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Clone trooper Phase 2 armor

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The amount of detail the JA community puts into their models is staggering. Incredibly staggering. Coming from Battlefront we don't worry about so much detail, given that you rarely see it. Props to you.


blocking out basic colors for the ID map and bump detail

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Holy .. Bananas O.O


Cant even describe how awesome he ... OoO




The textures seem fine to me. You will still be doing a clean version like I asked for right?

ofc - I'm still seeing some slight flaws which I want to fix


the 501st paint job:


may have to decrease the glossiness of the main material again


I alsoadded some detail to the shoesoles, some nubbed rubber grip pads


EDIT: a imgur gallery with further pics


Omicron, Tempust85, Rayce and 6 others like this

the 501st paint job:


may have to decrease the glossiness of the main material again


I alsoadded some detail to the shoesoles, some nubbed rubber grip pads


EDIT: a imgur gallery with further pics




the 501st paint job:


may have to decrease the glossiness of the main material again


I alsoadded some detail to the shoesoles, some nubbed rubber grip pads


EDIT: a imgur gallery with further pics


This is hands down one of the best models made for this game and the BEST Clone trooper model.


Epic work @@AshuraDX !!


the 501st paint job:


may have to decrease the glossiness of the main material again


I alsoadded some detail to the shoesoles, some nubbed rubber grip pads


EDIT: a imgur gallery with further pics


We NEEED THIS FOR MBII!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


Looks uber awesome, but the triangle count is extremely high that not even MBII could/would use. Our (MBII) absolute maximum for non-mechs is 5,000 tris.

yeah indeed, I'm trieng to chop him down wherever I can


I got a 50% increase from the darn smoothing splits


Verts will get increased by using smooth groups but it shouldn't affect triangle count if you're using the new plugin.


Verts will get increased by using smooth groups but it shouldn't affect triangle count if you're using the new plugin.

oh, yes indeed I thought you said vert count

here's what I could chop him down to without visible difference



EDIT: another 285 tris down  still little to no visible difference



let's see if I can get to 7k vertices and 8.5k tris









Omicron likes this

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