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Post Your Frankenstein Ideas Here

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I must be really bored lately because I can't think of anything worthwhile to frankenstein. I found out a much quicker way to do this without having to re-rig the model (cough cough 3DS Max) with the amazingly useful Blender - unfortunately this limits me to only being able to mix and match models that have been rigged in the JKA engine so that means ports in their raw form are off limit.


If you have a request please post the links to all the models that'll be involved and try to be as specific as possible.


This process still takes a while and I'm still learning Blender's atrocious UI layout so please be patient.


Look forward to seeing your requests!

Dumah 11523 and Jolly like this

You could try to add more variety to some alien models by mixing their heads with the various Jaden outfits. We've seen plenty of Alien Jedi robed models, but the same idea would be nice with normal clothes. 




You could also add new heads to the prisoners. I mean, it's just one model,

but different textures make you think that there are two or more different models.


If you take a closer look at the model, you can see how lazy the developers were.


Alrighty, as per @@Darth Reborn 's request I've placed the Female Twilek and Female Zabrak heads on his model of choice (skins obviously aren't altered):






I'm no skinner :P so I think I'll leave the skinning up to you Reborn.


DL Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vfs0hdkjxw6e25k/amalia_newheads.zip?dl=0


I'll be working on your other frankenstein requests now, Reborn.


P.S: I couldn't use the image attachment tool it kept saying how I don't have permission to use images with that attachment, which is odd considering its just a .jpg

Darth Reborn likes this

* I have a little request: Put the heads from one model into another body/model...


- Here are the models and the heads: http://www.mediafire.com/download/f993677vtjd9h32/ZZZZZZSith1.pk3




Basically, these are skins of a Sith female with red skin and black hair, and long hair and short hair.


- And this is the model from the body: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1835-vensling/


* So, can you place the heads  into the body? I want it to look like this:


1 the head with the short hair http://imgbox.com/3FljPwLm


2 and the other head with long hair  http://imgbox.com/pApxheEi


That's handy information to know, unfortunately I'm a bit busy at the moment and can't just go deep google searching. Might you have a link @@Kualan?

And me too, please!- didn't know that before...


Guest BlackWidow

someone was kind enough to post links to the 'old' imperial knight skins in one of my threads several months ago



but as for this 'Updated' version, I did some looking around and wasn't able to come across it either, sorry.



as for this thread, hmm, I'll request something, how about a female Imperial knight?




^ for heads



something like this: https://jkhub.org/images/8W3r6bO.png






i'd be pretty grateful for something like this, thanks in advance if you decide to do it.


I'm sat in a power cut right now so can't search my models folder but got this screen shot from my comic which shows the model I mean.


Also shows a female variant -



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