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Star Wars Episode VII Discussion

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I'm fucking loving the above :D New is not always bad, however new is often bad compared to the old. Maul's staff made sense. VII saber is retarded.

BruceJohnJenner likes this

I'm fucking loving the above :D New is not always bad, however new is often bad compared to the old. Maul's staff made sense. VII saber is retarded.

Actually, I would say the new saber makes more sense, handguards are useful. Only problem I have with it, is that the handguard could still get cut off, unless the saber is made out of cortosis or something like that...


EDIT: And I agree with @@NumberWan, people always seem to reject new and fresh ideas if it doesn't fit with their nostalgia. Now granted, you probably do have good reasons for rejecting them, but still...seems like the same thing every movie (not referring to you @@hleV, just people in general).


EDIT 2: Also, the unstable blade is most likely a result of the crystal being used for it - red blades aren't natural, they have to be synthetically made, which is why Jedi don't typically use them.

NumberWan, z3filus and therfiles like this

I compared the trailer of Episode VII with previous teasers-trailers of Episodes I-VI. Funny that even such small videos reveal the general atmosphere of the story:

IV trailer introduces an adventure with aliens and evil Empire, it's like a true battle against evil;

V re-ignites the traditions of the now favourite story and is deeper and darker, dealing with major conflict - not of the Empire and the Alliance, but of the ideas; 

VI trailer prepares the audience for the final and most important (at the time) step further - this is a pivotal moment for Darth Vader and all others;

I - re-introduces the Saga and makes everyone feel agitated - lots of unfamiliar faces, but classic SW traits are present, we see bright Republic, Naboo and even Tatooine at its best - the Galaxy is stable and prosperous

II - the trailer (with similar music as Ep VII) shows the Republic at its might with darker motives and unclear coming events, which are the real Menace from Episode I.

III - Even darker theme, which means both that we are to see the showdown of all pawns in game and the inevitable, which would make "the circle complete"

VII - With all the events and characters having reached their logical stage of moving ahead, we now see that troubling times are coming with no prior tools to deal with the problems now - Rule of Two, Jedi Code, Senate machinations, Balance of the Force or even the Chosen one are no longer a formula to resolving anything - they played their role in due time, but no longer.


Well, it doesn't look like a traditional saber blade so I'm going to go with it being an ancient sith saber.


Btw, here's a refresh of this image:




Could be that Pip Anderson?


To make it look like "rippling fire" is what is so absurd to me! Even Darth Siduous, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, and the Inquisitor had/have proper lightsaber blades.


In KOTOR did they ever have such a blade? I think not...


@@DT85 -- I strongly believe it's Adam Driver... from his lanky walk and how he stepped when igniting that atrocious "sword" -- Ever noticed how Driver's nose looks similar to the Inquisitor's?


To make it look like "rippling fire" is what is so absurd to me! Even Darth Siduous, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, and the Inquisitor had/have proper lightsaber blades.


In KOTOR did they ever have such a blade? I think not...

That's why I think it will be more of an ancient Sith sword that's powered by the dark side or something, rather than a crystal.

Tempust85 and NumberWan like this


Indeed. The concept suggested that everyone could have such a weapon, even stormtroopers (who had white blades). I old version of Episode IV I always had the feeling that on the Millenium Falcon Luke didn't have blue lightsaber, but rather white or navy one (I actually like the Navy color of a lightsaber).




Well, it doesn't look like a traditional saber blade so I'm going to go with it being an ancient sith saber.


Btw, here's a refresh of this image:




Could be that Pip Anderson?


I think it actually is the old weapon. I agree with @@Circa, that the saber might be not using a crystal, but some unknown substance.


And while Darth Vader, Palpatine and others had proper crystals, I think they are rare. Probably Palpatine was the last to know the secret of synthesizing such a red crystal, thus the new villain had neither time nor idea to make a proper classic blade.


In any case Star Wars introduced lots of strange weapons, like plasma balls (they just look funny), Padme's stun baton (The Phantom Menace video game) and Ezra's strange yellow "blaster". Some were cool though, like Geonosian sonic blaster and "light-gloves" seen in TPM game as well.


Funny thing, someone corrected the Canon section of Dark Troopers on wookiepedia, so that John Boyega presumably has the part of one in Episode VII. Definitely a hoax.

Tempust85 and z3filus like this

There is a "crazy lens" version in the web now. i actually laughed (and wondered what would "lava" sword haters would say in this occasion) 


Also according to theforce.net, the voice in the trailer belongs to...


Andy Serkis


Omicron likes this

how dare some people to say Stormtroopers can't be black?? That's like... the most childish thing I've heard since... ever  :o stormtroopers aren't clones;

the StormTroopers was a massive Imperial Army scattered all over the galaxy, they were basically mercenaries with military training, since just about anyone

who could fit himself/herself into the armor, was accepted into the ranks. This is from where the new Disney Trilogy picks up the story So it's stupidity to expect that

there would be any clones wearin those armors just because the clone troopers were a fairly recent addition to the saga. Even for Trolling... that's just stupid.


how dare some people to say Stormtroopers can't be black?? That's like... the most childish thing I've heard since... ever  :o stormtroopers aren't clones;

the StormTroopers was a massive Imperial Army scattered all over the galaxy, they were basically mercenaries with military training, since just about anyone

who could fit himself/herself into the armor, was accepted into the ranks. This is from where the new Disney Trilogy picks up the story So it's stupidity to expect that

there would be any clones wearin those armors just because the clone troopers were a fairly recent addition to the saga. Even for Trolling... that's just stupid.


I thought it was neat to see another black guy besides Lando in the universe.. hehe.


At any rate, I'm a bit confused when you say that "Stormtroopers was a massive Imperial Army scattered all over the galaxy". There were way more Imperial Army personnel than there were Stormtroopers. 


yeah concentrate on that... you probably noticed my message was that Im mad about the real/troll racism floating around the trailer


or then he's going to be exactly like the black kid in StarWars Rebels;  feels quilty and wants to help the young hero. A Han solo -personality.


though it would be nice to too more jedis besides Luke...   :/

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