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[Suggestions] Revan and Bane

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Google search gives me about 3-4 different Darth Bane designs. So I don't know what he is supposed to look like.

Desann is an example of a Sith who would never dress up in robes as the Jedi do, he'd rather wear a protecting armor.


By the way;


Buddhist thought is central to the Jedi Code, as well as the samurai code of conduct, or Bushido.

This is something George Lucas himself has spoken of, and he considers himself a Buddhist methodist.

Darth Vader was originally supposed to look like a futuristic samurai, the design changes a couple times

but the helmet remained, and atleast now, you should see the connection to the Samurai and Buddhism.





I would use this model if it would be made for JA.   I can already see a few reskin options for it.

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Even though it's technically possible to put Gir's high resolution one in game it would seriously impact performance say if you were on a server and a couple of other people decided to use the model as well and you all got on screen. The way JA processes graphics sucks, you can have an awesome PC but stuff a couple of high poly models in the game and spawn them all you'll see a serious drop in performance.


A high detail Desann would be cool, he had a cool voice, was well spoken and intelligent. I really liked his character, especially the thought of someone facing him as he's far larger than a human and probably A LOT stronger.

eezstreet and Delmi like this
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Good thinking, zefilus. Though I did suggest a reborn Revan, mainly... though I do not at all care if someone would add a Darth Revan variant too--I invite that addition. The model you referenced is a bit out of shape in some areas, namely the helmet. Looks good though. :P

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Even though it's technically possible to put Gir's high resolution one in game it would seriously impact performance say if you were on a server and a couple of other people decided to use the model as well and you all got on screen. The way JA processes graphics sucks, you can have an awesome PC but stuff a couple of high poly models in the game and spawn them all you'll see a serious drop in performance.


I have no idea what you're talking about, show me atleast 1 player model that causes FPS drop while in game. I haven't noticed any FPS drops ever that is caused by player models alone.

If you're reffering to Almighty Gir's Darth Revan model, I'm even more confused, since it looks just as detailed as DT's Darth Maul,  HS_Anakin  or the Starkiller model (with the helmet+claws)

and none of these models cause any drop in performance. You'd have to have a very very low end PC for that to happen, either that or there is something else that causes the FPS drop.



Below are 2 images showing the AG version - as you can see, it looks great in modview, but ingame....   it looks like a mess





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You didn't read, I never said the version that's in the game can cause a performance hit.


Download Inyri's Geth model, spawn a few of them as NPC's, enable the FPS counter through the console and watch.


You don't seem to know much about these sort of things, the first pic isn't a ModView pic, it's a Marmoset render with all sort of different maps enabled like normal, AO, specular and probably cavity. JA isn't able to render these maps at the moment so it isn't going to look the same. Also, JA cannot handle cloth at all, which is why everything is rigid, the model wasn't even meant for JA but I put it in the game since at the time all there was is a very poorly ported model.

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You didn't read, I never said the version that's in the game can cause a performance hit.



Yes you did;


Even though it's technically possible to put Gir's high resolution one in game it would seriously impact performance say if you were on a server and a couple of other people decided to use the model as well and you all got on screen.



So I was mistaken about that screencapture being taken in ModView. I still haven't seen a playermodel that causes FPS to drop, I downloaded the Geth model and didn't get any fps drops in Jedi'sHome JL 2.

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Darth Bane has never been of too much interest for me. I would agree, that his original form is closer to what he represented.


There is something I like about the newer version - perhaps the way it looks like a really old forgotten armour, no longer used these days.


Being skinny is okey for this model - besides the fact, that the models is using flames and looks larger, it's a dead corpse after all.

It's notable, that at one point they wanted to add Bane at much earlier stage - to Season 2 or 3. About Mortis. There he had a very classic look. Revan also can be seen there, but they both didn't make it into the show.


Actually I like the Sith spirits models on Korriban more - they have these cool dark cap and ivory masks.


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About revan above i think it is just the textures are problem. We can change his skin because the model is ok but... there are some poroblems about this model:
-TOO detail ... (Modview shows 6906 vertexes and my clean jk3 without any mods shows an error: running out of transform space...)
-The cape looks strange :/ It makes him fat
-i think his head is a little bit too small... the mask is a size of the head.
-And there are even problems with his textures...


If someone have a contact with the author maybe he will change it a bit and fix it


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Hapslash Via his own forums




I know some people hold out hope that I'll spring to life after a dormant state and start pumping out models again... I can't say it won't happen, but I definitely wouldn't hold your breath.

Truth be told, I've pretty much given up on JK.

There's a lot of reasons as to why I have, but the heart of the matter is... it's not any fun. This is what I was doing for several years as entertainment, and everyone ruined it.

I started modding JO as a way to add to an already fun game. I looked at the game as it was... Jedi Outcast... it was a Star Wars game, had the good makings of one.... but didn't look quite right. My goal was to try to repair the visual style of the game, as a way to enhance the gameplay. And I did this by begining to revamp the NPC's

I got into modding pretty late in the game. It didn't seem like it, but the rushed release of JA drastically reduced the life of JO. People wanted to move on to the new game, and the mod team I was just getting into had pushed for it.

Now the problem with JA, is that the SP storyline is extremely lacking, and this shifted the focus of the game to a multi-player theme. In this way, the work I was doing was made less significant, and the free-for-all aspect became more focused on popular characters, rather than making everything look the way it should.

Because of this, most of my originally planned ideas were pushed aside, and my models that were virtually finished now had to wait in line to be completed over those of greater demand. Some being phased out to "maybe... someday".

As I started to get into making the popular characters, rather than what I wanted to be doing, I started to gather more attention. While the spotlight does have some desirable elements, the overwhelming crap you have to put up with gets to be annoying.

People started assuming that I was free to be used in whatever way they wanted. Answering mail everyday could take hours, simply trying to explain to people why I can't drop everything in my life to fulfill their asinine requests. All while they tried to downplay the amount of work it truly was. It escalated to the point where I answered mail only once a week... a lot of messages became cut and paste replies that I had sent out hundreds of times.

Annoying e-mails only became part of the problem... I set up the void in it's original form as a way for myself and other editors to come together, share what they've done and try to get some feedback to help improve our work. Because in the end, I was making these models for the public at large... I didn't even have the game.

In the beginning, this was a lot of help. But, as time passed, people's attitudes began to change and their assistance far from helpful. Suddenly everyone was a critic, and more often than not, acted like an expert.

Contradictory and over-critical opinion over how the project was going('helmet is too small' message being followed by 'helmet is too big'... 'texture should be more brown', 'texture should have less color') just became a nuisance. Here's a tip, don't offer advice unless you know what you're talking about, or have at least done some research, I don't care which crappy quality photo you think has the correct shade of color to it, don't open your mouth unless you've tested what you believe.

Just as annoying and useless are the zealot like responses, holding everything I've done aloft as if I crapped gold.... I don't crap gold people. I'm not an amazing artist...I just work hard at what I do...and it's still not anywhere near "perfect".

Then there's the other camp.... Those who try to get you to quit before you embarrass their zealot's choice. "Why are you bothering when so-and-so's model is perfect." Believe it, or not... but I've had to wade through that with every single project, save 2.... Obi-Wan and the Gamorrean.

Now we get into the constant badgering, about why it isn't done... as if I were on some sort of schedule and my job was on the line.... throw on top of that the constant bickering between members, those supporting me, and those against. The hostilities between these two groups led to more delays than they ever fixed.

Then finally, after it had been released, often in a hurry... The people who were behind me 100%, would turn around and rip into the work the day after it's available. After being told by numerous people how your work should have been better, and how they intend to "fix" it, it just begs one to ask... "Why did I bother in the first place, if I did it wrong?"

The struggles between making it, getting it in-game, pleasing the public, and keeping my sanity.... made it so it just wasn't worth it.

And one day, I just walked away from the table

There was no set plan, no hidden agenda. I just needed a break. And when i felt rested enough, looked back.... and didn't really see anything back there for me. Just a large group of rude obnoxious people who only really cared about getting their model... so they could butcher it or pass it up for the next one that comes along.

when I started, it was all a group effort to make the game better.... but in the moment I looked back, I only saw a bunch of people going "Me,...me,...me,... ME!"

So,... Am I done with JA?


Will I release what I have so other's can finish?

No... You wouldn't believe how often my work has been butchered, abused, and currently being made a profit from. Not just in name, but also in real money. There's a shop in SL that sells my textures on the SL player model. and this is only one instance I know of it being done.

Can I alter one of your models into my own Frankenstein creation?[/color]

I'd rather you not. if you're truly creating new content for the community, pitch me your idea. otherwise... I'll say no if you ask.

What are you doing now then?

That is a question for another time.......



Lancelot, Jolly and therfiles like this
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This game doesn't yet have a good enough Revan --  they all look akward and fat.  They weren't easy to do, Im sure, but since when has anyone made

a player model that is perfect since day one? I think  the Revan model is yet to be made.  I know nothing about Darth Bane so I won't comment on that.



This is how Revan should look like ingame;  like a reborn that has been upgraded. 





For future reference: These kinds of posts are poison, they are the reason all of the original content creators left.

By all means, dislike the work people do. Feel free to not download a model you don't like, that's your choice. But to say that there is no good version of this character is a lie, there are good versions, you just don't like them.

If you want one that looks like that picture, make it yourself.


And before you come back with all of the age old excuses as to why you can't make it yourself. Please remember that i don't even have a high school equivalent grade in any field of art. I flunked it, i didn't even take the exam. I got where i am now by trying, and failing, and getting better. 

Jeff, Psyk0Sith, Jolly and 6 others like this
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These kinds of posts are poison, they are the reason all of the original content creators left.


 Feel free to not download a model you don't like, that's your choice. But to say that there is no good version of this character is a lie, there are good versions, you just don't like them.



It's not a lie, you just don't seem to like critics. You're a stranger to me, so I can't expect anything from you, except that if you're older than 15, you should be mature enough to admit

your flaws and not get pissed off when your work gets criticized.  Nobody here was asking about your education - You've already told us you're not interested in this request, so calm down.



@@Oobah -  That is interesting.  Could you give us a link?  It would be even better if he himself would log in to Jkhub and make a new topic about this.

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It's not a lie, you just don't seem to like critics. You're a stranger to me, so I can't expect anything from you, except that if you're older than 15, you should be mature enough to admit

your flaws and not get pissed off when your work gets criticized.  Nobody here was asking about your education - You've already told us you're not interested in this request, so calm down.


Don't take a passioned persons response the wrong way, he's not getting all worked up and attacking people he's merely clarifying his own position/view point is all.  Even he can critic the criticurs, he's not specificly attacking a person he's just trying to get how he thinks and feels on the subject at hand across to someone who percieves the subject matter presetned differently.


tl;dr agree to disagree. :)


The positive and negative aspect of no barrier for entry is you get a lot of content produced but you always get more rehashes of work then you do original content.  The original content from scratch takes more work and energy to produce so you can't blame someone for taking pride in there work simply because a lot of people who have done that have honestly more or less made the same stance on subjects like this which have been repeated a billion times over.  It's easier to just not release content to the mass at large if you don't want something of yours being altered.


People just have an attitude problem and if someone wishes to explain something some people fly off the handle and think "zomg he's trolling!" or "u mad?" sort of mindsets and really that's not the case in any way shape or form.


Hapslash isn't going to make a topic.  It's a really old forum post dating back to 2008.


This is why it is a GOOD thing for any clan or old group to preserve forums and old file hosting sites with information relating to JK as a whole.  It's history and honestly what you will find is the same tired old conversations repeated time and time again.  But even that takes work to do. :lol:


Lot of people are just older and taking a more cycnical and bitter attitude to something that should be about fun.  People in general just need to chill as in relax, play and enjoy the game for itself.  Keep the internet crap and the real world stuff where it is.  When your in JK that's your time to be a jedi or sith.  Use your imagination some more, it's how we had a lot of clans doing things years ago. :P



Internet words like LEL and nub are annoying and pointless exstentions off lol, newb, and lawl.  It's not original, it's stupidJust my opinion! :P

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People in this community seem to forget that not everyone creates for others. They create because they want to, for their own reasons. Sure you can "critique" all you want, but that doesn't mean the author has to even consider it. People in this community have an issue with critiquing though. Saying something is "bad" is an opinion, not a critique.


Anyway, this is all off topic. I can split this if the topic starter would like.

Jeff, Omicron, therfiles and 1 other like this
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I didnt post that the model is crap D: Sry if you meant like this...It is nice but ... I just said my opinion.

I create weapons and maps for myself and sometimes even for school. But i like tho share my works with other modders :)
They sometimes critize my work but they just say their own opinion... They are not forcing anyone to make this mods.

Sry if you were angry D:


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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing *technically* wrong about Gir's Revan is that it has too many polygons, which causes nasty visual issues if there are a significant number of polys being displayed at any one time. This is dubbed the "Medusa Bug." Other than that, it is absolutely spot on as to what Revan is, and there's nothing wrong with his artistic interpretation. Interperetation is bound to happen as artists in this medium are not supposed to replicate images with 100% accuracy. That's rather like expecting someone to copy an exact image of a painting using pastel crayons instead of paint AND without being able to measure exact proportions. In actuality, his Revan looks very accurate to the original sources, and I'm very confused about what people seem to think looks wrong. It wasn't until TOR and afterwards did Revan's image change. As of when this model was created, it is a great representation of what his image was in the kotor game.

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