AshuraDX Posted June 1, 2017 Posted June 1, 2017 That doesn't look half bad I think!Blends better with the Torso. Langerd likes this
Langerd Posted June 1, 2017 Author Posted June 1, 2017 I dont know I just meant flip the head. Just another perspective. :S I dont know.. I dont like it like that. i thought that there are a lot of models made like You saw on the pic. I wanted to make big glassy helmet that is in some way out of proportion (that may look like mistake but i made it that way on purporse) and it Gives him a little mystery.Today i will try to upload something for You Guys I made a Arena (big Hall) with him as a BOSS!!! That is right. I added some func_breakables around Have on mind that he is using the Battlefront like Pulse Cannon sooo.. i made that weapon (him) powerful . In my story this DLT20a that he is using is modified. Dlt20a - not modified is disruptorDlt20a - modified is concussion rifle.But i will try to give You some screens soon ^^.I am rly proud that You like his look! I tried to make him memorable character. Noodle likes this
Droidy365 Posted June 2, 2017 Posted June 2, 2017 Well, I've come up with a full name for him, you can use it if you want.It's Javis Lectronburn
Langerd Posted June 3, 2017 Author Posted June 3, 2017 Well, I've come up with a full name for him, you can use it if you want.It's Javis LectronburnWell i will add his name only Some bounty hunters dont want to show their names but their nicknames Now i am about to Show You the Second Boss Fight ! It is Javis behind the shield barrier shooting Vader from the top. Important thing (i want to make script like this) - Javis can shoot us from this barrier but we.. cant. He is using the concussion rifle (Dlt20a - Pulse Cannon in my mod) and i want to scrpit him to be using normal and alt firing (mostly the Altternative) I will not tell You want You need to do here! It will be for You to guess I hope for near future AND One very important thing: You think that these towers will make everything much easier right ? Well... This Dude want You dead.. I Forgot!! I am makingg new sentry seeker model ^^ These will be annoying as hell in this duel. DarthStiv, Smoo, yeyo JK and 8 others like this
Droidy365 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 Nice lol. I'm really hyped for this mod Also, if Javis is going to be his nickname, then what would his given/real name be? Or will that be a secret? Langerd likes this
ZanderNao Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 Beautiful! Absolutely stunning! Keep up the great work! Langerd likes this
Noodle Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 It is Javis behind the shield barrier shooting Vader from the top. Important thing (i want to make script like this) - Javis can shoot us from this barrier but we.. cant. He is using the concussion rifle (Dlt20a - Pulse Cannon in my mod) and i want to scrpit him to be using normal and alt firing (mostly the Altternative) .. I'm 99% sure you can do that without a script. Instead of making the barrier a brush, make it a simple patch mesh, that way it becomes a one-sided forcefield,allowing your enemy to shoot at you, but blocking any missile brom the other side. Langerd likes this
Langerd Posted June 5, 2017 Author Posted June 5, 2017 I'm 99% sure you can do that without a script. Instead of making the barrier a brush, make it a simple patch mesh, that way it becomes a one-sided forcefield,allowing your enemy to shoot at you, but blocking any missile brom the other side. I used the Byss shield shader for that! i made 3x3 patch plane and i put it on the forcefield generators. The patches are great because they are one side only and i found out that we can shoot throught them if we are standing on the side without the texture. It is cool thing because we can use it in the lot scenarios and situations. The texture can be invisible as well and it would create weird effect when enemy can shoot You but Your blaster bolts are exploding in the air For sentry droids i want to make them annoying as hell. It will be hard because of the fact that Javis can knockback us. Droids will deal extra damage to You if You will not get up quickly because blocking from laying on the ground is not working Of course there will elite besping guards to kick our asses and i want to add rebel soldiers to the mix. We will fight : bespin cops, elite bespin cops , cyborgs (Lobot like) , ugnaughts, ugnaughts droids (these are WIP because i made one project but it was not near in the atmosphere to the cloud city so i want to make new one from scratch) , Rebel soldiers , maybe wookies, i am also thinking about making bothans and of course Jedi Bosses. but i have a problem - their lasers are invisible.. had this bug before but can someone tell me how to fix this? Noodle likes this
Noodle Posted June 5, 2017 Posted June 5, 2017 I used the Byss shield shader for that! i made 3x3 patch plane and i put it on the forcefield generators. The patches are great because they are one side only and i found out that we can shoot throught them if we are standing on the side without the texture. It is cool thing because we can use it in the lot scenarios and situations. The texture can be invisible as well and it would create weird effect when enemy can shoot You but Your blaster bolts are exploding in the air For sentry droids i want to make them annoying as hell. It will be hard because of the fact that Javis can knockback us. Droids will deal extra damage to You if You will not get up quickly because blocking from laying on the ground is not working I love the idea of bounty hunters using droids to take on force sensitive people. Kind of makes sense, since it's harder to sense something that isn't a living being. Langerd likes this
Langerd Posted June 6, 2017 Author Posted June 6, 2017 I love the idea of bounty hunters using droids to take on force sensitive people. Kind of makes sense, since it's harder to sense something that isn't a living being. I .. created monsters O__O i made them very fast - they are using the CLASS_Rockettrooper and it is shooting with repeater. The only new thing i was thinking about - Javis and 6 of those drones. If Vader will destroy one of them - after 6 seconds there came another drone. That made fight more annoying but more challange and skill is required. They are flying everywhere - because of speed sometimes even behind my back. Now there is only create them scripts that change them to the droids a little and of course make spawn script after destroying one of them. (i gave them weapon called weapon_jawa... They destroyed me so fast that it is ridiculous.. so i changed them to the repeaters. I am thinking about mixing three weapons - blaster alternative , repeater normal and disruptor normal)
Langerd Posted June 9, 2017 Author Posted June 9, 2017 I must say.. The Droid Drone model looks rly cool!I am near to finish the second boss fight. The mechanisms are working like a charm.I removed the alternative fire from the drones... They were too OP. yeyo JK, Circa, dark_apprentice and 4 others like this
Noodle Posted June 9, 2017 Posted June 9, 2017 I'm really liking the look of your new models! Truly a great job! Langerd likes this
Langerd Posted June 9, 2017 Author Posted June 9, 2017 I'm really liking the look of your new models! Truly a great job!Thanks! I want to add something from my head to the game Star Wars is my Number One Inspiration - Even in the Fantasy world i made .Maybe on holidays i will come back to the Morin Modification .. but i am starting to think that i should focus on Cloud City only.. Canny Silverino is funny and i made him in the game because.. i wanted to try something new - And it worked ^^. I am planing to add fixed Level One Mission of my Cloud City map and the second map which will be in a way shorter than the first but It will contain Two Boss Fights (One You see above)These two boss fights they will be very challenging... One of them You see above - In anutshell .. You must deflect the dlt20a shots even if Javis has a chance to hit You while You are jumping and use force speed.. Of course if You will not pay attention on Your health and force or if You will not use the force protection - Javis will knockback You .. deal about 60 dmg with two shots and drones will complete his job by killing You while You will be laying on the floor with 0 defense. This Boss fight is annoying and challenging in some way. I play this game for a long time and i had a lot of problems - If You Guys will play this Well ... i must say. Fightning will be on the second place in terms of difficulty. The First and hardest one thing is how to disable the shields and how to defeat the boss. And It will be hard to find out what to do with all this shit everywhere. The only one tip : USE FORCE GRIP (telekinesis).. A LOT. dark_apprentice and Noodle like this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted June 9, 2017 Posted June 9, 2017 BTW @@Langerd. Your laser EFX is peculiar. Did you try capturing that "Uncut Original Trilogy" feel with it? Langerd likes this
Jeff Posted June 10, 2017 Posted June 10, 2017 Nice work on creating two new characters that in my opinion fit extremely well into the Star Wars universe, that's not easy to do, but you nailed it. Langerd and ZanderNao like this
Langerd Posted June 12, 2017 Author Posted June 12, 2017 BTW @@Langerd. Your laser EFX is peculiar. Did you try capturing that "Uncut Original Trilogy" feel with it?Yep ! I also took lightsaber effects and edited them - The orignal effects are made by @@kalamaray . When i was watching the Vader's corridor scene i was paying attention how they made particles for blasters and lightsabers. They are creating ligting and also many sparks. The full red bolts are for Dh17 E11 and even Bowcaster. I also changed the disruptor into Dlt20a - The same Concussion Rifle. Nice work on creating two new characters that in my opinion fit extremely well into the Star Wars universe, that's not easy to do, but you nailed it. Thanks! They are 100% my concept so i am glad to hear that eue TheWhitePhoenix likes this
TheWhitePhoenix Posted June 12, 2017 Posted June 12, 2017 Yep ! I also took lightsaber effects and edited them - The orignal effects are made by @@kalamaray . When i was watching the Vader's corridor scene i was paying attention how they made particles for blasters and lightsabers. They are creating ligting and also many sparks. The full red bolts are for Dh17 E11 and even Bowcaster. I also changed the disruptor into Dlt20a - The same Concussion Rifle.Nice! When I tested it and from your early screenshots I always thought "Huh, they remind me of the unedited OT effects. Was that intentional?". And now, your answer confirmed it. @@kalamaray did very well recreating them.
Langerd Posted June 12, 2017 Author Posted June 12, 2017 Nice! When I tested it and from your early screenshots I always thought "Huh, they remind me of the unedited OT effects. Was that intentional?". And now, your answer confirmed it. @@kalamaray did very well recreating them.Must ask him about the permission but - Other players may modify and share this work so long as they provide credit to the original author. I see this so .. i think i dont need to just Type that He gave an amazing atmosphere in combat for my mod. TheWhitePhoenix likes this
Langerd Posted June 23, 2017 Author Posted June 23, 2017 I will come back to make second map soon! I was making projects , drawings and i created Javis Boss battle. But to be honest lets talk about cutscenes! Because i was not talking about them. I was thinking about making them in some way like that:-short cutscenes are in the big map-long cutscenes will be changed map from big to the small map. It will not only allow me making the animations and scripting easier but it will make everything much much cleaner. It will just load another map - just like this small cutscene with Rosh that is pissed off because of Kyle decisions etc.Also the second map will have new enemies and i just told You before : The bespin cops , cyborgs and bespin elite soldiers WILL NOT be the only enemies to fight. We will fight the Rebel soldiers - and i will give them repeaters and dh-17 but shot faster. Bothan Spies which will be - snipers with dlt20a (but remember - Javis has the modified weapon) and Wookies - Bowcasters but also repeaters with the alt fire - (I KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS STUPID ASS BUG! When enemy with repeater is using the alt fire he stops using it when You will get close to them. The issue was that he was shooting like 1bolt per minute. The trick is to add a loop script that makes enemy change the fire to normal and to alternative - 3 seconds of normal fire and 3 seconds of alternative shot. For normal part we must put shot_spacing line to fix this issue.)The new mechanics is batteries - the immortal npc that stands and do nothing. I will change sound of the grip to be more like this ambient force sound because it will work two ways - force grip and telekinesis.It is simple - but battery from current position to the platform - It will give the energy to the computers or even bridges , elevators etc. I will also try to make some places where You will think how to do things I made 3 batteries - red blue and white. But remember it will go the other way too - to turn something off or battery in one platform makes left doors open but right closed and second platform will do opposite. I will also pay attention on the atmosphere of the map - I Love the Cloud City and Luke vs Vader Duel is my favourite duel from Star Wars. I will try to make many things right some movie place like and OuORemember my Carbon Freezing Chamber duel map? I have only one thing to say : Jeff likes this
Noodle Posted June 23, 2017 Posted June 23, 2017 Very good to hear all this news. I like the batteries idea, since it's nice to see puzzles in JA. It is also a great way to make Vader use the force, since a character like him would relay on it for some problem-fixing. Langerd likes this
Langerd Posted July 5, 2017 Author Posted July 5, 2017 Some new things added and Second Map update New Animations for Reflecting the blaster bolts - I was looking at the Rogue One corridor scene. Also as You can see i tried to catch the atmosphere of the blasters as well - the colour the lighting.New Scope for Dlt20a - Looking at the Battlefront Pulse Cannon. New room - kinda enginner type of room. The Second map will be a little maze - of course i will try to make some puzzle solving and catching the batteries stuff too. Some small changes - like this shield barrier and the battery platform room with doors. swegmaster, SecretApprentice, McGroose and 5 others like this
Noodle Posted July 5, 2017 Posted July 5, 2017 Some new things added and Second Map update New Animations for Reflecting the blaster bolts - I was looking at the Rogue One corridor scene. Also as You can see i tried to catch the atmosphere of the blasters as well - the colour the lighting.New Scope for Dlt20a - Looking at the Battlefront Pulse Cannon. New room - kinda enginner type of room. The Second map will be a little maze - of course i will try to make some puzzle solving and catching the batteries stuff too. Some small changes - like this shield barrier and the battery platform room with doors. Your work always inspires me to work on my own, it's so incredible what you're achieving. I feel like you're really capturing the essence of Vader. Langerd and therfiles like this
Langerd Posted July 5, 2017 Author Posted July 5, 2017 And i forgot... that he wants You dead. RAILBACK, yeyo JK, Smoo and 4 others like this
RAILBACK Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 You made that animation? A thumb action across the neck? Thats pretty sweet Langerz. yeyo JK, Langerd and Smoo like this
Langerd Posted July 14, 2017 Author Posted July 14, 2017 New Stuff Guys!!! Today i would like to introduce My New player model - New Rebel enemy - Bothan Spy.These guys will turn invisible and i wan to make them teleport in some way with scripts. Some fixes and added props to the engineer rooms.I Also started to make a room with two huge pipes. You need to be careful here! And first You will need to make fan weaker with the console somewhere to make Your way to the last big room.And.. the last room is still WIP but .. i am trying my best to make it fresh and interesting. I will not Tell what is going on here. But Here You have - Cooling System Room. yeyo JK, IrocJeff, SecretApprentice and 5 others like this
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