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Has ANYONE thought of this before!?

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What  is with all the female characters in SW movies and now with JKA too



There was ALWAYS a variety of female characters in Star Wars, just the mainstream never realized it or acknowledged it until the new canon came around so they could make their own. But what baffled me is that NOBODY even tried making a female reborn model yet, Dark.

Cerez, Lancelot and KyleKatarn1995 like this
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I don't mind, but it's yet another stupid trend, that is going really off from what it is supposed to be. Like in the picture with rainbow trooper, why don't we make also some other gender characters, all sexual oriented characters as well and even a Unicotrooper (unicorn + stormtrooper) :D I mean ok do what you want, but some things should not get out of the line, so that people and fans can stil like it if you can understand my mumbo-jumbo thoughts.

KyleKatarn1995 likes this
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I like variety in Star Wars too.



speaking of which, I remember there was a rainbowtrooper or a 'peacetrooper' skin back in the days, but it was different from the one available in that "man shadowtrooper, chiss mon mothma, rainbow stormtrooper" pack. anyone know about it?

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I don't mind, but it's yet another stupid trend, that is going really off from what it is supposed to be. Like in the picture with rainbow trooper, why don't we make also some other gender characters, all sexual oriented characters as well and even a Unicotrooper (unicorn + stormtrooper) :D I mean ok do what you want, but some things should not get out of the line, so that people and fans can stil like it if you can understand my mumbo-jumbo thoughts.



Sounds anti-British anti-female, sir. :P


(But I agree that there needs to be a balance. However, to have a female Reborn is very much within that balance. Why not? There are female Jedi, so why not female Reborns?)

Lancelot and dark_apprentice like this
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New Reborn or original?

Eitherway, I'd definitely download it. Stormtroopers may have been mainly male if not only males at first, but the Dark Side isn't gender biased. So many of the Inquisitors were female. Why not Reborn?

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LOL, inside the mod escape from yavin 4 - the lost maps, there are some models of females reborns, also if they are reskins of Jan models. they was strong opponence.

one was the "sithress" with marka ragnos scepter, and the other was her female commanders. .

also, i remember asajj ventress, but she's a sith female, not a reborn female and not human race... mmm.

personally IMHO female reborn appereance should be like Visas Maar of Kotor 2.

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By the way, do you also mean this Kasumi from Dead or Alive? :)




No, I meant Kasumi from Mass Effect 2. I even attached a picture of her in my previous post.

She has the perfect body and the perfect suit to be a great basis for a female reborn.


Plus, she has an optional alternate appearance in Mass Effect 2, with a red suit, which was my inspiration to suggest her likeness.

It looks definitely reborn-ish.



Cerez, Numfast and KyleKatarn1995 like this
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I started something like this a while back.  Used the original Tavion as a base and frankensteined on the reborn's hood.  Unfortunately, I'm not good with textures (and Tavion's texture layout kind of sucks), so never got that far.


Maybe Jan would make a better base, Idk.

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