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Jeff's never ending WIP's

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6 minutes ago, C4N said:

@Jeff I'm doing some fine tuning to those revanite models.

I really love them and I'm using them for my clan/order (group of friends I play with) skins, would you like me to link the fixed .glm here when It's done?

Sure sounds good and glad your enjoying them.

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Way harder than expected, many surfaces are already squeezing that 1000 vertex limit, even those already split into multiple surfaces.


I can smell that same frustration I'm having right now from some of those surface names haha. Well this will take more time than I though, I'll just upload a pack when everything is done.

For now, this is done so far; pursuer's belly being slightly adjusted for a non belt version and standard jedi boots.


NumberWan, krkarr and Jeff like this
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18 hours ago, Niborino said:

Hi, I am trying to use this https://jkhub.org/files/file/2650-general-kenobi/ in sp. I have read that it may not work in sp but I do not know unless I try. I am thinking I should be able to use "playermodel X" but that does not work since I do not know the model name. Does anyone know what to do? ?

I managed myself through a tutorial(probably shoulda posted in the link above but found it here first ??https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezme7vbMC6I



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I'm not requesting this but I'm hoping you can help source some stuff. I'm looking to kitbash a Temmin "Snap" Wexley, and didn't know if we 1) had a good Resistance flight suit out there and 2) if there was a chubby dude with facial hair that might be a good start. Thanks for any help you can give man! The SWBF community really appreciates the JK community's willingness to hook us up so both games can be great.spacer.png

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20 hours ago, Teancum said:

I'm not requesting this but I'm hoping you can help source some stuff. I'm looking to kitbash a Temmin "Snap" Wexley, and didn't know if we 1) had a good Resistance flight suit out there and 2) if there was a chubby dude with facial hair that might be a good start. Thanks for any help you can give man! The SWBF community really appreciates the JK community's willingness to hook us up so both games can be great.

Scerendo's Poe Dameron would be a good flight suit (it would need to be edited bigger) and MB2 has a Porkins model, but honestly I would just use a standard bearded head, texture it, add hair and make it rounder. 

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So definitely NOT trying to hijack, but I took a bit of a different direction with Lumiya. This is more to show Jeff based on a side conversation that we had. Note that this is for Star Wars Battlefront 2 and not JKA, but that's because I haven't really learned JKA rigging. This uses the Xbox SWBF2 Ventress body, Jeff's head, and a turban from Star Wars Galaxies, since that's been shut down for years now. It's not high poly or anything so I don't know how this would look in JKA.


krkarr, NumberWan, Delmi and 1 other like this
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Can you please make these custom figures to models for JKA?


Chirrut Imwe as a Jedi "what if"



Obi-Wan Kenobi as a young Jedi Knight (few months after TPM)



"what if" Anakin never turned to dark side... Jedi Grand Master Anakin


Legolas as Jedi


Jedi Master Luke


Farm boy Anakin



"What if" Light Side Anakin Skywalker after Episode III



Young Mace Windu Jedi



Thank You


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On 1/11/2020 at 7:13 PM, Teancum said:

So definitely NOT trying to hijack, but I took a bit of a different direction with Lumiya. This is more to show Jeff based on a side conversation that we had. Note that this is for Star Wars Battlefront 2 and not JKA, but that's because I haven't really learned JKA rigging. This uses the Xbox SWBF2 Ventress body, Jeff's head, and a turban from Star Wars Galaxies, since that's been shut down for years now. It's not high poly or anything so I don't know how this would look in JKA.


I'm surprised you were able to get that to work. Is there even source files for Ventress' and Fisto's gameplay style since they're both different from the other hero units?

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On 1/11/2020 at 7:13 PM, Teancum said:

So definitely NOT trying to hijack, but I took a bit of a different direction with Lumiya. This is more to show Jeff based on a side conversation that we had. Note that this is for Star Wars Battlefront 2 and not JKA, but that's because I haven't really learned JKA rigging. This uses the Xbox SWBF2 Ventress body, Jeff's head, and a turban from Star Wars Galaxies, since that's been shut down for years now. It's not high poly or anything so I don't know how this would look in JKA.


Part of me feels like it kind of lacks something though. I think maybe giving her a cape could actually really round out the model a bit more. 

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On 1/11/2020 at 7:13 PM, Teancum said:

So definitely NOT trying to hijack, but I took a bit of a different direction with Lumiya. This is more to show Jeff based on a side conversation that we had. Note that this is for Star Wars Battlefront 2 and not JKA, but that's because I haven't really learned JKA rigging. This uses the Xbox SWBF2 Ventress body, Jeff's head, and a turban from Star Wars Galaxies, since that's been shut down for years now. It's not high poly or anything so I don't know how this would look in JKA.


Does BF2 have a lightwhip? That would be epic.

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4 hours ago, Nerdman3000 said:

You know, I always wondered if a lightwhip would be possible to code/mod into JK3. It’d probably take a lot of work.

Not a coder, but maybe it could be done adding code for animated weapon models, and having an animated whip, or even just a ragdoll whip with several bones that move with the attack animations.

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7 hours ago, Ramikad said:

Not a coder, but maybe it could be done adding code for animated weapon models, and having an animated whip, or even just a ragdoll whip with several bones that move with the attack animations.

The animation would be the difficult part, the model itself would be easy.

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