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EPVII Luke Skywalker

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Looking very good! Though i think the underneath of his chin should go up straight after the tip of his beard, rather than sloping gently to his neck as it is now, since at the moment it looks as though that is actually the size of his chin. And that would be one hell of a big chin!


Also, i realize his hair hasn't been textured yet, but in that pic it looks like he has been attacked by a grey blob! :P

Tempust85 likes this
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It seems that you've made 2D planes that would be sort of perpendicular to the face mesh edges??? ...you should make overlapping planes similar to how the hair is done on this character:




only group them tighter and curve them a bit more.  Or similar to these:





Keep up the great work! :winkthumb:

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That dark bit where the hair mesh and the plane mesh meet is unavoidable as it's shadowing on the mesh.


apply a edit normals modifier and tweak the normals in that area, that will atleast decrease how noticeable it is - can't say it will vanish entirely

Bek likes this
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