a look at the .md3 model and it's a mess. every face is its own mesh object and the whole thing has holes. This might be why it can't be autoclipped. EDIT: these are for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/th4j5cll42czfyu/clips.zip?dl=0 If you give me a .map containing all entities referencing this model in your map, I can make a full set of clip brushes for you. Perfect opportunity to test my WIP 3ds max Mapping plugin.
  3. I'm on my way home now. How many of these models do you have in your map? Is it only one specific model, or do other models cause this increase too?
  4. I'll check it out when I'm home from work. In the meantime: Have you tried spawnflags 0 (no-autoclip) to see if it still emits light?
  5. @@Jedi_Mediator Save the problematic misc_model as a sepperate .map file and link it here. also, what is your spawnflags value for that misc_model? I'd assume 6.
  6. @@IrocJeff first you need to add an alphachannel to your texture and save it as a .tga or you select and delete the parts you don't want to see ingame and save as .png
  7. While it fit's with the look of some improvised weapons seen in the OT, I feel that it doesn't match the Demp2s Description/loretext. And therefore I'll stay closer to the original design.
  8. Yes, Psyk0 had started to work on Pic a while ago
  9. I could texture him as I suggested before.
  10. that looks like a great start! The overall shape could use some more refinement, I feel the eyes are a little too large and the eyebrows are too "bushy" compared to this picture You should also revisit the Noseshape.
  11. There are just as many people who highly praise a badly done port or reskin. Give me an example (link to post) of said harshness to someone who just started learning to make something from scratch, I have yet to see that around here. My crits become harsher the more often I criticize the same flaw across different creations by the same author, just ask @@JAWSFreelao about the history of my comments regarding his UV Unwrapping
  12. I'm here, but I have more than enough projects to finish as of now. Langerd and Scerendo are here too. And there are a lot of you new guys who could take the step away from porting and start to learn modeling from scratch. When you have the time to spend hours nagging people to port models to play with, you could also spend that time reading Tutorials and then spent an evening modeling for instead of playing games. Nobody expects someones first model to be brilliantly awesome - but unless you take the first step we, the more experienced modellers, can not help you progress by pushing you in the right direction down that path.
  13. @@Langerd @@Corto you can do mostly everything Substance Painter does in Photoshop, a few exceptions would be particle brushes, the dynamic clone and smudge brushes and the Triplanar projection. If you baked all the maps Substance Painter requires to make its "Generator Magic" happen, you could do all of that in Gimp, Photoshop or even Paint.net . Substance Painters Generators are based around Substance Graphs created in Substance Designer. A Substance Graph or .sbs/.sbsar is nothing else than a logical chain/tree of Filters and Image adjustments linked together - which is something you can do with macros or manual work in your image editors. Each link in the chain has parameters that can be exposed to become editable by external software (like Substance Painter/Player, UE4, Unity Engine, Marmoset, 3ds max and there may be a blender plugin). Substance just makes the process more comfortable.
  14. Making them fully transparent does not mean that they are not rendered. Add modular .pk3s with different arms in the blaster_hand.md3 that overwrite the default ones.
  15. Are there any newer/better entity definitions than Darth_G's old, incomplete and even partially wrong entity .def files?
  16. I never had any of these problems you described. And I've been using it for a long time, mostly as a cheat sheet, setting up animMaps or to test blending modes
  17. try uploading your pictures to imgur.com
  18. I use ShaderED on windows 10 to quickly test and preview my shaderexperiments. It helped me create the Rorschach Mask Shader. It works just fine
  19. it's locked to 55
  20. is anyone else bothered by the ridiculously low FOV and spongey controls in the beta?
  21. Do you know how I learned modding? Back at the time I hardly knew english. I didn't get what 90% of the tutorials were about when I started as a thirteen year old german boy. I just spent some time messing around with the tools until I began to see what certain things do. And then I just went on and on and on. As time passed I started to understand what the Tutorials were about. So again, what is stopping you? It's really not that difficult to learn the basics. If an ape can learn to put a cube throguh a square hole and a ball through a circular hole, you can learn to click the button that says box and the button that makes a cylinder.
  22. Can you move a mouse and type text on a keyboard? Yes, you can! So this is not going to hinder you. Can you play games on your PC? Yes, you can! We have been modding this game for more than 10 years. If your pc can run JKA it can run the modding tools.
  23. Why don't you download blender and give it a shot? @@Lord Of Hate As said it's a very basic shape.
  24. That model is hideous. Even for base JKA Standards. Totally shouldn't be ported. Even more so considering that this is a really simple shape and could easily be created by someone new to modeling.
  25. not for a gun model, if you have painted light in your textures it should make sense on the model.
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