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Everything posted by AshuraDX

  1. decrease the tiling. Just make the individual tiles larger, But that's something I can and will do in the shader.
  2. Okay, before we do anything else, read this thoroughly: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/196-3ds-max-glm-tutorial-characters-creatures-vehicles-sabers-and-weapons/ the first part of that tutorial covers adding new geometry to a existing model - which is what you did with those cylinders.
  3. @@DT85 So.... I just downloaded the msot recent files for the Df2 mod and completely replaced my DF2 folder with them. And this is what I got: https://jkhub.org/albums/36BIQ that floor tiling is giving me eyecancer. It works with such a simple, fairly undetailed texture, with a mroe detailed material this will look horrible I also noticed the textures on your door are missing for some reason.
  4. Yeah, sure let me help you with that: https://goo.gl/1qkVgt
  5. @@k4far Well okay - first of all I like the fact that you're working with 3ds max, as that's my program of choice too. Before I can help you out, you'll have to tell me which plugins you are using, I'd assume your are using Scoopers GLM plugins but until I know for sureI can't give you accurate further directions
  6. Ideally - everything. Most importantly - stuff like the pillars, the podium/ramp in the back part of the room and perhaps the lamps in the ceiling.
  7. @@DT85 nothing is considered done! I needed the game to run to check the textures ingame and see how they matched before I could go on. And I have to look into the tiling issues, the Size was not kept to reduce the amount of visible Tiling but I can offset and scale them in the shader to make that not a problem. Especially repeating cracks in stone textures and color variazion make the tiling very obvious from a distance.
  8. double post! WE really have to stop using CSG for maps. Models are the way to go.
  9. @@MusicForThePiano May I play too ? If you guys are interested - here's my PSD file I can break it down in a post here if you guys want me to.
  10. Good to hear @@Liam I allways finish the mesh and textures before I start cutting it up for the dismemberment ingame. (Ofc I plan out where I'll split the mesh) I actually use a merged version of the mesh without any accessories during the weighting/rigging process aswell. But we'll get to that later.
  11. @@DT85 could you get me an ASE export of the map? Just so that I can get some Preview Renders out. I still can't run DF2mod EDIT: @@SomaZ and I got it fixed. OpenDF2 runs for me now
  12. @@eezstreet Storing of Tangents and Bitangents for Normalmapping.
  13. There is a plugin for custom normals, allthough I doubt that it'll be supported by your exporter as it stands now.
  14. oh dang, looks neat but- are you sculpting on a allready segmented model? that could give you some trouble with getting sculpted details to line up - but maybe zbrush has a few tools to help you there
  15. @@DT85 I unlocked this thread to use for WIP discussion again Waddya think?
  16. Do that, I'd highly recommend Substance Designer over Painter everyday when it comes to tiling textures. If you guys are allrihght with me leaving a shoutout at the Substance discord channel let me know.
  17. if I'm gonna stay the only texture artist we're gonna need forever to get anything done I'll try to get some Progress this week. I can also upload the bryar to sketchfab or if we find a way to embed Marmoset Viewer files I can provide that.
  18. The DEMP 2 it is then. Forget about my ancient E-11, it's horrible from my current standpoint
  19. I absolutely agree. Calm down everyone, I don't want to lock this thread for an ongoing flamewar.
  20. Any weapon you'd like me to do in particular? I hope to redo all jka&jko weapons at some point in time. Will also retouch my dl44.
  21. @@DT85 is animating it for the DF2 ModSo I guess it does.
  22. @@eezstreet You forgot to highlight the bryar in green
  23. moved Thread to appropiate subforum @@Maui
  24. I'd reduce the wear effect on the pants, those folds are way too highlighted atm. If you don't have any sort of curvature based detail there I'd recommend decreasing the curvature blend in my smart material.
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