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Clone trooper Phase 2 armor

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I have to hand it to Ashura. There's no way I could make all these highpoly changes. Once I go highpoly, I rarely change a thing unless it's Zbrush of course.

I think you just need more practice

most of these last changes required very little to no work

and I use the Graphite freeform tools in max a lot, try them

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As far as the arms go, as you have already mentioned about changing the shoulder pads, the only change I see the needs to be made is that the circle on the back should end about halfway.



Now as far as some other parts of the body go, the fourth pack really should be a simple box.


I also think the the kneepads should have some rounder edges as shown and may be even a bit more narrow as shown:

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Okay, there are only like three changes that I see as necessary.


The main one is the elbow guards:


According to reference, they should be a bit more rounder, they could also be a bit shorter too.



The second thing is that you could bring down the neck seal a little more.



And finally, maybe just make the bottom edges of the shoulder pad a tad bit rounder.



Aside from those few things, I have nothing more to add.

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@@Barricade24, keep in mind that the clone o nthat pic doesN't have his arm straight, but bent to about 90° this also angles the pad and makes it appear smaller from that point of view. but you may be right about the curvature of the bottom


I hoped to be done with the helmet but I guess i'll commit that change later, shoulder pads are noted.


keep gathering crits everyone, Dark Souls 3 will keep me busy some more :D



Langerd, Jolly and MrHeisenberg like this
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@@Barricade24, keep in mind that the clone o nthat pic doesN't have his arm straight, but bent to about 90° this also angles the pad and makes it appear smaller from that point of view. but you may be right about the curvature of the bottom


I hoped to be done with the helmet but I guess i'll commit that change later, shoulder pads are noted.


keep gathering crits everyone, Dark Souls 3 will keep me busy some more :D


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My brother is busy like You .. all the time X)

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