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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. Indeed, that's why I said it was long ago I'll stick to the DEMP2 Concept as I promised @@eezstreet to overhaul it a while ago. I will also stick to my plan of remaking all guns, including the E-11 and DL-44 I did previously for the DF2 and JK:Enhanced mods.
  2. been there, done that (long ago) https://jkhub.org/files/file/686-%7B%3F%7D/
  3. I had this exact same problem before I think, and iirc this was the solution.
  4. did you replace the white glow texture path in the effect or did you replace the whiteglow texture itself? The latter is not recommended as this file is used for allmost all weapon effects.
  5. you could use EffectsED or http://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.htm and divide the R G B Values this gives by 255 to get the appropiate "normalised" 0-1 values (the same thing applies to @@SomaZ suggestion)
  6. @@Corto send me the .md3 in question and your textures (or just the whole .pk3) I'll figure out what's going on in no time. As of now I'd assume that your .md3 has faulty texturepaths embedded.
  7. just put them in your .pk3 and make sure that your .pk3 is loaded after assets1.pk3 Do not rename the files if you want to overwrite the existing effects. EDIT: a word of warning: the same effects are used by plenty of non-humanoid NPC weapons (probe droid and sentry droid blasters for example).
  8. it uses these textures: gfx/effects/bryar_frontflash.jpg gfx/effects/bryarsideflash.jpg or if you want the .efx files referencing these: effects/bryar/shot.efx effects/bryar/crackleshot.efx effects/bryar/muzzle_flash.efx effects/bryar/altmuzzle_flash.efx hope this helps The Blaster Pistol in JKA shares the same effects as the Bryar from JK2 and functions the same, it's essentially a model swap.
  9. @@Corto okay so, I assume that this is for your E11 model. Doe the following files exist: models/weapons2/e11.jpg/tga/png models/weapons2/e11_spec.jpg/tga/png models/weapons2/e11_env.jpg/tga/png I'd assume they don't. Are ou testing your shaders with the same version of the model as the one hosted here currently?
  10. While I could do that you have to understand, that this process is highly software dependant. I may record the Unwrapping and texturing process of my DEMP2 though for some pointers.
  11. Did I say otherwise? I asked him to learn a new skill that will considerably improve the look of his models. UV unwrapping is the process of flattening a 3d model to 2D space, which you need to do if you want to texture your model. While you can technically do a flat axis projection for makeshift UVs it does leave a lot of nasty texture stretching on all surfaces that are more or less perpendicular to the projection axis. Which is the reason for the "stripey" appeareance of his gun models front, top, bottom and backsides. I still like to push people to expand their horizons and learn new things. I miss the times when this community was a place of learning from and with eachother. When the community was all about creation of new community-made content. Nowadays honest critics are often taken as personal offense or greeted with a "bitch, please" attitude, which kills the motor that drives improvement. Nowadays this place has become a forum all about whoring for attention and boosting your ego with the least possible effort. I understand why so many modders of my generation have grown frustrated with the community and left this place and I may follow them sometime. Anyway, back on Topic now. No need to turn this into a another porting discussion.
  12. I have started a thing. I'm slowly chipping way at the High Poly version of the model.
  13. they do. They only behave differently for bsp geometry/Brushes.
  14. Which tags in which .md3? My process involves redoing all of the .md3 files the weapon ships with from scratch.
  15. Please @@JAWSFreelao , please learn how to UV Unwrap before attempting this. Don't give us another playermodel with horrible UVs - such as Neomarz Clones. Remember the texture stretching on the legs, etc?
  16. I can explain this.The game loads *weaponname*_hand.md3 This .md3 only holds Tags. The game then proceeds to bolt the other .md3 files to tags found in the *_hand.md3, therefore the orientation of the weapon models does not matter at all. Only the relative orientation in comparison the the tags matters. As for why the pistol and e11 models are that skewed: either a mistake on the developers end or it was done on purpose to fuck with us modders.
  17. Very nice! Let me know if you ever need some outdoor terrain for your project. I have been working on a few things regarding that.
  18. you could technically do this much easier. If you can export animated .md3's from your package. You could get around having to work with all these wierd angles by just completely remaking th *weapon*_hand.md3 and all related .md3 files.
  19. @@Corto I really recommend you to check out some Sub-D modeling techniques and give that a shot. With a nicely done HP mesh to bake from and retopo you can easily make 2 lowpoly meshes with completely different topology, detailing and therefore UVs. You can even just texture one of the meshes and let Substance Painter reproject your work onto the lower detail version.
  20. quite the improvement, indeed! but I'm sure you can take it further
  21. bump for @@Corto Look a the wear on these Original Patchett L2A1 (Mk1) SMGs, this is the gun which they modified to build their E-11 Props. Taking a look at real world examples of the weapons Star Wars weapons were based on is usually a good thing to do if you want to get a feel for realistic wear the gun would see.
  22. The thing is, as of now your gun does not look overused or battle weary but purposefully damaged.
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