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Jeff's never ending WIP's

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9 hours ago, Kiindaal said:

Hello Jeff. I just want to start off by saying I am a huge fan of your work. A few years back you made a really detailed Darth Tenebrous kitbash which I downloaded out of your dropbox. I made an npc file for it to use in single player but every time I spawn the model it appears without a lightsaber blade. The hilt appears in hand, but there is no blade. I was using default lightsabers, but none of them work. Is this a rigging issue or something in the animations perhaps? I know its been a long time since you released it and have since moved on to other projects, but I was just curious if you had any insight as to what maybe causing the issue. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.

Thanks and the issue is the model doesn't have a l_hand or r_hand so I fixed that and the updated model should work, let me know if it doesn't. I also threw in 2 new models which are these 2 ISB agent and Nom Anor.  





https://www.dropbox.com/s/c00vqzik2jyxyz0/Darth Tenebrous Update.zip?dl=0

Odeyseis, McGroose, Teancum and 9 others like this
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On 3/21/2020 at 8:53 PM, Noodle said:


Can you upload it as a normal file? This deserves it. 

What is a "normal file"? haha


Also, how the heck do you post images in this forum thing??? I can only put in links and its annoying me. I want ppl to see the image I'm referencing, not click a dang link! thanks in advance... rant over

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3 hours ago, BlindDaThief said:

What is a "normal file"? haha


Also, how the heck do you post images in this forum thing??? I can only put in links and its annoying me. I want ppl to see the image I'm referencing, not click a dang link! thanks in advance... rant over

Lol I'm guessing he means directly in the JKhub file list and admitted via mod approval instead of on a single page of a gigantic thread like this one.

Normally you could just put in the direct image URL and it would load the image for you. This still is the case but I swear JKhub has been incredibly slow with registering that lately. It took me a long time yesterday to post pictures here cause of that. It took me a good couple minutes of waiting for those URLs to become embedded images in my post. IDK if the problem is with Imgur or this site.

You could also try the bottom right corner of your post, click on "insert other media",  select "insert image from URL". Which basically just does the same thing as I said above.


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19 hours ago, dream_brother said:

Jeff, amazing work as always! Especially the Darth Bane model! His mask reminded me of Kueller from the EU, so my question/wish is: Could you maybe make a Kueller model? ? Thanks in advance, man!spacer.png

Yessssss, I've wanted Kueller for a long time.

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